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Everything posted by DEVILofDARKNESS

  1. You can first try to find out if the dir isset..
  2. I would make that different: <td>From where do you come?</td> <td><select name='fromwhere'> <option value='Irish'>Irish</option> <option value='Brittain'>Brittain</option> </select></td> And then you can call: $_POST['fromwhere'] and it will return the value you made.
  3. you're supposed todo: INSER INTO databasename('columns') you did INSERT INTO databasename 'columns'
  4. to begin what's the purpose off: $British = $_POST['Brtish']; $Irish= $_POST['Irish']; $GypsyRoma = $_POST['GypsyRoma']; $EasternEurope = $_POST['EasternEurope'];
  5. are you sure you replaced myemail@hotmail.com" with your email would be stupid but I would be able to do something like that xD
  6. I don't use it because I know I sometimes use duplicate names, but it's more something you prefer or you don't prefer. We can't say You have to use that because ... and not that because ....
  7. I'm not sure the $message is supposed to be between the " ", I think you can just do mail("...","whatever",$message)
  8. @MetthewJ That's exact the same link I gave
  9. if you use a form with method='post' you're supposed to use $_POST['']
  10. I personaly use or $_POST or $_GET (or both) but not $_request.
  11. No you didn't but if you give us the code you used we can see what is/can be wrong. It's actually easy to make one: STEP 1:build a form <form action='' method='post'> Subject: <input type='text' name='subject'> Text: <input type='text' name='text'> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='send'> </form> STEP 2: create the PHP <?php if($_POST['submit']){ mail("somebody@something.com",$_POST['subject'],$_POST['text']); } ?> <html> .... for more info about mail function: Click here for more info about forms Click here
  12. I also want to let people Bèta test my site, I've worked hard on it, and I like it (doesn't mean you have to like it). So I want to make it safe, easy to use I want to let people test if everything works like you should expect... only at the register page you should be sure your names start with a capital, because the script doesn't give any error yet and you can't move on to the next page I also know that the centered text isn't beautifull. ninv (test account username:IRA pass: IRA) for moderators: http://www.ninv.be/phpfreaks.txt is to show I'm the owner
  13. Uhu, but you mean I should left-align everything? and what is uneven spacing? And I'm not English so it's verry possible their are a lot of spelling mistakes. And is the home page THAT bad? I really thought it was good
  14. Okay I made a lil, browsergame called ninv alias Nuclear Invasion ninv if you register, your username should be with a capital! otherwise you ill not get an errormessage yet but you can't join. The following things have still to be done/fixed (so don't say there is something wrong): -Tutorial -Forum -Ranks/stats in main page -A countdown if you buy weapons/buildings. I want to know if it's clear to work with, and if you think there really misses something.
  15. Okay I found this javascript <script language="JavaScript"> TargetDate = "12/31/2020 5:00 AM"; BackColor = "palegreen"; ForeColor = "navy"; CountActive = true; CountStepper = -1; LeadingZero = true; DisplayFormat = "%%D%% Days, %%H%% Hours, %%M%% Minutes, %%S%% Seconds."; FinishMessage = "It is finally here!"; </script> but how can I pass hte value of php to javascript TargetDate = <?php echo $targetdate; ?> ???
  16. Uhu, so if you disallow all the robots, google will still be able to update your site information?
  17. Hm? No it's just a file on my server, I will try to explain it: I have the site http://www.ninv.be I want to allow that(just the sitename) but disallow all the rest I dunno how to allow the sitename itself... And sorry for the code-tags I thought it wasn't nec. in this case
  18. Okay, so I would determine when it should be finished, by doing the current time + the ammount of minutes needed and store this value in a database. Okay I got that, but I don't know anything about javascript (except the alert function ) so how should I do this?
  19. I actually don't know where to put this, I have the following robots.txt file: And I want to disallow all except those with allow: This works fine, but now I want to also allow the homepage '/' but if I do Allow / googlebot thinks everything is allowed how to solve this (just index.php doesn't work) User-agent: * Disallow: / Allow: /index.php Allow: /indexx.php Allow: /about.php Allow: /tuto.php Allow: /navigation.php Allow: /footer.php
  20. Okay so I'm building a game, (it's almost finished), but a friend of me said it would be better that if you bought a building or Weapon (on the game) that instead of having the item direct a counter should appear. this one should countdown from a certain time in minutes or houres till zero and you should be possible to see it count down, if you quit the browser the counter actually should go on, so that if you come back it could be build Only one problem: I really have NO idea how I should do this. :s
  21. Looks like you forgot a / ;p BTW: You Solved it! A bonus point for Keith PS: Man your brain is a genius! How where you able to find the complicated INNER JOIN (SELECT ...
  22. <?php $href = tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF),tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . "?action=buy_now&products_id=" . $listing['44']); tep_image_button('button_buy_now.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_BUY_NOW); echo "<a href='" . $href . "'>" . $img . "</a>"; ?> Try this?
  23. Indeed their are more regions per nation and each region can have more weapons I actually don't get an error, I get a null value for the power, but I'm sure it can't be a null value I know it should be an integer
  24. I have the following query which perfectly works on my localhost, but doesn't run on my webserver (hosted at combell.com) although it is exact the same database SELECT nations.nation_name, nations.nation_id, (SELECT SUM( weapons.power) * region_weapons.ammount) As power FROM weapons INNER JOIN region_weapons ON region_weapons.weapon_id = weapons.weapon_id INNER JOIN regions ON regions.region_id = region_weapons.region_id INNER JOIN nations ON nations.nation_id = regions.nation_id GROUP BY nations.nation_name ORDER BY power DESC Why is this possible and what can I do?
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