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Everything posted by PseudoEvolution

  1. It's definitely possible, but I can't say much more without further explanation for what you mean. I don't get what you're saying here.
  2. ^ Beat me to it! You can also apply background color, borders, size etc...
  3. I haven't tested this, but I'm pretty sure there is an answer using "IS NOT NULL" in your MySQL statement. Example: $sql = "SELECT value FROM $table WHERE row = $num_row AND IS NOT NULL" ; I bet it's wrong since I have never had to use it, but at least you get the idea. It should skip that row if the field is NULL. [Edit] Also try this! $sql = "SELECT value FROM $table WHERE row <=> $num_row" ; The "<=>" is supposedly a "NULL-safe" operator.
  4. Ok, I think I found it: http://www.xnview.com/ How-to: http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/xnview/qt/batchresize.htm
  5. You want something for "batch cropping". Google for "batch crop image program" or something. I used to have a program like this but I forgot the name. There are some good free ones out there, you just have to find it. [edit] Almost forgot, basically the program would take image files and resize them to whatever you want. The "batch" aspect means you can do it to multiple images at once. Hope this helps!
  6. I was afraid of this, but hey, at least you get what I'm talking about. I really don't have the option to completely ignore this, so now I just need an idea for getting the user to print this out. I wonder if there is a way to take the page contents and dump them in to a word document or PDF for the user to download, but I don't think it would retain the html formatting. ??? There's gotta be a way to do this...even if the user has to download a file.
  7. I don't know how else to explain this any easier... I'm NOT talking about web site headers. I know how to make a printer friendly version of a web page, but it will still show the printer headers. I'm talking about the text that is put there by the printer subsystem. It has nothing to do with web page styling. It is not the stuff before and after the body tags. It has nothing to do with html directly. Try to print anything from the web and the URL, Page #, and Date will show on the paper. I need to get rid of this. Perhaps a PHP forum isn't the place to post this. lol
  8. Just tried it... removing the <head> tags (and the <html> tags) doesn't remove the print headers. I'm pretty sure this is just a browser setting. If you still don't know what I'm referring to, see this screenshot of "Print Preview" for Yahoo Games. http://img300.imageshack.us/my.php?image=printexamplepu3.jpg
  9. Im not talking about HTML headers. Not the <head> stuff. I'm talking about the information displayed when you print a page. Like go to Print Preview and you will see what I mean.
  10. I have a script that generates a web page based on user input. The idea is to let people print this generated page, but I NEED the printed page to exclude the header/footer stuff (URL, Page #, Date etc...). I know this is possible if you configure the print settings manually, but users shouldn't have to do this, I want to do it with code some how. If it's not possible with code, how would you go about doing this? How could I get a web page to paper (with no header/footer info) as simple as possible? I thought about finding a way to convert it to PDF, but I don't know that there is an automated way to do this. Ideas?
  11. You just repeated yourself. Sure anyone can change locked or hidden form fields, but to alter the variables directly? I have never heard of such a thing. Anyway, if PayPal requires variables to be posted, there must be a secure way to do it (using POST). To say they both are not secure doesn't really solve anything.
  12. How could anyone alter POST variables? I know people can intercept them if they aren't encrypted, but tamper?
  13. Sorry I edited my previous post, not sure if you got it. I think you could probably post the variables to the "redirect" page, which creates hidden fields and submits the form after x seconds using javascript. But then people with javascript disabled could just edit the hidden fields. IDK
  14. Well, you can't submit POST variables with a link as far as I know. Why would you need the timed redirect? Why not just post them directly to PayPal?
  15. It would help if you posted all of the code, but everything looks fine here... Try $message = 'FULL NAME: ' . $name; It should work how you have it now, but who knows... Also, do an echo on $name to see if it's being submitted properly. If not, then recheck your input for name.
  16. You can use includes to include content as well... For example in your sub.php, between the body tags, you can include content as well: <body> <?php include('/path/to/file/about_us.php'); ?> </body> Then the about_us.php file could hold only the content. Are you using a single sub.php page for all of your non-index pages? If that's the case, you could use GET variables to choose which content will show. Example: mysite.com/sub.php?page=aboutus <body> <?php if ($_GET['page'] == 'aboutus') { include('about_us.php'); } elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'contact') { include('contact_us.php'); } ?> </body> Hope that clears it up...
  17. I think you're looking for includes. So your content file would be the main page that people go to: <html> <head> <?php include(/path/to/file/about_us.php); ?> </head> <body> ...content... </body> </html> The include calls the path to the file holding your meta tags. In the meta tag version: <?php echo '<meta etc... /> <meta etc... />'; ?> Hope that helps!
  18. The first thing I noticed is the extra "(" VALUES INET_ATON(($ip)") Fix that and see if it works.
  19. Thanks guys. I guess I could use a CJ. I was worried that other people would run it (or even a bot), but it wouldn't be that hard to protect. Is it possible to pass variables when running a script? If so, I could just make a 10 digit ID or something. Like /updatescript.php?auth=c732s9kw25 and only accept IPs from localhost maybe?
  20. I'm creating a (yet another) PHP MMORPG and it's coming along very smoothly; however, I am unsure what kind of timer methods I would use for giving user's money/stats. If you need an example, let's say I want to give everyone $500 every 30 minutes. What's the best way to go about doing this? The only way I know is to make a cronjob to run a php script, but this can't be efficient or secure. Any ideas?
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