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Everything posted by 0perator

  1. 0perator


    ah yes, but the files are in my home directory and i need to be able to write to them with apache for my cms...
  2. 0perator


    how do i chmod my stuff so only apache and i can read and write them?? i have been playing round and i can install a shell and delete stuff from my dir please help thanks.
  3. lets say i explode around a space character and the persons message is $text[3], but if they have a message with more than 1 word in, it wont get the whole message... its an irc bot btw so, my question is: how do i select an array key, and everyting after it... thanks
  4. 0perator


    this is what it says now listen { /* port: the specific port to listen on. if no host is specified * before, it will listen on all available IPs. * * ports are seperated via a comma, a range may be specified using ".." */ /* port: listen on all available IPs, ports 6665 to 6669 */ host = "uberbeef.org"; # change this! port = 6667; }; still getting connection refused...
  5. 0perator


    oh jeeez ubebreef WASNT in the hosts file just the subdomains sorry guys! EDIT: hang on, now it says this *** Looking up your hostname... * *** Checking Ident * *** No Ident response * *** Your forward and reverse DNS do not match, ignoring hostname. * *** Spoofing your IP. congrats. * *** You are exempt from K/D/G lines. congrats. * *** You are exempt from user limits. congrats. * Welcome to the uberbeef Internet Relay Chat Network Operator * Your host is ubebreef[], running version hybrid-7.2.2.dfsg.2-debian.3 * This server was created Apr 30 2007 at 17:39:23 * ubebreef hybrid-7.2.2.dfsg.2-debian.3 DGabcdfgiklnorsuwxyz biklmnopstveIh bkloveIh * CALLERID CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 DEAF=D KICKLEN=160 MODES=4 NICKLEN=15 PREFIX=(ohv)@%+ STATUSMSG=@%+ TOPICLEN=350 NETWORK=uberbeef MAXLIST=beI:25 MAXTARGETS=4 CHANTYPES=#& :are supported by this server * CHANLIMIT=#&:15 CHANNELLEN=50 EXCEPTS=e INVEX=I CHANMODES=eIb,k,l,imnpst AWAYLEN=160 KNOCK ELIST=CMNTU SAFELIST :are supported by this server * There are 0 users and 1 invisible on 1 servers * I have 1 clients and 0 servers * Current local users: 1 Max: 1 * Current global users: 1 Max: 1
  6. 0perator


    uberbeef is in the hosts file how do i make it look for external connections? thanks.
  7. 0perator


    right.. this is nothing to do with php but i dont know any other place with such a wealth of knowledge as here. i set up an irc server on my ubuntu machine.. i can do /server localhost and it works fine but when i try and do /server uberbeef.org it says * Looking up uberbeef.org * Connecting to uberbeef.org ( port 6667... * Connection failed. Error: Connection refused * Disconnected (). please help
  8. if you just want it to be simple, get xampp or lampp xampp = windows lampp = linux. kthxbai
  9. anyone here have ssh so i can show them some stuff on my box, thats not working properly.. thanks.
  10. 0perator


    some asshole, called Messiah.. had a shell on my server, and dropped my db, how shal i chmod the files so that nobody else from the shell can see them, and so that i can still ftp into them and so the web server can still see them thanks
  11. } $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tagboard WHERE comments = '$chat'"); $rows = mysql_num_rows($query); if($rows != 0) die('MEssage already posted'); mysql_query("insert into tagboard (name, comments, date) values('$stat[user]','$chat',now())") or die("Could not add updates."); }
  12. okay, if b1 is not in there, how do i append it to the mysql_fetch_array() without affecting what is already there.
  13. ah right yes, they will be spearated by only a comma. thanks
  14. 0perator


