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  1. For some years, I developed a php script that is now a Platform for Web Management. The script is located in main account "/home/user1/wwww" and the other customers with accounts user2, user3, user4,..., can read the script via web located in user1. All accounts are in same server that is using fastcgi and has some configuration of virtualhost. The serious problem is that my administrator is forcing me switch to suPHP. I hear that this system will not allow the others accounts read main script located in user1. Is there any solution in migrate to suPHP and keep the sharing?
  2. What I need is to minimize the hits of mysqld. In the list above is a example that I have on my table and I need to show the elements by groups and the groups by pagination (using LIMIT X, Y). On this moment, I have about 3 or 4 access of mysqld to extract that final list, it begins with a list of limited groups available and finally ordered with the elements involved. Initially the source went well but now there are more visitors to consult the list and mysqld obliges us to wait 14s per limit of hits. So I am trying to improve the source and make it needed only a single access. As a example of table above explained, I need to limit the groups (letters, names, strings) with elements involved (numbers as units, dimensions, etc) Then, with the command [liMIT 0, 2], the list may show all elemens of the letter's group 'a' and 'b'. If [liIMT 2, 2] the list may show 'c' and 'd'. Other example, if [liIMT 1, 3], the list may show 'b', 'c', and 'd'. I think is possible only one mysql's command, but I'm not a advanced programmer. Unfortunatelly I have one table, I can't separate it in sub-tables. Best regards and thanks for helping me.
  3. I need help. Consider the database: char | num a | 1 b | 3 a | 4 b | 2 b | 4 d | 2 d | 1 c | 1 a | 2 I want to get a limited list for 2 ordered charaters: a | 1 a | 4 a | 2 b | 3 b | 2 b | 4 On same command, I need to limit the counter characters, for example: LIMIT 1, 3 may be result: b | 3 b | 2 b | 4 c | 1 d | 2 d | 1 Who is the mysql command to do this? Any help?
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