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Everything posted by sp33d1

  1. wow man you fixed the problem thanks
  2. it's on the original code page while($noticia = mysql_fetch_array($result)) it's my fetch. the changeable input field is value=\"$noticia[id]\" the problem is when i click submit it wont change the mysql code on the other page which is $layout_id = "echo $_POST['Id']"; // Get all the data from the "layouts" table $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM layouts ORDER BY id='$layout_id' DESC LIMIT 0,1") or die(mysql_error()); When i hit submit i want $layout_id to change based on which noticia id I hit since it's looping i'll get value="1" value="2" value="3" ect...
  3. Ok sorry about the that. Yes when the value changes by the id number I'd like for preview.php to change also once they hit submit. it's a looping process i cant make 100's previews thats why i use the php form option but it's not working.
  4. Im trying to build a script when i hit the submit button the noticia[id] number alters the mysql select ORDER BY id number but the problem is when i hit submit i cant get the number to change im trying to this with forms so when they hit submit the Id number changes based on which listing they selected by hitting the submit button. can anyone help me alter this so i can get the Id number to change the value does but the mysql query variable wont. heres the code: echo " <form action=\"preview.php\" method=\"post\" target=\"foo\" onSubmit=\"window.open(\"\", \"foo\", \"width=800,height=600,status=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes\" )\" > <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Id\" value=\"$noticia[id]\"/> this is the code on preview.php $layout_id = "echo POST_['Id']"; // Get all the data from the "layouts" table $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM layouts ORDER BY id='$layout_id' DESC LIMIT 0,1") or die(mysql_error());
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