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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. <?php $con = mysql_connect(localhost,root,qwertyztp99); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("demo", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM questions LIMIT 30"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $q_id = $row['question_id']; //display question here $choices = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM question_id WHERE question_id='$q_id'"); while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($choices)) { //display answers here } } ?> Okay try that D: You forgot a ) after the while function. I missed it xD
  2. Check your file, you probably have two new lines under the last line with text on it. Try deleting them and test it again.
  3. Can you give me the table with the users in it's name, and the columns of it?
  4. I don't know how order by rand() would work, so try this. <?php $con = mysql_connect(localhost,root,qwertyztp99); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("demo", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM questions LIMIT 30"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $q_id = $row['question_id']; //display question here $choices = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM question_id WHERE question_id='$q_id'"); while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($choices){ //display answers here } } ?>
  5. You could do something like: (by the way, the mysql_query should be the select one getting the emails from the db) <?php $_l=$_GET["l"]; if (!$_l) { $_l=0; } $_nl=$_l+1000; //Insert loop here //Put below where you put your query, just add the end of it to it (from the LIMIT on) mysql_query("[YOUR QUERY] LIMIT ".$_l.",1000"); //End loop echo("<html> <head> <META http-equiv='refresh' content='5;URL=page.php?l=".$_nl."'> </head> </html>"); ?>
  6. <?php $page = $_GET["navigate"]; if (!$page) { include "index.php"; } else if($page=="Home") { include "index.php"; } else if($page=="ahome") { include "aph.html"; } else { echo "<b><h1>PHP Error</h1></b>"; } ?> Does that help? D:
  7. <?php while (!feof($handle)) { $line=fgets($handle); //Insert your code for finding the variables... the string is $line mysql_query("INSERT INTO table VALUES('','','','etc.')"); } ?> Didn't test it. $handle is the fopen variable, then I put a comment for where you should find the new variables from $line. Just edit the mysql_query with the variables in the right order.
  8. $sql="INSERT INTO question_id (ID, question) VALUES ('$_POST[question_ID]','$_POST[Cans1]','$_POST[ans1]','$_POST[Cans2]','$_POST[ans2]','$_POST[Cans3]','$_POST[ans3]','$_POST[C You put in too many values. It should be something like, $sql="INSERT INTO question_id (ID, question, answer) VALUES ('$_POST[question_ID]','$_POST[Cans1]','$_POST[ans1]')"; By the way, you'll need to add an answer column in question_id table.
  9. Can you post the index page (and possibly the syle.css page)?
  10. Try to try it yourself first and if you have problems post here. PHP.net is your friend. But heres a code: <?php $_hour=date("G"); //Returns the string value of the hour in 24 hour format //Below will check if its less than 5AM or greater than 6PM (18) if (intval($_hour)<5 && intval($_hour)>18) { ?> Your HTML code here <?php } else { echo("Please return again between 5AM and 6PM"); //Displays this message if it isn't between 5AM and 6PM } ?> I didn't test it, tell me if it works. By the way, intval converts from a string value to an integer value.
  11. Do you get any errors, or does it just not log you in? EDIT: found one problem Find: $sql = "SELECT id, nickname, privilages FROM admin WHERE username = '$user_name' AND password = '$md5pass'"; Try using: $sql = "SELECT id, nickname, privilages FROM admin WHERE username = '$user' AND password = '$md5pass'";
  12. Yeah, so many different kinds of loops, that's why I hate 'em!
  13. Well if you want it to keep looping you can't just use if. Maybe try using this? D: <?php $i = 1; do { $newfile = file_get_contents("http://site.com/$i.htm"); echo $newfile; sleep(3); $i++; } while ($i<135); ?> Otherwise I think it should work? D: Unless your site doesn't allow file_get_contents.
  14. You could try using file_get_contents(site); to get the site.
  15. Maybe the $_POST variable is getting confused with the $_POST function thing? D: If you change the variable name from $_POST to something else, maybe it would work?
