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Everything posted by dimitris

  1. Hi there, is it possible to have the browser display a different url than the php script loaded? for example how can I force the browser to diplay a string like "http://false.url.com" as the url? dimitris
  2. Hi all, I'm trying to do the following: send a request for some data to some website and display the output in a new page, without displaying the search website. For example, I know that I can search at google for "phpFreaks" like this header("Location: http://www.google.com/search?q=phpFreaks"); But how can I obtain, the results internally, in this case the first one or two url addresses and either redirect directly to one of them or use some other way the result? Any ideas?
  3. Hi all, I would like to ask about two programming techniques, regarding their efficiancy. First, is there actually any difference between <?php function example() { if (...) { ... $return_value = value1;} else if (...) { ... $return_value = value2;} else (...) { ... $return_value = value3;} return $return_value; }?> and this one <?php function example() { if (...) { ... return $value1;} else if (...) { ... return $value2;} else { ... return $value3;} }?> Secondly, <?php $sql = "SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE..."; // or whatever query $result = mysqli_query($sql) or die(mysqli_error()); ?> isn't it better this one? <?php $result = mysqli_query("SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE...") or die(mysqli_error()); ?> I've seen the first ones in both cases used and was wondering if the second ones are improvements or not... Is there any point in trying to make the code as efficient as possible in PHP, or is it a waste of time? I've being used to think like this since I'm coming from a C/C++ background but don't know if it's worth going to the bottom in PHP, does it really make any difference? Sorry if my questions are naive... dimitris
  4. cool, thanks for the advice! dimitris
  5. Hi everybody, I'm new in the world of PHP and I want to ask the following: what do you think is an acceptable level of knowledge of the language that can make me confident in starting looking for a job as a PHP programmer? I have mainly used C/C++ and Common Lisp in the past, but if I'm having a difficulty to persuade any possible employer that I can code in PHP with no previous experience (obviously eh?). So, I was thinking about completing a task or small project on my own that can make clear my abilities in coding. Any suggestions or ideas would be really helpful for me. Also, since most of the employers are looking for knowledge not only of PHP but other languages as well like JavaScript, a task or project that combines PHP with other skills could be even better. Dimitris
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