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Everything posted by MsAngel

  1. Well my code basically is a map indicate 2 points to show where you are. when u manally input the number in the 2boxes Longitude & Latitude it's will display on the map and hv a point indicate there. and now i got to do is the 2 number i manaully type in which is the value, it's must display from the webpage. yup pls help me thks! <html> <head> <?php $posLat = $_POST["lat"]; $posLon = $_POST["lon"]; if( $posLat==0 ) $posLat=1.40335; if( $posLon==0 ) $posLon=103.7913; $target = "Flash/flashimage.php?latitude=" . $posLat . "&longitude=" . $posLon . ""; ?> <form action="astarFlash.php" method="post"> <?php print 'Manual Input<br>'; print 'Longitude: <input name="lon" type="text" value=' . $posLon . ' >'; print 'Latitude: <input name="lat" type="text" value=' . $posLat . ' >'; ?> <input type="submit" /> </form> <form action="astarFlash.php" method="post"> <?php function readDatabase() { $numargs = func_num_args(); $arg_list = func_get_args(); $strDataItems = ""; $conn = @mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); if (!$conn) die("<p>Error connecting to MySQL: <i>" . mysql_error() . "</i></p>"); // echo("<br>"."Connected to Database Successfully"); if (!@mysql_select_db( $arg_list[0], $conn )) die("Error selecting astar database: <i>" . mysql_error() . "</i></p>"); // echo(" | Selected astar database successfully"); $queryStr = "select * from " . $arg_list[1]; $result = mysql_query( $queryStr ); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $strDataItems = $strDataItems."<br>"; for ($colno = 0; $colno < ($numargs-2); $colno++) { $strDataItems = $strDataItems.$row[$arg_list[$colno+2]]." "; } } mysql_close ($conn); // echo(" Disconnected"); return $strDataItems; } $sDataItems = readDatabase("astar", "number", "Longitude", "Latitude"); echo "<br>Longitude "."Latitude"; echo $sDataItems; print '<br><br>Read Database<br>'; //asign values from databasse to $posLon, $posLat print 'Longitude: ' . $posLon; print 'Latitude: ' . $posLat; ?> <form action="astarflash.php" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="[color=red]next value[/color]" /> </form> </head> <body> <embed src=<?= $target ?> quality=high pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="1000" height="750"> </embed> </body> </html> (edited by kenrbnsn to add tags)
  2. MsAngel


    Need Help. appreciate. I got codes to upload image in jpeg file but now i wants to upload flash in swf file. i need to download library? Can anyone help? this is my codes for jpeg file. image.php <?php //header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash'); //$im = imagecreatefromjpeg( "Zoo.jpg" ); $im = imagecreatefromjpeg( "map.swf" ); $leftLon = 103.7908; $rightLon = 103.7918; $topX=280; //Longitude = 103.7908 $botX=675; //Longitude = 103.7918 $botLat = 1.4030; $topLat = 1.4037; $botY=700; //Latitude = 1.4030 $topY=030; //Latitude = 1.4037 global $posLat, $posLon; $posLat = $_GET['latitude']; $posLon = $_GET['longitude']; $posX; $posY; getXY( $posLon, $posLat ); $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); $red = imagecolorallocate($im, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00); $green = imagecolorallocate($im, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00); imagestring($im, 5, $topX, $topY, "X (".$leftLon.",".$topLat.")", $black); imagestring($im, 5, $botX, $botY, "X (".$rightLon.",".$botLat.")", $red); imagestring($im, 5, $posX, $posY, "X (".$posLon.",".$posLat.")", $green); imagejpeg($im); //imagedestroy($im); function getXY() { $arg_list = func_get_args(); //$numargs = func_num_args(); global $leftLon, $rightLon, $botX, $topX, $botLat, $topLat, $topY, $botY, $posX, $posY; $posX = ($arg_list[0]-$leftLon)/($rightLon-$leftLon) * ($botX-$topX) + $topX; $posY = ($arg_list[1]-$botLat)/($topLat-$botLat) * ($topY-$botY) + $botY; } ?> test.php <html> <body> <h4>Enter your lat & lon :</h4> <?php $posLat = $_POST["lat"]; $posLon = $_POST["lon"]; //echo "" . $posLat . " " . $posLon . ""; if( $posLat==0 ) $posLat=1.40335; if( $posLon==0 ) $posLon=103.7913; ?> <form action="test.php" method="post"> <?php print 'Longitude: <input name="lon" type="text" value=' . $posLon . ' />'; print 'Latitude: <input name="lat" type="text" value=' . $posLat . ' />'; ?> <input type="submit" /> </form> //<?php //print '<img src="image.php?latitude=' . $posLat . '&longitude=' . $posLon . '">'; //?> <?php print '<embed src=image.php?latitude=' . $posLat . '&longitude=' . $posLon . ' quality=high bgcolor=#ffffff name=mymoviename type=application/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage=http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer></embed>' ;?> </body> </html>
  3. Hello ppl.. Im doing uploading flash in php Can u guys teaches me how to start? Any sample codes or demo to show me. Thks!
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