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  1. Hi All, I'm attempting to parse some XML and am having some trouble It seems that I'm grabbing the elements correctly, but they don't seem to be assigning themselves. When I try to echo the value, there's nothing. It's probably some novice error (i'm new to PHP), so any help would be greatly appreciated! $fp = fopen("MY URL HERE", "r"); if ($fp) { echo "Made the check!\n"; while (!feof($fp)) $gamerfeed .= fgets($fp); if ($gamerfeed != '') { $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->recover=true; @$dom->loadXML($gamerfeed); $RecentGames = $dom->getElementsByTagName('ArrayOfGame')->item(0); $HasEvents = false; // Loop through each Game within RecentGames foreach($RecentGames->getElementsByTagName('Game') as $GameNode) { $HasEvents = true; // Get the Game Attributes from within RecentGames $Name = $GameNode->getElementsByTagName('Title')->textContent; echo($Name); It doesn't echo the name! Here's the XML I'm grabbing: <?xml version="1.0"?> <ArrayOfGame> <Game> <Id>NPWR00449_00</Id> <IdGameEurope>75</IdGameEurope> <Title>Uncharted: Drakes Fortune</Title> </Game> </ArrayOfGame> I'm still learning parsing, so sorry if it's obvious thanks! john
  2. Hi all, this is kind of a weird question. I have an extension loaded into php.ini. I would like this module to not be loaded in a virtual host, and needs to be loaded runtime, meaning we have to put it in .htaccess. Easy, right? Well, here's the kicker: There isn't a key to disable the particular key/class we don't want. So now my question: Is there a way to disable a module by name in the .htaccess file? We could disable it in php.ini, then call it for each virtual domain, but that is resource intensive. Thanks!!
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