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Everything posted by Pro.Luv

  1. Hi, I'm trying to call a .net(.asmx) webservice and it just doesn't work, I really need help with this. require("nusoap.php"); $client = new nusoap_client('http://www.w3schools.com/webservices/tempconvert.asmx?wsdl', true); $err = $client->getError(); if($err){ Print '<h2>Constructor error</h2><pre>'.$err.'</pre>'; } $param = array('Celsius' => '12') ; //PARAMETERS $function = 'CelsiusToFahrenheit'; //FUNCTION IM CALLING $result = $client->call($function, $param); if ($client->fault) { Print '<h2>Fault</h2><pre>'; print_r($result); Print '</pre>'; } else { $err = $client->getError(); // Check for errors if ($err) { Print '<h2>Error</h2><pre>'.$err.'</pre>'; // Display the error } else { // Display the result Print '<h2>Result</h2><pre>'; print_r($result); Print '</pre>'; } } Thanks !
  2. Hi, I'm having a problem using ftp_rawlist when I chmod a file the permissions are updated but it doesn't show when I list the files it shows the file's old permissions, but when I view the file permissions using FileZilla it shows that the file has been updated. Example: Before ftp_chmod file.php -rw-r--r-- After I chmod the file using the code below it still shows the -rw-r--r-- permissions it doesn't update but using filezilla shows that it's permissions have been updated. This is the FTP_chmod code that I use: $conn_id = ftp_connect($host); $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $user, $pass); $file = $_GET["file"]; if (ftp_chmod($conn_id, 0644, $file) !== false) { Print "$file chmoded successfully to 0644\n"; } else { Print "could not chmod $file\n"; } This is the function that I use to list the files on a server: function raw_listing($conn, $path){ $list = ftp_rawlist($conn, "./"); //GET RAW DIRECTORY LIST $i = 0; foreach ($list as $current) { $split = preg_split("[ ]", $current, 9, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if ($split[0] != "total") { $parsed[$i]['isdir'] = $split[0]{0} === "d"; $parsed[$i]['perms'] = $split[0]; $parsed[$i]['number'] = $split[1]; $parsed[$i]['owner'] = $split[2]; $parsed[$i]['group'] = $split[3]; $parsed[$i]['size'] = $split[4]; $parsed[$i]['month'] = $split[5]; $parsed[$i]['day'] = $split[6]; $parsed[$i]['time/year'] = $split[7]; $parsed[$i]['name'] = $split[8]; $i++; } } return $parsed; } The listing of the files seem fine but it's only the permissions that show wrong. Thanks
  3. Hi, I need help with this code it does work I need to know how I can send back data from the server.php to the client.php.. Client.php /* Open a socket to port 1234 on localhost */ $socket = stream_socket_client('tcp://'); /* Send more data out of band. */ stream_socket_sendto($socket, "This Data", STREAM_OOB); /* Close it up */ fclose($socket); Server.php // Open a server socket to port 1234 on localhost $server = stream_socket_server('tcp://'); // Accept a connection $socket = stream_socket_accept($server); echo "Waiting for data from client..."; // Output recieved data $data = stream_socket_recvfrom($socket, 1500); echo "Data: ".$data."\n"; //do something here then send results back. // Close it up fclose($socket); fclose($server); The client sends This Data to the server and the server retrieves it... I need to know what must I add to the server.php to send back data ? In server.php: I want to take the data being sent from the client.php and search it in the database then send back results to the client for displaying. Thanks
  4. Thanks alot for the reply, the client.php is right ? is there anything I need to add in there so that I can send data to the server.php ? Really appreciate your help. My server.php now is: $socket = socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,SOL_TCP); socket_bind($socket,'', $port); socket_listen($socket); while(true) { if(is_resource($newSocket = socket_accept($socket))) { // do something with $newSocket echo $newSocket; socket_close($newSocket); } } socket_close($socket);
  5. Hi, I read online documentation but I stil can't get this right I need to create a PHP page that will send data to another PHP page using sockets so far I got this: client.php function ping($host) { $package = "\x08\x00\x19\x2f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x70\x69\x6e\x67"; /* create the socket, the last '1' denotes ICMP */ $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1); /* set socket receive timeout to 1 second */ socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array("sec" => 1, "usec" => 0)); /* connect to socket */ socket_connect($socket, $host, null); /* record start time */ list($start_usec, $start_sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $start_time = ((float) $start_usec + (float) $start_sec); socket_send($socket, $package, strlen($package), 0); if(@socket_read($socket, 255)) { list($end_usec, $end_sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $end_time = ((float) $end_usec + (float) $end_sec); $total_time = $end_time - $start_time; $great = "Working !!"; return $total_time." - ".$great; } else { return false; } socket_close($socket); } ping(""); when I use the function it passes back to the same page I need it to send to this page server.php error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP); socket_bind($socket, '', 1223); $from = ""; $port = 80; socket_recvfrom($socket, $buf, 12, 0, $from, $port); echo "Received $buf from remote address $from and remote port $port" . PHP_EOL; I really need help with this. Thanks
  6. Hi, I have this code that works fine, the problem is the code only works if Im adding numbers $sum = "1 + 1 + 1"; function str2num($Str) { $numTotal = 0; if ( $Nums = explode('+', $Str) ) { foreach ( $Nums as $Num ) $numTotal += $Num; return $numTotal; } else return 0; } print(str2num($sum)); I need this to work for any type of sum like: $sum = "1 + 1 + 5 - 2 * 2"; please help Thanks !
  7. Hi, Im still getting used to regex and I need some help could someone show me how to match javascript like : <script type="text/javascript"> function one(){ code.... } </script> how can I match this in html code ? I'm reading a file into a string I want to then find if theres javascript in the code and remove it ? Im using this to read the file: $html = file_get_contents("test.html"); Please help !
  8. Hi, Im using this code to read a robot.txt file then add all the disallowed file and directories to an array $filename = "robots.txt"; $disallows = array(); $handle = fopen($filename, "rb"); $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); preg_match_all("/Disallow:\s*(.+)/im", $contents, $foo); $disallow = $foo[1]; while(list($key, $value) = each($disallow)){ print $value. "<br />"; } fclose($handle); Now what i want to do is pass a link then check if the link or part of the link is in the array like: if(in_array("http://www.site.com/disallowedDir/", $disallow)){ //Skip link }else{ //do something cause link is not in array } I need to know how to do this thanks
  9. Hi, I know how to use this to get meta tags the problem is sometimes it takes long to fetch meta tags and then I get a message saying: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded.. my code... $metatags = @ get_meta_tags($url); $title = $metatags["title"]; $description = $metatags["description"]; $keywords = $metatags["keywords"]; Thanks
  10. Pro.Luv


