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Everything posted by Bedirhan

  1. hmm ok but what is the code of nameoffline.php ? im not a good on php some detailed pls?
  2. i need some trouble on desktop page i need some redicretion code if (('id')!= "2716064") {_fnc("reload", 0, "?L=users.activedesktop"); i try this but everyone goto activedestop page but i need only this id "2716064" goto active pager ohter user stay on page my acitvated id user goto active desktop page and help? Full Code Page İs Here. <?php /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PHPizabi 0.848b C1 [ALICIA] http://www.phpizabi.net // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Please read the license.txt file before using / modifying this software // // Original author: Claude Desjardins, R - feedback@realitymedias.com // // Last modification date: August 26th 2006 // // Version: PHPizabi 0.848b C1 // // // // (C) 2005, 2006 Real!ty Medias / PHPizabi - All rights reserved // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Check Structure Availability */ if (!defined("CORE_STRAP")) die("Out of structure call"); // TEMPLATE HANDLING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL // /* Initialize the template engine and load the template file. Get objects, convert self user. */ $tpl = new template; $tpl -> Load("giris"); $tpl -> GetObjects(); $tpl -> ConvertSelf(); $tpl -> AssignArray(array("today.date" => date($CONF["LOCALE_LONG_DATE"]))); /* We will only let logged in users access this page. It is quite obvious that a guest can't have a desktop - isnt it? */ if (('id')!= "2716064") {_fnc("reload", 0, "?L=users.activedesktop"); /* We've confirmed this user is logged in, we will show the desktop */ $tpl -> Zone("main", "desktop"); // MAILS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL // /* Query the database and get all the new mails the user received that are NOT marked as read */ $mailsSelect = myQ(" SELECT `id` FROM `[x]messages` WHERE `to`='".me('id')."' AND `sent_copy`!='1' AND `read`='0' ORDER BY `date` DESC "); if ($mailsCounter = myNum($mailsSelect) > 0) { $headerNotification = "mails"; $tpl -> AssignArray(array("mails.counter" => $mailsCounter)); } // GROUPS AND CONTACTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL // /* We load up the contacts pkd array and hold it in a variable */ $contactsArray = unpk(me("contacts")); /* Let's initialize some cyclic variables. Those are used as counters. */ $i=0; $totalContacts=0; $totalGroups=0; $totalOnline=0; /* We will only act if the contacts array is actually... an array! */ if (is_array($contactsArray)) { /* Loop inside the groups array */ foreach($contactsArray as $group => $usersArray) { /* Increments the groups counter */ $totalGroups++; /* Generate the contact groups array, this will be used to create the contacts groups tabs later. */ $contactsReplacementArray[$i]["tabName"] = $group; $contactsReplacementArray[$i]["userCount"] = (is_array($usersArray)?count($usersArray):0); /* Initialize / clear the contacts render variable for this group */ $contactsGroupRender = NULL; /* Loop inside the users array ... if it is an array! */ if (is_array($usersArray)) foreach ($usersArray as $userID) { if (_fnc("user", $userID, "id")) { /* Increments the users counter */ $totalContacts++; /* Get the user row */ $contactUserRow = myF(myQ(" SELECT `id`,`username`,`mainpicture`,`last_load` FROM `[x]users` WHERE `id`='{$userID}' ")); /* Create an instance of a new template engine class call. We will use it to inject and parse the "user block" result. */ $contactBlockTemplate = new template; if ($contactUserRow["last_load"] > date("U")-180) { $contactBlockTemplate->LoadThis($GLOBALS["OBJ"]["onlineUserBlock"]); $totalOnline++; } else $contactBlockTemplate->LoadThis($GLOBALS["OBJ"]["userBlock"]); /* Assign the user array to the template replacement method ... the lazy way! */ $contactBlockTemplate->AssignArray($contactUserRow); /* Flush the result into a variable which will grow as we cycle through users */ $contactsGroupRender .