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Everything posted by fird01

  1. ok.. thx. i'll look into it.
  2. how do i remove the .php in url.. my url from this http://www.url.com/page.php?huh=hah to http://www.url.com/page?huh=hah could it be done in iis..?and how do i do it at apache or iis... ?
  3. nope not because in/out thing.. solve it already create procedure totalmonth(btnid integer(10),mnth varchar(10)) begin declare a varchar(20); set @a=concat('%-',mnth,'-%'); select count(click) as total from eachclick where btn=btnid and date like @a ; end eventually when i used call totalmonth(2,05); it not actually passing 05 as the value.. it actually passing 5 as the value... so when i declare the variable as varchar and put a qoute to 05 when calling the procedure call totalmonth(2,"05"); and it worked.. thx anyway..
  4. anyone?? ok more info..when i use call totalmonth(2,05); it return +-------+ |total | +-------+ | 0 | +-------+ ??
  5. what kind of error.. better if u copy and paste the error here.
  6. delimiter | create procedure totalmonth(btnid int, mnth int) begin select count(click) as total from eachclick where date like "%-mnth-%" and btn=btnid; end | delimiter; my table would look like this eachclick +--+---+----+--------------+ |bil |btn|click|date | +--+----+----+--------------+ |1 | 2 | 1 | 2008-05-01 | +--+---+----+--------------+ so i create a stored procedure in my database... the thing is.. how do i pass mnth value to the query in procedure...
  7. so how does i not make it think the number that im passing is octal..
  8. ok that solve the 0 thing ... string it.. i'm still figuring out y the 08 ,09 and function thing turn out to be like that..
  9. $a=testme(08,09); echo $a; function testme($a,$b){ $c=$a+$b; return $c; } theres something about 08, 09 and function because that code will output 0.. but if u change the input to 9 and 8 or 01 to 07 instead of 09 and 08 the correct out put will be produce.. so what am i doing wrong here.. is it my apache or ??? and why does function convert number from 01 to 1 or 03 to 3 . how do i maintain the 01 and 02 when passing the data to function.. cause im doing a query with those value.. so 1 is different from 01 when you do a select statement..
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