  16. <?php include("connect.php"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM module WHERE study_year = '1'"); ?> <table border="2" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="2" bordercolor="#D6D6D6"> <tr bgcolor="#AFEBEF"> <td height="30" bordercolor="#D6D6D6"><p class="style19" style="text-align: left;"> Modules</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td><select name="readinglist"> <?php while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <option><?php echo $row["module_name"]; ?></option> <?php }?> </select></td> </tr> </table> Try that now. I moved some things from in between the while loop.
  17. I edited my post, try that again. Lmfao sorry I'm kinda tired right now. Forgot toedit the variables. Try this: <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { ///GET EMAIL $sh = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = 'admin'"; $sh2 = mysql_query($sh); $body=""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM checkout WHERE username = '".$_SESSION['id']."'"; $run = mysql_query($sql); $data2 = mysql_fetch_array($sh2); $to = $data2['email']; while ($_rows=mysql_fetch_array($run)) { $body .= " Name: ".$_rows['name']." QTY: ".$_rows['qty']." "; } mail($to, 'Subject', $body) or die(mysql_error()); echo "Quote Sent Successfully"; $delete = "DELETE FROM checkout WHERE username = '".$_SESSION['id']."'"; mysql_query($delete) or die(mysql_error); } ?>
  18. Inside the mysql function at the last part you could put "LIMIT 0,9" and that would retrieve rows 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. And keep doing that. Sample : $_start=0; $_current=0; $_one=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM place"); $_onenum=mysql_num_rows($_one); do { $_two=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM place LIMIT ".$_start.",9"); while($_rows=mysql_fetch_array($_two)) { echo($_rows["row"]); } $_start+=9; $_current+=9; echo("<br /><br />"); } while ($_onenum>$_current); I think that should work, but I didn't test it. There is probably an easier way anyway.
  19. <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { ///GET EMAIL $sh = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = 'admin'"; $sh2 = mysql_query($sh); $body=""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM checkout WHERE username = '".$_SESSION['id']."'"; $run = mysql_query($sql); $data2 = mysql_fetch_array($sh2); $to = $data2['email']; while ($_rows=mysql_fetch_array($_run)) { $body .= " Name: ".$data['name']." QTY: ".$data['qty']." "; } mail($to, 'Subject', $body) or die(mysql_error()); echo "Quote Sent Successfully"; $delete = "DELETE FROM checkout WHERE username = '".$_SESSION['id']."'"; mysql_query($delete) or die(mysql_error); } ?> Maybe this will work? Btw, I don't know why you have "or die(mysql_error);" next to the mail function, because I don't think it would cause a mysql error even if it had an error. D:
  20. Can someone help me? I think it might be an array problem :/
  21. <?php $_handle=mysql_connect("host","username","password"); $_db=mysql_select_db("database",$_handle); mysql_query("INSTERT INTO ".$_POST["console"]."reviews (review) VALUES ('User submitted review here')"); mysql_close($_handle); ?> Something like that?
  22. <?php if (!isset($_POST["submit"])) { ?> <form action="<? echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="information" value="information" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <?php } else { $_handle=mysql_connect("host","username","password"); $_db=mysql_select_db("database",$_handle); mysql_query("INSTERT INTO tablename (information) VALUES ('".$_POST["text"]."')"); mysql_close($_handle); } ?> A very very very basic way to do it. You need to edit the things for it to work.