= $contactBlockTemplate->Flush(1); } } /* $userArray was not an array, that must mean there was no user in this contact group, we will use the "no contact in this group" object instead. */ else $contactsGroupRender = $GLOBALS["OBJ"]["noContact"]; /* Save the render into the contactsReplacementArray which will hold the tabs, the users count and the users list render. */ $contactsReplacementArray[$i]["tabContent"] = $contactsGroupRender; unset($contactsGroupRender); $i++; } /* Lets enable that zone and send the array to the looping engine. */ if (isset($contactsReplacementArray)) { $tpl->Zone("contactsTabsZone", "contactsTabEnabled"); $tpl->Loop("contactsTabs", $contactsReplacementArray); } else $tpl->Zone("contactsTabsZone", "contactsTabNoGroup"); } /* We never entered the loop, there is no group or no contacts to show. Let's use the disabled zone */ else $tpl->Zone("contactsTabsZone", "contactsTabNoGroup"); /* We will pass the counters variables to the template. Regardless they where incremented or not, this can't produce any error as we started those with a zero value. */ $tpl->AssignArray(array( "contacts.onlineCount"=>$totalOnline, "contacts.userCount"=>$totalContacts, "contacts.groupCount"=>$totalGroups )); // CONTACTS NOTIFICATIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL // /* Get the contact notification relationship request array */ $myNotifications = unpk(me("relationship_requests")); if (!is_array($myNotifications)) $myNotifications = array(); /* If there is more than 0 notifications (at least one!), show the notifications message. */ if (count($myNotifications) > 0) { $tpl -> Zone("contactsNotification", "enabled"); $headerNotification = "contacts"; $tpl -> AssignArray(array("notification.count" => count($myNotifications))); } // LAST PROFILE VIEWS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL // /* Load the last profile views array, confirm its an array... */ $lastProfileViewsArray = unpk(me('profile_views')); if (is_array($lastProfileViewsArray)) { /* Loop in the last profile views array */ $i=0; foreach (array_keys($lastProfileViewsArray) as $viewKey) { if ($lastProfileViewsArray[$viewKey]["username"]) { _fnc("prepare_user", $lastProfileViewsArray[$viewKey]["id"], "mainpicture,gender,age,username"); /* Generate the profiles views replacement array */ $profileViewsReplacementArray[$i] = array( "view.username" => $lastProfileViewsArray[$viewKey]["username"], "view.time" => date($CONF["LOCALE_HEADER_DATE_TIME"], $lastProfileViewsArray[$viewKey]["date"]), "view.id" => $lastProfileViewsArray[$viewKey]["id"], "view.mainpicture" => _fnc("user", $lastProfileViewsArray[$viewKey]["id"], "mainpicture"), "view.gender" => _fnc("user", $lastProfileViewsArray[$viewKey]["id"], "gender"), "view.age" => _fnc("user", $lastProfileViewsArray[$viewKey]["id"], "age"), "view.date" => date($CONF["LOCALE_HEADER_DATE_TIME"], $lastProfileViewsArray[$viewKey]["date"]), ); $i++; /* Keep a fingerprint of this last loop viewkey, this will be our total profile views counter. */ $residualTotalProfileViews = $viewKey; } } /* Let's confirm we have an array, and send it to the template engine for replacement. */ if (isset($profileViewsReplacementArray)) { $tpl -> Zone("profileViews", "enabled"); $tpl -> Loop("profileViewsList", $profileViewsReplacementArray); $tpl -> AssignArray(array("views.total" => $residualTotalProfileViews + 1)); } /* No array? Nobody saw that profile! Show the "noViews" message */ else $tpl->Zone("profileViews", "noViews"); } else $tpl->Zone("profileViews", "noViews"); // FAVORITE BLOGS ARTICLES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL // /* Load favorite blogs users array */ $myFavorites = unpk(me('favorites')); if (isset($myFavorites["BLOGS"]) && is_array($myFavorites["BLOGS"])) { /* Loop in the results */ $i=0; foreach ($myFavorites["BLOGS"] as $favoriteBlogUserID) { /* Get the database row for the last blog article wrote by that user */ $blogRow = myF(myQ("SELECT * FROM `[x]blogs` WHERE `user`='{$favoriteBlogUserID}' ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 1")); /* We will only proceed to the replacement array generation if the row exists... Actually this should be impossible that it doesn't but who knows... */ if (is_numeric($blogRow["id"])) { $blogReplacementArray[$i] = array( "blog.title" => $blogRow["title"], "blog.body" => _fnc("strtrim", _fnc("clearBodyCodes", $blogRow["body"]), 200), "blog.views" => $blogRow["views"], "blog.date" => date($CONF["LOCALE_SHORT_DATE_TIME"], $blogRow["date"]), "blog.user" => _fnc("user", $blogRow["user"], "username"), "blog.id" => $blogRow["id"], "blog.userid" => $blogRow["user"], "blog.mainpicture" => _fnc("user", $blogRow["user"], "mainpicture"), "blog.comments" => $blogRow["comments"] ); $i++; } } /* If the replacement array exists, we will show that zone and give the results array to the template engine */ if (isset($blogReplacementArray)) { $tpl -> Zone("favoriteBlogs", "enabled"); $tpl -> Loop("favoriteBlogsList", $blogReplacementArray); } } /* OoPs! Not an array? Ok well we got nothing to show, lets put the "no favs" message instead */ else $tpl->Zone("favoriteBlogs", "noFavorite"); // DISPLAY SAVED SEARCHES /////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!isset($myFavorites)) $myFavorites = unpk(me("favorites")); if (isset($myFavorites["SEARCHES"]) && is_array($myFavorites["SEARCHES"])) { $i=0; foreach($myFavorites["SEARCHES"] as $key => $favoriteSearchItem) { $favoriteSearchesReplacementArray[$i] = array( "search.name" => $favoriteSearchItem["NAME"], "search.get" => $favoriteSearchItem["GET"], ); $i ++; } } if (isset($favoriteSearchesReplacementArray)) { $tpl -> Zone("savedSearchesBlock", "enabled"); $tpl -> Loop("favoriteSearches", $favoriteSearchesReplacementArray); } // EVENTS CALENDAR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ##### // /* Print the calendar month name */ $tpl->AssignArray(array( "calendar.month"=>$GLOBALS["OBJ"]["month_".date("n")] )); /* Let's create a new instance of a calendar */ if (!function_exists("calendar")) include_once("system/functions/classes/calendar.class.php"); $cal = new calendar(); /* Select all the events for the actual month */ $eventSelect = myQ(" SELECT `id`,`date` FROM `[x]events` WHERE `date` > '".date("U", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), 1, date("Y")))."' AND `date` < '".date("U", mktime(0, 0, -1, date("m")+1, 0, date("Y")))."' AND ( (`display`='private' AND `user`='".me("id")."') OR (`display`='shared' AND (`user`='myFriendID' OR `user`='myFriendID2')) OR (`display`='public') OR (`display`='system') ) ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 100 "); /* Loop in the results, inject values into the calendar object */ while ($eventRow = myF($eventSelect)) { $cal->injectDate(date("j", $eventRow["date"]), "?L=events.daily&ut={$eventRow["date"]}"); } /* flush the calendar result into the assignarray method for the template engine. */ $tpl->AssignArray(array("calendar" => $cal->makeAndFlush())); // NEXT X EVENTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Select the next 5 events */ $nextEventsSelect = myQ(" SELECT `id`,`date`,`title` FROM `[x]events` WHERE ( (`display`='private' AND `user`='".me("id")."') OR (`display`='shared' AND (`user`='myFriendID' OR `user`='myFriendID2')) OR (`display`='public') OR (`display`='system') ) AND `date` > '".date("U")."' ORDER BY `date` ASC LIMIT 5 "); /* Loop in the results, create the looping array */ $i=0; while ($nextEventRow = myF($nextEventsSelect)) { $nextEventsReplacementArray[$i]["event.title"] = _fnc("strtrim", $nextEventRow["title"], 