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Everything posted by mongoose00318

  1. You have to define a field as a primary key. Did you do that?
  2. <?php //include dbconfig require_once('includes/dbconfig.php'); //create varibles for getting the news postings from the db $communities_query = 'SELECT * FROM communities'; $communities_result = mysql_query($communities_query); $current_community = ""; $result = mysql_query("SELECT communities.name, communities.city AS c_city, communities.state AS c_state, communities.price_range AS c_price_range, communities.features AS c_features, communities.phone AS c_phone, communities.email AS c_email, communities.directions AS c_directions, communities.description AS c_description, listings.title, listings.city AS l_city, listings.id AS l_id, listings.state AS l_state, listings.sq_ft AS l_sq_ft, listings.price AS l_price FROM communities, listings WHERE (communities.id = listings.community_id) && (listings.quick_movein = 'Yes') ORDER BY communities.id ASC"); $number_of_listings = mysql_num_rows($result); if($number_of_listings > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($row['name'] != $current_community) { $current_community = $row['name']; echo(' <br> <span class="community_title">'.ucfirst($current_community).'</span> <span class="location">'.ucfirst($row['c_city']).', '.ucfirst($row['c_state']).'</span> <div class="divider"></div> <span class="general_info">Price Range:</span> <span class="general_values">'.ucfirst($row['c_price_range']).'</span><span class="general_info">Phone:</span> <span class="general_values">'.$row['c_phone'].'</span><span class="general_info">Email:</span> <a href="mailto:'.$row['c_email'].'" class="email_link">'.$row['c_email'].'</a> <div class="general_links_container"> <a href="community_features/'.$row['c_features'].'" class="general_links">Standard Features</a> | <a href="view_inventory.php?community_id='.$row['id'].'" class="general_links">View Current Inventory</a> | <a href="directions/'.$row['c_directions'].'" class="general_links">Community Details / Directions</a> </div> <span class="general_info">Community Summary</span> <br /> <span class="community_summary">'.ucfirst($row['c_description']).'</span> <div class="divider"></div> <span class="floorplan_title">Floorplans</span> <span class="general_info">click on plan name for details</span> <br /> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> '); $tracker = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo (' <tr class="row'.$tracker.'"> <td class="cell_spacing"><a href="view_listing.php?listing_number='.$row['l_id'].'" class="specfic_info">'.ucfirst($row['title']).'</a></td> <td class="cell_spacing"><span class="specfic_info">Square Footage: '.ucfirst($row['l_sq_ft']).'</span></td> <td class="cell_spacing"><span class="specfic_info">Base Price: $'.ucfirst($row['l_price']).'</span></td> </tr> '); $tracker = 1 - $tracker; } I tryed to clean the code up a bit for ya'll. Hopefully it helps in getting a response.
  3. in the database just set it to auto_increment..and the db will automatically do it
  4. Sorry if the code didn't come out very clean and easy to read.
  5. Hey all, I am trying to get this script to output this data how I want. I want the table to rotate classes on each <tr> to make the rows different colors. I got it working fine on my other pages, but this one has a complicated sql query that is making it hard for me to figure out how to run the loop. If you could take a look at it and try to help me out that would be great! I have noted the part that I have been trying to run the loop in with /////// on top and bottom of the code for easier reading. <?php //include dbconfig require_once('includes/dbconfig.php'); //create varibles for getting the news postings from the db $communities_query = 'SELECT * FROM communities'; $listings_query = 'SELECT * FROM listings'; $communities_result = mysql_query($communities_query); $current_community = ""; $result = mysql_query("SELECT communities.name, communities.city AS c_city, communities.state AS c_state, communities.price_range AS c_price_range, communities.features AS c_features, communities.phone AS c_phone, communities.email AS c_email, communities.directions AS c_directions, communities.description AS c_description, listings.title, listings.city AS l_city, listings.id AS l_id, listings.state AS l_state, listings.sq_ft AS l_sq_ft, listings.price AS l_price FROM communities, listings WHERE (communities.id = listings.community_id) && (listings.quick_movein = 'Yes') ORDER BY communities.id ASC"); $number_of_listings = mysql_num_rows($result); if($number_of_listings > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($row['name'] != $current_community) { $current_community = $row['name']; echo(' <br> <span class="community_title">'.ucfirst($current_community).'</span> <span class="location">'.ucfirst($row['c_city']).', '.ucfirst($row['c_state']).'</span> <div class="divider"></div> <span class="general_info">Price Range:</span> <span class="general_values">'.ucfirst($row['c_price_range']).'</span><span class="general_info">Phone:</span> <span class="general_values">'.$row['c_phone'].'</span><span class="general_info">Email:</span> <a href="mailto:'.$row['c_email'].'" class="email_link">'.$row['c_email'].'</a> <div class="general_links_container"> <a href="community_features/'.$row['c_features'].'" class="general_links">Standard Features</a> | <a href="view_inventory.php?community_id='.$row['id'].'" class="general_links">View Current Inventory</a> | <a href="directions/'.$row['c_directions'].'" class="general_links">Community Details / Directions</a> </div> <span class="general_info">Community Summary</span> <br /> <span class="community_summary">'.ucfirst($row['c_description']).'</span> <div class="divider"></div> <span class="floorplan_title">Floorplans</span> <span class="general_info">click on plan name for details</span> <br /> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> ' ); $tracker = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo (' <tr class="row'.$tracker.'"> <td class="cell_spacing"><a href="view_listing.php?listing_number='.$row['l_id'].'" class="specfic_info">'.ucfirst($row['title']).'</a></td> <td class="cell_spacing"><span class="specfic_info">Square Footage: '.ucfirst($row['l_sq_ft']).'</span></td> <td class="cell_spacing"><span class="specfic_info">Base Price: $'.ucfirst($row['l_price']).'</span></td> </tr> '); $tracker = 1 - $tracker; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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