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Everything posted by pngtest

  1. Kinda of an easy question i hope. i am wanting to know if there is a way to make a text box only except number in a certain pattern. is that possible with php.
  2. thanks that did it. glad you guys could help
  3. here it is //form elements function gTextbox($name, $value = ""){ // returns but does not print // an input type = text element // used if you want to place form elements in a table $temp .= <<<HERE <input type = "text" name = "$name" value = "$value" /> HERE; return $temp; } // end textBox
  4. ok i think i got it but i still get the error Notice: Undefined variable: temp in /home/jking/public_html/SuperHTMLDef.php on line 175 and can't seem to fix it.
  5. Thanks for that sorry i am new at this.... when i go to the demo page you get a whole lot of undefined Variable error's and i don't know what would cause that.
  6. thanks for that but it does not seem to help. i have the two files where one get variables from the other and prints out basic html tags here <?php //import the definition of SuperHTML include "SuperHTMLDef.php"; //instantiate and use a superHTML page $s = new SuperHTML("My Super Duper Page!"); $s->setTitle("SuperHTML Demo"); $s->buildTop(); $s->h3("Using the tag method"); $s->tag("i", "This line should be italicized"); $s->h3("adding arbitrary text"); $s->addText("I used the addText method here"); $s->h3("build table from 2d array"); $myArray = array( array("English", "Spanish", "Japanese"), array("One", "Uno", "Ichi"), array("Two", "Dos", "Nii"), array("Three", "Tres", "San") ); $s->buildTable($myArray); $s->h3("build table row-by-row"); $s->startTable(3); $s->tRow(array("English", "Greek"), "th"); $s->tRow(array("a", "alpha")); $s->tRow(array("b", "beta")); $s->endTable(); $s->h3("build an unordered list"); $s->buildList(array("alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta")); $s->h3("build an ordered list"); $s->buildList(array("alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta"), "ol type = 'a'"); $s->h3("form elements"); $s->addText("<form> \n"); $s->textbox("user name", "Joe"); $s->h3("create select object from associative array"); $numArray = array( "1"=>"ichii", "2"=>"nii", "3"=>"san", "4"=>"shi" ); $s->buildSelect("options", $numArray); $s->h3("make form elements inside a table!"); $myArray = array( array($s->gTag("b","name"), $s->gTextbox("name")), array($s->gAddText("address"), $s->gTextbox("address")), array($s->gAddText("phone"), $s->gTextbox("phone")), array($s->gAddText("favorite number"), $s->gSelect("numbers", $numArray)) ); $s->buildTable($myArray); $s->submit(); $s->addText("</form> \n"); print $s->getPage(); ?> you would go to this in the browser and it should print tables and other things. and this is the include. <? // SuperHTML Class Def // Andy Harris // PHP / MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner // 2nd Ed. class SuperHTML{ //properties var $title; var $thePage; function __construct($tTitle = "Super HTML"){ //constructor $this->setTitle($tTitle); } // end constructor function getTitle(){ return $this->title; } // end getTitle function setTitle($tTitle){ $this->title = $tTitle; } // end setTitle function getPage(){ return $this->thePage; } // end getPage //most basic tags function addText($content){ //given any text (including HTML markup) //adds the text to the page $this->thePage .= $content; $this->thePage .= "\n"; } // end addText function gAddText($content){ //given any text (including HTML markup) //returns the text $temp= $content; $temp .= "\n"; return $temp; } // end addText function buildTop(){ $temp = <<<HERE <!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 //EN"> <html> <head> <title>$this->title</title> </head> <body> <center> <h1>$this->title</h1> </center> HERE; $this->addText($temp); } // end buildTop; function buildBottom(){ //builds the bottom of a generic web page $temp = <<<HERE </body> </html> HERE; $this->addText($temp); } // end buildBottom; //general tag function function tag($tagName, $contents){ //given any tag, surrounds contents with tag //improve so tag can have attributes $this->addText($this->gTag($tagName, $contents)); } // end tag function gTag($tagName, $contents){ //given any tag, surrounds contents with tag //improve so tag can have attributes //returns tag but does not add it to page $temp = "<$tagName>\n"; $temp .= " " . $contents . "\n"; $temp .= "</$tagName>\n"; return $temp; } // end tag //header functions function h1($stuff){ $this->tag("h1", $stuff); } // end h1 function h2($stuff){ $this->tag("h2", $stuff); } // end h2 function h3($stuff){ $this->tag("h3", $stuff); } // end h3 function h4($stuff){ $this->tag("h4", $stuff); } // end h4 function h5($stuff){ $this->tag("h5", $stuff); } // end h5 function h6($stuff){ $this->tag("h6", $stuff); } // end h6 function gBuildList($theArray, $type = "ul"){ //given an array of values, builds a list based on that array $temp= "<$type> \n"; foreach ($theArray as $value){ $temp .= " <li>$value</li> \n"; } // end foreach $temp .= "</$type> \n"; return $temp; } // end gBuildList function buildList($theArray, $type = "ul"){ $temp = $this->gBuildList($theArray, $type); $this->addText($temp); } // end buildList function gBuildTable($theArray){ //given a 2D array, builds an HTML table based on that array $table = "<table border = 1> \n"; foreach ($theArray as $row){ $table .= "<tr> \n"; foreach ($row as $cell){ $table .= " <td>$cell</td> \n"; } // end foreach $table .= "</tr> \n"; } // end foreach $table .= "</table> \n"; return $table; } // end gBuildTable function buildTable($theArray){ $temp = $this->gBuildTable($theArray); $this->addText($temp); } // end buildTable function startTable($border = "1"){ $this->thePage .= "<table border = \"$border\">\n"; } // end startTable function tRow ($rowData, $rowType = "td"){ //expects an array in rowdata, prints a row of th values $this->thePage .= "<tr> \n"; foreach ($rowData as $cell){ $this->thePage .= " <$rowType>$cell</$rowType> \n"; } // end foreach $this->thePage .= "</tr> \n"; } // end thRow function endTable(){ $this->thePage .= "</table> \n"; } // end endTable //form elements function gTextbox($name, $value = ""){ // returns but does not print // an input type = text element // used if you want to place form elements in a table $temp .= <<<HERE <input type = "text" name = "$name" value = "$value" /> HERE; return $temp; } // end textBox function textbox($name, $value = ""){ $this->addText($this->gTextbox($name, $value)); } // end textBox function gSubmit($value = "Submit Query"){ // returns but does not print // an input type = submit element // used if you want to place form elements in a table $temp .= <<<HERE <input type = "submit" value = "$value" /> HERE; return $temp; } // end submit function submit($value = "Submit Query"){ $this->addText($this->gSubmit($value)); } // end submit function gSelect($name, $listVals){ //given an associative array, //prints an HTML select object //Each element has the appropriate //value and displays the associated name $temp = ""; $temp .= "<select name = \"$name\" >\n"; foreach ($listVals as $val => $desc){ $temp .= " <option value = \"$val\">$desc</option> \n"; } // end foreach $temp .= "</select> \n"; return $temp; } // end gSelect function select($name, $listVals){ $this->addText($this->gSelect($name, $listVals)); } // end buildSelect function formResults(){ //returns the names and values of all form elements //in an HTML table $this->startTable(); foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $value){ $this->tRow(array($name,$value)); } // end foreach $this->endTable(); } // end formResults } // end class def ?>
  7. do you need to have registered globals on when you use the include. i have these pages that i got from a book to teach me to program php i had to change some stuff as it teach's with globals on. but i did not think you would for the include.
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