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  1. Dude, Are you sure that your update query is executing? I mean, is execution going inside the if "(!$error) {" condition? If its going then try [ echo $update; ] to check the query.
  2. Dude, U might need to use union for this: Consider the following query select * from( select * from table_name where field1=value1 union select * from table_name where field2=value2) tab order by field3 Hope this will help you
  3. IN that case we need to use union. Like, select * from store_items where description like \"%$trimmed%\" or title like \"%$trimmed%\" or dimensions like \"%$trimmed%\" order by id ASC union select * from about_text where description like \"%$trimmed%\" or title like \"%$trimmed%\" or dimensions like \"%$trimmed%\" order by id ASC union select * from faq_text where description like \"%$trimmed%\" or title like \"%$trimmed%\" or dimensions like \"%$trimmed%\" order by id ASC here the condition is first query's fields = 2nd query's fields = 3rd queries field
  4. Dude, Need to know whether these three tables are related to each other. If its related tables then we'l b using joins. If these are not related, need to know the field names in each tables to write query with union functionality........
  5. Dude, I assume that footer.php has some contents and it has an echo statement itself to show the content. In this case you just need to include the footer.php based on your condition. You don't need to use echo in your main file.
  6. Dude, I guess u need to change your logic as follows: In first file, separate JS code - <script type="text/javascript"> function call_confirm(){ var answer = window.confirm ("Are you sure you want to delete?"); if (answer) return true; else return false; } </script> <?php echo "<td><a href=delete.php?id=" . $rows['id'] ." onclick=\"return call_confirm()\">Delete</a></td>"; ?> In your delete.php, directly write query. $id=$_GET['id']; $sql="DELETE FROM document WHERE id='$id'";
  7. Dude, Just replace the for loop with this for($i=0;$i<$number;$i++){ if($i%2 == 0){ $left_side .= '<dt> <img src="../pics/'.$images[$i].'" alt="" width="120" height="120" class="border1" /><br /><br /> </dt>'; } else{ $right_side .= '<dt> <img src="../pics/'.$images[$i].'" alt="" width="120" height="120" border="0" class="border1" /><br /><br /> </dt>'; } }
  8. Dude, Its a small logic as follows: <?php $query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . $prev . "pics where id=" . $id . ""); list($number_records) = mysql_fetch_row($query); if ($number_records >= 10 ) { $number =10; //LIMIT IMAGES TO 10 } else { $number =$number_records; } echo "<br />"; echo "Displaying $number of $number_records images"; $left_side = ''; $right_side = ''; for($i=0;$i<$number;$i++){ if($i%2 == 0){ $left_side = '<dt> <img src="../pics/'.$images[$i].'" alt="" width="120" height="120" class="border1" /><br /><br /> </dt>'; } else{ $right_side = '<dt> <img src="../pics/'.$images[$i].'" alt="" width="120" height="120" border="0" class="border1" /><br /><br /> </dt>'; } } ?> <div class="thumb-right"> <dl> <?php print $right_side; ?> </dl> </div> <div class="thumb-left"> <dl> <?php print $left_side; ?> </dl> </div>
  9. Dude, Try with this <form name="test" action="submit.php" method="post"> <?php $selected = 1; // it will be queried value if($selected == 1){ echo '<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="size" VALUE="1" CHECKED >one<BR> <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="size" VALUE="2">two<BR>'; } else{ echo '<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="size" VALUE="1">one<BR> <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="size" VALUE="2" CHECKED >two<BR>'; } ?> </form>
  10. Dude, You try with this $result = mysql_query("SELECT sum(tblRecipe.UNIT) as 'sumUnit', tblSpice.spiceID, spice, tblRecipe.UNIT as 'rUnit' , tblSpice.UNIT as 'sUnit', tblProduct.productID, product FROM tblRecipe, tblProduct, tblSpice WHERE tblRecipe.productID=tblProduct.productID AND tblRecipe.spiceID=tblSpice.spiceID AND tblProduct.productID= '$productID'");
  11. Dude, The issue is Default JS wont work with the Dynamic form Elements....... I mean to say that, the second drop down is dynamic here. You cant apply any Loaded JS like on change of the values, do something or blah blah...... You can try with the following manner.... While you are loading the second drop down, add an event function on Change of that... like render the second drop down as follows: <select name="second" onchange="return call_JS_function_for_AJAX_Call_Or_Something_Else()" > <option>1</option> <option>2</option> </select> In that JS function write ur logic......
  12. Dude, I assume that every line is separated by "Enter key"(At the end of line you have pressed enter key) in the Textarea. In this case you can use the following code and get the textarea value in array format and write insert query to it...... $values = $_POST['textarea_name']; $array = split("\r\n", $values); foreach($array as $line){ mysql_query("insert into table(field) values($line)"); }
  13. Dude, In my view, you can use $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE']. While saving any image, save this value also with date if you required. Its easy to retrieve to get a particular client's images.....
  14. Dude, Using form_alter hook, you can remove that option from the dropdown. Here is the sample code..... function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id){ if($form_id == 'user_admin_account'){ unset($form['options']['operation']['#options']['block']); } } Hope this will help you...................
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