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  1. is there any query to find out all the keywords used in MySql? eg varchar,desc,limit etc... [*i'm using mysql version 4.1.22] thanks.
  2. Hi can anybody help me? pls, I want to get the file size of a url for example http://www.eatinguide.com/index.htm //my sample code like this //---------------------------------------------------------------- $site = file_get_contents('http://www.eatinguide.com/index.htm'); print "filesize[" . strlen($site)/1024 . "kb]"; //---------------------------------------------------------------- the problem is, it only display the size of text. how to display the whole size of the url? or website, including the image files? pls pls, help me? is it possible in PHP or should i have to write some scripts in pearl/cgi? thanks in advance! shukra
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