    Hi, I'm running a query from the my database, each time the query loops it fetch's an address then goes to that address and gets all the links from that address.. problem is after a few addresses it stops is this a database problem ? do I have to give the query a break inbetween ? I need this query to be running at all times Thanks
  11. hi ngreenwood6, it is counting if you check: if ($_GET["pgnum"] == $cpgnum){ print "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=$newoffset&pgnum=$cpgnum&pages=$pages\" $active $active1><b>$cpgnum</b></a> | "; } else { print "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=$newoffset&pgnum=$cpgnum&pages=$pages\" $active $active1>$cpgnum</a> | "; } } //COUNTING HERE $count++;
  12. Hi, I have this code that I need help with its something like a pagination: <? $pages = 20; $limit = 10; $count = 0; if (strlen($_GET["pgnum"]) == 0 OR $_GET["pgnum"] == 1){$disablePrevious = "disabled"; } else { $disablePrevious = ""; } $nextpagePrevious = $_GET["pgnum"] - 1; print "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=$limit&pgnum=$nextpagePrevious&pages=$pages\" style=\"text-decoration:none\" <input type=\"button\" value=\"< Previous\" $disablePrevious></a> "; for ($i=1;$i<=$pages;$i++) { $newoffset=$limit*($i-1); $cpgnum = $i; if ($pages > 1) { //REMOVE TO PRINT 20 links if ($count == $limit){ print "... "; break; } if ($_GET["pgnum"] == $cpgnum){ print "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=$newoffset&pgnum=$cpgnum&pages=$pages\"><b>$cpgnum</b></a> | "; } else { print "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=$newoffset&pgnum=$cpgnum&pages=$pages\">$cpgnum</a> | "; } } $count++; } if ($_GET["pgnum"] AND $_GET["pgnum"] == $_GET["pages"]){$disableNext = "disabled";} else{$disableNext = "";} $nextpage = $_GET["pgnum"] + 1; print "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=$limit&pgnum=$nextpage&pages=$pages\" style=\"text-decoration:none\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"Next >\" $disableNext></a>"; ?> what this code basically does is print out 10 links this code: if ($count == $limit){ print "... "; break; } checks if $count is equal to limit and at the top you see $limit is set to 10.. so it only prints out 10 links if you remove the code above it will print 20 links.. I want to only show 10 links then when the 10th link is shown I want show the 11th link then 12th like before 10th link is reached: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 after 10th link is reached 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and so on.. The 1 goes away and the 11th link shows. Really need help with this! thanks
  13. thanks premiso will read up on it, thanks for all the help!!
  14. I'm sorry if I'm confusing you ted_chou12 really am great full for your help.. I'm trying to Define a named constant..
  15. It's PHP... When you use define and you want to change a word say for example: welcome.. it would be define("welcome","Welcome User !"); echo welcome; // gives you Welcome User ! echo "welcome"; //gives you welcome, no change
  16. I tried using: echo "and"; echo "if"; but when the in inverted comma's the word does not change to the language selected. I checked the manual: define("CONSTANT", "Hello world."); echo CONSTANT; // outputs "Hello world." echo Constant; // outputs "Constant" and issues a notice. it shows that echo is used without the inverted comma's
  17. Hi guys, I'm using define to change the page language like: define('home','Heim',true); the problem I'm having is if I echo strings with inverted comma's they don't change like: echo "Home"; The home doesn't change unless I echo it without the inverted comma's echo home; This is making it difficult cause I can't print out reserved words like " and, if " like: echo and; echo if; I get error's how can I echo those words ? I really need help with this and I have chinese as a language but when I create the php document like: define("search", "搜索",true); the chinese words turn into ?? question marks is it my editor ? I really need help with this... Thanks
  18. Hi, I have this code that gets links from web pages but it also gets javascript links like if a link is: document.form1.brand.options[document.form1.brand.selectedIndex].value I don't want it to fetch those links how can I stop it ? <? function getLinks($link) { /*** return array ***/ $ret = array(); /*** a new dom object ***/ $dom = new domDocument; /*** get the HTML (suppress errors) ***/ @$dom->loadHTML(file_get_contents($link)); /*** remove silly white space ***/ $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; /*** get the links from the HTML ***/ $links = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a'); /*** loop over the links ***/ foreach ($links as $tag) { $ret[$tag->getAttribute('href')] = $tag->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue; } return $ret; } /*** a link to search ***/ $link = "http://www.website.com"; /*** get the links ***/ $urls = getLinks($link); /*** check for results ***/ if(sizeof($urls) > 0) { foreach($urls as $key => $value) { echo $key.'<br >'; } } else { echo "No links found at $link"; } ?> thanks
  19. Pro.Luv

