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Everything posted by rockobop

  1. I have a problem with access to my IMAP mail server in the first instance is not handling this matter. lo unico q one is that I have the service imap enabled on the server with these data server: myServer Port: 143 others not have SSL When I try to connect with imap_open (.......) q tells me I can not fault the one Authentication failed, but if I use the same code because I works wonders with the server google. I was reading and apparently my problem is I q q Habra port with the function fsockopen $fp = fsockopen("miServidor", 143, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$fp) { echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n"; } else { echo "ok"; fclose($fp); and it is here where I get a connection ok, but now is not how to use that connection for once has the open connection to use the functions imap Now, it is necessary to always keep q q use this type of connection, or can ask me q ports to be well able to connect so directly, I ask this for I do not want to go q q ahcer called irrational and tb have some basis for able to discuss something thank everyone for their help Greetings excuse my bad English
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