  23. I'm not an expert, but is your File Uploads variable enabled? Mine says (in cpanel): "File Uploads file_uploads Whether to allow HTTP file uploads. On"
  24. Okay well I attempted to make a script that should check the links of a thread and make sure they work (like the bot on a phpbb forum). For some reason it can't do alot of threads, only like 20 or something. If you have vbulletin and a section with RS/MU etc. links you can try this and tell me what it gets to D: And if it's a programming problem can someone help me? <?php /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Script created by: Stephen (aka AADude) //////////////////// // Use: Checking to see if links are dead or not ////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ss_link_check($_url,$_type="RS") { //RS = RapidShare; MU = MegaUpload; ES = EasyShare; FF = FileFactory; SS = SendSpace; $_sites=array( "RS" => "Error", "MU" => "Unfortunately, the link you have clicked is not available.", "ES" => "File not found", "FF" => "Sorry, this file is no longer available. It may have been deleted by the uploader, or has expired.", "SS" => "Sorry, the file you requested is not available.", "FFFH" => "Your requested file is not found" ); $_fgc=file_get_contents($_url); if (preg_match("/".$_sites[$_type]."/",$_fgc) or $_fgc=="") { $_correct=false; } else { $_correct=true; } return $_correct; } //Include the vBulletin configuration file include ("../config.php"); //Search the DB if ($config['MasterServer']['usepconnect']==1) { $_connection=mysql_pconnect( $config['MasterServer']['servername'].":".$config['MasterServer']['port'], $config['MasterServer']['username'], $config['MasterServer']['password']); } else { $_connection=mysql_connect( $config['MasterServer']['servername'].":".$config['MasterServer']['port'], $config['MasterServer']['username'], $config['MasterServer']['password']); } mysql_select_db( $config['Database']['dbname'], $_connection); $_boards_array=array( 1 => "16", 2 => "20", 3 => "23", 4 => "26", 5 => "28", 6 => "32", 7 => "18" ); foreach ($_boards_array as $_key => $_cboard) { echo("<b>Board ID:</b> ".$_cboard."<br />"); $_query1=mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$config['Database']['tableprefix'].'thread WHERE forumid="'.$_cboard.'" ORDER BY threadid DESC'); while ($_rows1=mysql_fetch_array($_query1)) { $_threadid=$_rows1["threadid"]; $_firstpostid=$_rows1["firstpostid"]; $_query2=mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$config['Database']['tableprefix'].'post WHERE postid="'.$_firstpostid.'"'); while ($_rows2=mysql_fetch_array($_query2)) { $_pagetext=$_rows2["pagetext"]; $_link=preg_match_all("@\[(?i)url\](.*?)\[/(?i)url\]@si",$_pagetext,$_url,PREG_SET_ORDER); $_replace=preg_replace("@\[(?i)url\](.*?)\[/(?i)url\]@si","@\[(?i)url\](.*?)\[/(?i)url\]@si",$_pagetext,-1,$_count); $_not_working=0; foreach ($_url as $_key2 => $_site) { if (preg_match("/rapidshare/",$_url[$_key2][1])) { $_type="RS"; } else if (preg_match("/megaupload/",$_url[$_key2][1])) { $_type="MU"; } else if (preg_match("/easyshare/",$_url[$_key2][1])) { $_type="ES"; } else if (preg_match("/filefactory/",$_url[$_key2][1])) { $_type="FF"; } else if (preg_match("/sendspace/",$_url[$_key2][1])) { $_type="SS"; } else if (preg_match("/fastfreefilehosting/",$_url[$_key2][1])) { $_type="FFFH"; } else { $_type=0; } $phper=error_get_last(); $message=$phper[2]; echo($_url[$_key2][1]." / ".mysql_error($_connection)." / ".$message."<br />"); if ($_type!==0) { if (ss_link_check($_url[$_key2][1],$_type)) { //blah } else { $_not_working+=1; } } } $_delete=$_not_working/$_count; $_delete=$_delete*100; if ($_delete > 60) { mysql_query('UPDATE '.$config['Database']['tableprefix'].'thread SET forumid="14" WHERE threadid="'.$_threadid.'"'); mysql_query('UPDATE '.$config['Database']['tableprefix'].'post SET pagetext="'.$_pagetext.'[quote]One or more links were found dead. If you want this moved back please report this post or PM Stephen.[/quote]" WHERE postid="'.$_firstpostid.'"'); } } } } ?> VB 3.7.x btw. I put this in includes/cron/ folder. Okay, my problem is that the script suddenly stops the loop before all of the threads in all 7 of the boards were checked. I posted this on another site too. EDIT: If you want to see a hosted example please PM me and I will give you a link.
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