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Everything posted by extremeguy

  1. Am I going about this all wrong? Should I be storing the values as a UNIX timestamp instead of YYYYMMDDHHMM ?
  2. I just tried this and it didn\'t work. This is the SQL query that I am using: SELECT *, DATE(rv_arrive) as arrive_date, TIME(rv_arrive) as arrive_time FROM rt_rv WHERE rv_key=1001
  3. I have a MySQL database table with a field that is of type TIMESTAMP(12). When I do a query, I get the result back as YYYYMMDDHHMM as expected. The syntex of my query is \"SELECT * FROM rv\". I am obviously using PHP and I am trying to take the result and split it up into 2 arrays, one for date and one for time (ie. $date == $date[0]=YYYY, $date[1]=MM, $date[2]=DD and $time == $time[0]=HH, $time[1]=mm). WHat is the easiest way to accomplish this? I have also thought about trying to get the info from within my query, BUT I am using \"SELECT *\" and have not found a way to use \" * \" and request specific formated dates or times. I would rather stick with selecting \" * \" instead of spelling it all out in the query b/c there are 20+ fields of info that I need. Thanks in advance for the help!
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