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  1. Is there any1 who can help me wif this cos i cant move on being stuck on this too long.. :-\ I 'd like to use radio button but is this the correct code? for it din work for mine... if (formObj[gender].value.trim()=='') { errors[errors.length] = Gender cannot be empty.'; }
  2. Thanks for the example as it was a really great help! I'd like to clarify smtg..For radio buttons..i put this but it din work, though it worked fine for all input type as text box.
  3. I used these instead , not the javascript as i know nuts about it.. What i'm trying to achieve now is to keep the contents of all the required fields in the form after it has been filled wrongly ? and there should be a pop up error box saying " this field is not entered"...
  4. That code worked half, was a great help! Meaning the error message and all that showed up but it was after i have pressed the submit button. It should be...the error message should pop up when i press the submit button. any idea?
  5. Is it the same as using javascript, though i tried it but it did not work cos i'm not very sure of javascript..
  6. Any example with this isset or post that i can follow cos i'm really weak at php... thanks
  7. let's say i have a registration form to fill in. I have to fill in all the fields. If some fields are not filled in , there will be an error saying " please fill in all required fields". How do i go about doing it?
  8. This may sound simple but i only have a vague idea of doing it. ??? I want to do a drop down list say of Monday,tuesday and so on. Say, i select Tuesday.How do i grab this Tuesday and post it to the next page when the submit button is hit? After which this selected answer is to be inserted into the databse..
  9. Hmm, roughly how should i generate the data? I 've never used flash before so i'm unsure of how it's gona work.
  10. Let’s say I want to show the combined results of how many kids there is per family. Any idea how I can combine my results to form a chart or piechart?
  11. It worked fine! though the words good loan appears outside the red box. instead,i'd want to enhance it to be like this. So, if i have a table with 2 columns , 5 rows,the amount $1000 is good. So the column of $1000 will be lighted red aft the computation. amount $100 amount $1000 ???
  12. So,if i want this GOOD LOAN to be in a red box,(aft the calcluation) how should i rearrange the codes.
  13. I have done the starting part already ,including the calculation. I'm just stuck at the part where the box is to turn green/red upon a certain result.
  14. Eg: loan calulator There is a text box to key in the loan amt, interest rate,and loan period. after inputing the values, say if it is worthy to take this loan, there will be a text box highlighted green.If it's not worthy,this box will be highlighted Red. How should i go about doing this
  15. wad i have at the teacher page here(process) $qn = $_POST['qn']; echo "RJ Question set:<br />{$_POST['qn']}<br /><br />"; So,to grab tht question at student page <?php echo "Question :<br/>{$GET['question']}<br /><br />"; ?> but...din wrk sry,lousy basics i have
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