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  1. No I am just asking if anyone knows what the error might be and that way I am able to fix it. I can't pay though.
  2. I have a virtual pet site and it won't let me login. I am not shure what is wrong with it. If you need a account to test login use the demo UN: kdemo PW: demo Test If any other info is needed please ask.
  3. Sorry. I fixed it though. Although I can't login. '
  4. I figured it out. On some codes you know how it wants two equal signs? Well the way the code was placed it wanted two equal signs! I GOT IT!!! YAY!! EX:
  5. Oh and maybe by learning how to fix these errors it may fix the others. (It seemed to do that with other errors, some would be fixed because a higher one was fixed)
  6. I am not able to access it now. It is in its never-ending loading fit. Oh....I don't know what to do to fix it.....
  7. I don't understand. I still don't know what to fix?
  8. I know when using PHP the system does not let you use " in the code unless in certain places. I have check the code where it says there is an error but it still says there is an error. Does anyone know if there is another type of error for T_STRING? I have only discovered the " T_STRING error so far. Here is what the error is and 3 lines of the code: <--The error--> Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in XXmypageXX.php on line 14 <--The line and lines under and above--> $run[$cronName] = 1; mysql_query("UPDATE ghetto_cron SET last_run = '$today2' WHERE game = '$game' AND id = '$getMonthlyCron[id]'"); mysql_query(UPDATE ghetto_cron SET total_runs = total_runs + 1 WHERE game = $game AND id = $getMonthlyCron[id]);
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