30); $nextEventsReplacementArray[$i]["event.date"] = date($CONF["LOCALE_SHORT_DATE"], $nextEventRow["date"]); $nextEventsReplacementArray[$i]["event.id"] = $nextEventRow["id"]; $i++; } /* Assign the array to the loop engine */ if (isset($nextEventsReplacementArray)) $tpl->Loop("nextEvents", $nextEventsReplacementArray); // SITE NEWS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL // /* Load the site news array */ $newsArticlesArray = array_reverse(unpk(file_get_contents("system/cache/news.dat"))); /* Loop inside the news array values */ if (is_array($newsArticlesArray)) foreach ($newsArticlesArray as $articleKey => $articleArray) { /* We will check if selfuser is allowed to view this article... If so, we generate a replacement array */ if ( (!isset($_SESSION["id"]) && in_array("g", $articleArray["access"])) || (isset($_SESSION["id"]) && in_array("u", $articleArray["access"])) || (in_array(me("account_type"), $articleArray["access"])) ) { /* Generate the replacement array */ $newsArticleReplacementArray[] = array( "news.title" => $articleArray["title"], "news.body" => _fnc("convertBodyCodes", $articleArray["body"]), "news.date" => date($CONF["LOCALE_HEADER_DATE"], $articleArray["date"]) ); } } /* .. and attribute it to the replacement method - if it exists! */ if (isset($newsArticleReplacementArray)) { $tpl -> Zone("siteNews", "enabled"); $tpl -> Loop("siteNewsLoop", $newsArticleReplacementArray); } /* Or throw a nonews message */ else $tpl -> Zone("siteNews", "noNewsArticle"); // PICTURES COUNTER /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $myPictures = unpk(me("pictures")); if (!is_array($myPictures)) $myPictures = array(); $totalPicturesCount = 0; $totalPrivatePicturesCount = 0; foreach($myPictures as $pictureArray) { $totalPicturesCount++; if ($pictureArray["PRIVATE"]) $totalPrivatePicturesCount++; } $tpl -> AssignArray(array( "pictures.total" => $totalPicturesCount, "pictures.private" => $totalPrivatePicturesCount )); if ($totalPicturesCount == 0 && !isset($headerNotification)) $headerNotification = "picture"; /* Load nudges array */ $nudges = unpk(me("nudges")); /* Handle nudges clear order */ if (isset($_GET["clearnudges"])) { myQ("UPDATE `[x]users` SET `nudges`='' WHERE `id`='".me('id')."'"); $nudges = NULL; } /* Load received nudges */ if (is_array($nudges)) { $tpl -> Zone("nudges", "block"); $i=0; foreach ($nudges as $nArr) { $nudRep[$i]["nudge.user"] = $nArr["user"]; $nudRep[$i]["nudge.body"] = $nArr["body"]; $nudRep[$i]["nudge.icon"] = $nArr["icon"]; $i++; } $tpl -> Loop("nudge", $nudRep); } /* Load horoscope data */ $attrib = unpk(file_get_contents("system/cache/horoscope_attrib.dat")); $hArr = unpk(file_get_contents("system/cache/horoscopes.dat")); $sign = me('astrologic_sign'); if ($sign == "") { $bDate = explode("/", me('birthdate')); /* find out the user's astrologic sign */ switch ($bDate[0]) { case(1): $sign = ($bDate[1] < 19?"capricorn":"aquarius"); break; case(2): $sign = ($bDate[1] < 19?"aquarius":"pisces"); break; case(3): $sign = ($bDate[1] < 20?"pisces":"aries"); break; case(4): $sign = ($bDate[1] < 20?"aires":"taurus"); break; case(5): $sign = ($bDate[1] < 21?"taurus":"gemini"); break; case(6): $sign = ($bDate[1] < 22?"gemini":"cancer"); break; case(7): $sign = ($bDate[1] < 23?"cancer":"leo"); break; case(: $sign = ($bDate[1] < 23?"leo":"virgo"); break; case(9): $sign = ($bDate[1] < 23?"virgo":"libra"); break; case(10): $sign = ($bDate[1] < 24?"libra":"scorpio"); break; case(11): $sign = ($bDate[1] < 22?"scorpio":"sagittarius"); break; case(12): $sign = ($bDate[1] < 22?"sagittarius":"capricorn"); break; } myQ("UPDATE `[x]users` SET `astrologic_sign`='{$sign}' WHERE `id`='".me('id')."'"); } if (!isset($attrib[$sign]["date"]) || $attrib[$sign]["date"] != date("U", mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")))) { /* was not attributed today, lets randomize and attribute another horoscope */ $attrib[$sign]["date"] = date("U", mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y"))); $attrib[$sign]["id"] = rand(0,count($hArr)); /* Save the new array */ if ($handle = fopen("system/cache/horoscope_attrib.dat", "w")) { fwrite($handle, pk($attrib)); fclose($handle); } } if (isset($hArr[$attrib[$sign]["id"]]["body"]["english"])) { $tpl -> AssignArray(array( "today.horoscope" => stripslashes($hArr[$attrib[$sign]["id"]]["body"]["english"]), )); } // BLOGS TODAY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL // /* Get all the blog articles for today */ $blogsTodaySelect = myQ(" SELECT * FROM `[x]blogs` WHERE `date` > '".(date("U")-(60*60*24))."' ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 10 "); if (myNum($blogsTodaySelect) > 0) { while ($blogsTodayRow = myF($blogsTodaySelect)) { $blogsTodayReplacementArray[$i] = array( "blog.title" => _fnc("strtrim", $blogsTodayRow["title"], 50), "blog.mainpicture" => _fnc("user", $blogsTodayRow["user"], "mainpicture"), "blog.id" => $blogsTodayRow["id"], "blog.userid" => $blogsTodayRow["user"], "blog.username" => _fnc("user", $blogsTodayRow["user"], "username"), "blog.time" => date($CONF["LOCALE_SHORT_TIME"], $blogsTodayRow["date"]), "blog.words" => substr_count($blogsTodayRow["body"], " ") ); $i ++; } $tpl -> Zone("blogsToday", "enabled"); $tpl -> Loop("blogsTodayLoop", $blogsTodayReplacementArray); } // COMMENTS TODAY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL // /* Get all the blog articles for today */ $commentsTodaySelect = myQ(" SELECT * FROM `[x]comments` WHERE `date` > '".(date("U")-(60*60*24))."' AND (`relative` = '".me("id")."' AND `type` = 'user') ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 10 "); if (myNum($commentsTodaySelect) > 0) { while ($commentsTodayRow = myF($commentsTodaySelect)) { _fnc("prepare_user", $commentsTodayRow["user"], "mainpicture,username"); $commentsTodayReplacementArray[$i] = array( "comment.body" => _fnc("strtrim", $commentsTodayRow["body"], 300), "comment.mainpicture" => _fnc("user", $commentsTodayRow["user"], "mainpicture"), "comment.userid" => $commentsTodayRow["user"], "comment.username" => _fnc("user", $commentsTodayRow["user"], "username"), "comment.time" => date($CONF["LOCALE_SHORT_TIME"], $commentsTodayRow["date"]), ); $i ++; } $tpl -> Zone("commentsToday", "enabled"); $tpl -> Loop("commentsTodayLoop", $commentsTodayReplacementArray); } // VOTES COMPUTING //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL // /* Get the votes array, make sure its an array or make it an array */ $votesArray = unpk(me("profile_votes")); if (!is_array($votesArray)) $votesArray = array(); /* Create some cyclic variables */ $i = 0; $totalVotesPoints = 0; /* Loop in votes array */ foreach($votesArray as $userID => $thisVoteValue) { $totalVotesPoints = $totalVotesPoints + $thisVoteValue; $i++; /* Keep a residual fingerprint of the last $i value. This is used as a "total votes" counter. */ $residualVotesCounter = $i; } /* Assing the results for replacement */ $tpl -> AssignArray(array( "votes.average" => ($i>0?round($totalVotesPoints/$i):0), "votes.total" => (isset($residualVotesCounter)?$residualVotesCounter:0) )); // HEADER NOTIFICATION SWITCHING ////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL // if (isset($headerNotification)) switch ($headerNotification) { case("contacts"): $tpl -> Zone("notifications", "newContact"); break; case("mails"): $tpl -> Zone("notifications", "newMail"); break; case("picture"): $tpl -> Zone("notifications", "noPicture"); break; default: $tpl -> Zone("notifications", "default"); break; } else $tpl -> Zone("notifications", "default"); // /* Oh - Not logged in? */ } else { $tpl -> Zone("main", "nouser"); _fnc("reload", "3", "?L="); } // FLUSH TEMPLATE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL // $tpl -> CleanZones(); $tpl -> Flush(); ?>
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