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Everything posted by Andy-H

  1. I mean on Windows Live Messenger. It would be much easier to help you if we could talk in real-time...
  2. So why isnt it echoing the data on the page... Are you including includes/header_image.php on the index.php page?
  3. Scrap that then... <?php $domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; echo 'Domain: ' . $domain . '<br><br>'; $imgUrl = "http://www.pmcsravenstone.com/media/"; switch ($domain) { case "webdesign.pmcsravenstone.com": $imgUrl .= "web.png"; break; case "dental.pmcsravenstone.com": $imgUrl .= "dental.png"; break; case "family.pmcsravenstone.com": $imgUrl .= "family.png"; break; case "fun.pmcsravenstone.com": $imgUrl .= "fun.png"; break; default: $imgUrl .= "bridge.jpg"; break; } echo 'Url: ' . $imgUrl . '<br>'; ?> Change header_image.php to that and we can find the problem from there...
  4. Do you have an msn addy I can tsalk to you on? I added the gmail one from your profile...
  5. SHIT... http://pmcsravenstone.com/includes/test.php http://www.pmcsravenstone.com/includes/test.php
  6. pmcsravenstone.com You are sure that wasn't www.pmcsravenstone.com as SERVER_NAME should include the www. also are you including the header_image.php file before the header.php file?
  7. Why do you have the data stored like that?
  8. Attach the full source code of the file you wish to use the code in please..
  9. I did that before just for readability. PHP ignores whitespace.
  10. ok will do, still not found any really usefull material on this one but nvm. Thanks for the help everyone.
  11. Yes, I just assumed comparisons of the two would be most effective as there is nothing to standardise an 'average' firewall by which to decide what would be an advantage or disadvantage of one or the other, if that makes any sense lol
  12. Firewall A firewall is a barrier within a network that will only allow packets (data) to pass through that have been authorised; it can be installed by either hardware, software or a combination of both. You can also control which ports you wish to allow data to transfer through. A firewalls main function is to inspect the traffic travelling through a network and deny or permit passage based on a set of rules. The default firewall used by machines running on a Windows operating system is Windows Firewall, it is a personal firewall included with Windows XP and later versions. Thats what I have so far, chances are most of it is complete bulls**t lol I am not very good at this kind of stuff since my hardware tutor got fired and a new one came in and got fired too lol
  13. Thanks And I dont have a clue, in my assignment breif it just says windows firewall. Write a brief description of how a utility differs from a program. Then write a detailed description of the following utilities. You should start with an overview of each utility (for example how does a firewall work?) you then have to give details about each example – highlighting their benefits and disadvantages. Firewall Examples: Firestarter / Windows Firewall
  14. I am doing an assignment for my National Diploma in IT course (due last year lol), anyhow, the assignment is on hardware and I have been asked to write a detailed comparison with advantages/disadvanteges on windows firewall vs (linux) firestarter. I have been google searching Firestarter vs Windows Firewall for about half an hour with no luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction of where to find advantages / disadvantages of the two. Any help GREATLY appreciated.
  15. <?php $domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $imgUrl = "http://www.pmcsravenstone.com/media/"; switch ($domain) { case "webdesign.pmcsravenstone.com": $imgUrl .= "web.png"; break; case "dental.pmcsravenstone.com": $imgUrl .= "dental.png"; break; case "family.pmcsravenstone.com": $imgUrl .= "family.png"; break; case "fun.pmcsravenstone.com": $imgUrl .= "fun.png"; break; default: $imgUrl .= "bridge.jpg"; break; } ?> <img src="<?php echo $imgUrl; ?>"> Does that not work?
  16. http://gr0w.com/articles/code/php_5_star_rating_system_using_hreview/
  17. <?php $domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; echo $domain; ?> Run that code in the page on its own and tell me the result please. Also the default case doesn't take a condition. default: $imgUrl.="bridge.jpg"; break; }
  18. Because I'm wastefull on resources and have never looked into sorting this out.
  19. $check = $_FILES['userfile']['type']; $name = explode('.', $_FILES['userfile']['name']); $i = count($name) - 1; $ext = $name[$i]; if ($check == "image/" . $ext){ //upload file }else{ //give error } Would that work? //EDIT: Changed split() to explode() after my grilling on resource usages in another topic lol
  20. I just usually use varchar(255), tinytext will work all the same tho...
  21. $date = date('l, d/m/Y : g:ia');
  22. http://unix.com.ua/orelly/ http://unix.com.ua/orelly/webprog/jscript/index.htm
  23. $a[] = array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'); That would make $a a multidimentional array. ie. $a[0] = array ( [0] => 1, [1] => 2, [2] => 3, etc...); so you would haveto access it via $a[0][0]; $a[0][1]; etc.. I think what you meant to write is $a = array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'); ???
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