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Everything posted by dannyb785

  1. you mean site like youtube? or the hundreds of others just like it?
  2. not that it will work, but try making your collation uniform. So change the one in files to "latin1_swedish_ci" and try it out again
  3. why are you using the upper function? if you're doing a simple search then you'd do WHERE columnname LIKE '%$fname%' but you HAVE to replace $fname with an actual value that is in your database(if you're doing it in phpmyadmin)
  4. ok but did you check the data types? I suggest taking a snapshot of the structure of your table from phpymyadmin and posting it.
  5. do you have phpmyadmin? I would suggest you test our your query to see if it returns any results so paste this in the sql query SELECT * FROM hope WHERE upper($field) LIKE'%$find%' but replace $find with some value that you know it should be able to find. if you return 0 results, then your query is structured wrong.
  6. $q_update = "UPDATE `fcp_products` SET `product_price`='$h_op,`new_product_price`='$h_np' WHERE `id`='$product_id'"; first off, you didn't close the single quote after $h_op secondly, after this line, you are trying to output it to the screen. But to get it to do anything, you have to put it into the mysql_query() function. Fix those 2 and see what it does
  7. When you post a form, the page you go to (the action) holds that value in a $_POST array. so in your case, it'd be $_POST['searching'] that you'd be checking to be yes
  8. Did you think to check line 4 on search.php? if ($searching =="yes") you haven't set $searching to anything
  9. I would have to guess it has something to do with the data type of your columns. Perhaps you have it set to be an integer and you're trying to insert characters? Unless of course it's something small like maybe your table has a capital D for Downloads or maybe files should be Files. I'd say check the spelling and capitalization of all table parts and then check the data types for both columns
  10. can you tell us what it's not doing that it should be? or perhaps an error message?
  11. put 'e' in catch so it reads catch(e) with the vode around it the same. This is provided the rest of the function is written to do what it's supposed to.
  12. 2 ) Even when specifically asked again for output from var_dump()he couldn't even give an accurate response (2901.12 was given, when it was really string( "2,901.12". Time waster IMO and duly noted 10000% agreed. If he showed his code at the beginning, it would've taken one person to say "remove the commas" but alas, he didn't think it was necessary
  13. Try this: in your body modifier(if you dont have one, create one in your css file), add: behavior: url (scripts/csshover.htc); so it should look like body { behavior: url (scripts/csshover.htc); } of course, you can have other stuff in the body modifuer, but pyt the behavior part in there and see if it works
  14. You could include a link and serial # on each individual image and the link can go to a page on your site where the person viewing the seal and verify if the serial # is valid by entering it. So say, their seal says "A5d8K" and a link to "sealdomain.com/verify" that says "verify this seal!" and so the user puts in the small serial # and then you'd search your database for a current(not inactive) member with that serial number. If nothing pops up then you'd output "This serial is invalid and the person is a fake!" otherwise, it'd spit out whatever info the user may be looking up.
  15. also, make sure you set the quote_id as the primary key, and make it auto_increment that way when you create a new quote, it will increment the quote_id automatically for you.
  16. Ok, here's the thing with setting up tables... you NEED to give every row a primary key id. That is, a key to identify each row specifically in the table. This is so you can uniquely identify, delete, edit, etc any specific row if needed. what you need to do is create a new column and make it 'quote_id' or something similar. Then when you are editing the info, you need a hidden input field with the row's quote_id as its value. Then when you are editing the quote, you say "UPDATE quotes SET quote_body='$whatever', etc etc WHERE quote_id='$id' " and $id will be the value in the hidden input field.
  17. no dude, the query, syntax-wise, is fine. Whether its a single quote or double, it's going to insert something into the database. The issue lied with the way he was trying to output the variable. and until he does it correctly(i.e. one of the ways I suggested), he's gonna continue to get an error.
  18. isn't that what my first post said??? I have a feeling you didn't try it when I suggested it because now you're saying it as if it's something you discovered on your own and don't understand why. Well, read my first post and you'll see why!
  19. if you are the only one editing and viewing a page, why even put it on a server? Why not just create a .htm file to be viewed on your computer? then you can edit it as needed without needing an internet connection
  20. for one of my sites, I have www.domain.com redirect to www.domain.com/main.php so I have a file index.php and all it has on it is: <?php header("Location: main.php"); ?> There are other ways to do what you need, but to me, this is the easiest. and you can easily modify where it redirects by editing this file. Note: if you have an index.htm page, you probably won't be able to know if going to domain.com will access index.htm or index.php so basically, I suggest checking your root directory for any other file named index
  21. Well, when you have a form, there are 3 critical parts to successfully posting it. Action, method, and submit. You will need, before any form elements are displayed: <form action=PAGE.php method="POST"> method="GET" is also an option, but I'd only do it for something like a search page then you need <input type=submit value="Submit"> also, close the form with </form> It's not required if that's the only form on your page, but if you have 2 separate forms, you will need it so the browser(and processing page) can know which page to go to and which input elements to process. and the string in value can be whatever you want. There are other ways to display and edit the way submit buttons look and work, but I suggest getting your form to correctly submit before messing around any further with the way it looks.
  22. Even if your site is like wikipedia, you've GOT to have it database driven because a) when new pages need to be created but more importantly b) if a user is screwing around(or accidently) and deletes everything on the page, you need a way to not only recover the data lost, but track which user made which changes. Or else you'll have some troll surf your site and delete all your pages and you have no idea who did it,
  23. Trust me, you don't want/need to be able to update a .htm, .php, .txt, etc file with just a textbox that will overwrite what you currently have. If someone else got ahold of it, it'd be done. The best way to do this(if you insist on not just modifying the files and uploading via ftp) is to have your site, and pages, database driven. So you basically would log into your site, pick which page you want to edit, then it'd display the html in a textarea and you'd edit, submit, and it'd update the page.
  24. Do you mean updating information possibly from a database? Or css/html structure for a template? Or what exactly
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