    if i were to have a table in a databse called `challeneges` the fields were ____________________ |username | completed| ----------------------- username b1, b2, b3 and i have $done = mysql_fetch_array($sql); now, $done['completed'] = b1,b2,b3 how do i search the array of $done['completed'] to see if it contains the string b1 i was thinkning explode around the , am i right?
  15. nah, it is not md5, that gives a 32 character result. i got it from a certain sites database that i shall not disclose.
  16. i know this isn't PHP, but what is this encrypted in? f21a84e7
  17. ah got it to work now, thanks
  18. <?php $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, "PHPSESSID=pmo5ssg2ffbf4r5fk7o698emi4; PHPSESSID=kk9q6o9v1momaruilfteu9usv7; enigmafiedV4=a%3A4%3A%7Bi%3A0%3Bs%3A4%3A%221813%22%3Bi%3A1%3Bs%3A40%3A%22e67ebe875f7160d8a4680aab6f0038ca824396b1%22%3Bi%3A2%3Bi%3A1401991156%3Bi%3A3%3Bi%3A2%3B%7D"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://www.enigmagroup.org/missions/programming/7/index.php"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $result = curl_exec($ch); $da = explode(".", $result); $be = explode(": ", $da[17]); $one = $be[2]; $two = $da[18]; $three = $da[19]; $four = $da[20]; $five = $da[21]; $string = "".$one.".".$two.".".$three.".".$four.".".$five[0].""; $space = explode(" ", $result); $dept = $space[37]; $reet = explode(" ", $result); $num = substr_count($result, $dept); $val = 100; $i = 0; $reetval = 103; while($val <= 300){ $check = $reet[$val]; if($check == $dept){ $cost[$i] = str_replace("$", "", $reet[$reetval]); $val = $val +5; $reetval = $reetval + 5; $i = $i + 1; //echo $check; } else{ $val = $val +5; $reetval = $reetval + 5; } } $sumt = array_sum($cost); $sum=preg_replace('/\s+/','',$sumt); $comp = substr($string, 0, ($output-1)); echo "company=".$comp."&department=".$dept."&total=".$sum; //$sum = substr_replace($sumt,"",-1); $new = curl_init(); curl_setopt($new, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($new, CURLOPT_COOKIE, "PHPSESSID=pmo5ssg2ffbf4r5fk7o698emi4; PHPSESSID=kk9q6o9v1momaruilfteu9usv7; enigmafiedV4=a%3A4%3A%7Bi%3A0%3Bs%3A4%3A%221813%22%3Bi%3A1%3Bs%3A40%3A%22e67ebe875f7160d8a4680aab6f0038ca824396b1%22%3Bi%3A2%3Bi%3A1401991156%3Bi%3A3%3Bi%3A2%3B%7D"); curl_setopt($new, CURLOPT_URL, "http://www.enigmagroup.org/missions/programming/7/submit.php"); curl_setopt($new, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($new, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "company=".$comp."&department=".$dept."&total=".$sum); $points = curl_exec($new); echo $points; ?> i get whitespace on $comp and $sum
  19. i have some whitespace it REFUSES to go, even when i use chop and trim, and str_replace and explode() please help
  20. thanks, but how do i get the value of the key at end()
  21. 0perator


    Array ( [0] => black market [1] => internet protocol (IP) [2] => microshit (M$) [3] => prism2 [4] => omg (Oh My God) [5] => pfSense [6] => hackers 2 - operation takedown [7] => nullbyte (%00) [8] => hypertext markup language (HTML) [9] => blue screen of death (BSoD) [10] => cyper [11] => redhat package management (RPM) [12] => h4x0r [13] => pseudonym [14] => hackers [15] => cracker [16] => iceweasil [17] => code auditing [18] => redhat package management (RPM) [19] => repository [20] => sql injection [21] => ) thats the result of print_r($panagram) now, the last entry into the array is not always 21. so, how do i delete the last entry, i tried unset(end($panagram)); no luck. cheers guys.
  22. i used to have it but none of my addons worked on it
  23. erm, check the .fla file, it might not be pointing to the right directory for the images, not sure though.
  24. oh ihad this prob a while back, you need to make a .swf and play the .flv from within that, i think.
  25. you could try escaping them with backslashes, that means php ignores the quotes and just has them as part of a string example: $thomas = 'Thomas'; that is Thomas; $thomas = '\'Thomas\''; that is 'Thomas' enjoy.
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