    Replace /

    Hey, I want to take a URL for example: http://www.website.com/ I want to replace the last "/" so that it's like.. http://www.website.com But I need to first check if the last "/" exists because not all the URL's I'm parsing has the slash. I'm not really any good with Regex I appreciate any help Thanks
  20. Okay.. I have something like this: eg. $value = <a href="http://www.website.com/link.htm">Link 1</a> if (ereg ("(^http|^https)", $value, $regs)){ print($value."<br />"); } This just match's if the link start's with HTTP or HTTPS, if it does then print it out, I sometimes come across links that are like: <a href="page.htm"> Page </a> AND <a href="/page1.htm"> Page </a> So I want to also print out those links but I need to get the full address I would then change this.. if (ereg ("(^http|^https|^/|^)", $value, $regs)){ print($value."<br />"); } Correct me if I'm mistaken
  21. Hi premiso, It's on someone elses... Could you show me code when you say... I would really appreciate it
  22. Hi, I need to get the full address of links if a link is: <a href="page.htm"> Page </a> How can I get the full address of that link so that it looks like: http://www.website.com/page.htm And if a link is like: <a href="/page1.htm"> Page </a> how can I get the address like http://www.website.com/page1.htm Really need help with this thanks!
  23. Pro.Luv

    Query Time

    Hi, Can anyone tell me how to get the time of how long it takes to run a query like if I had to run a query like: SELECT * FROM table I need to find out how long it takes to get the data in seconds. Thanks
  24. Hi gevans, no not that type of absolute...
  25. I revraz, I'm sorry about that I got it mixed up, I want to make those links absolute from relative. Thanks
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