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Everything posted by ecopetition

  1. Hey all, I'm making a little game that contains lots of individual phases - when phase one is complete, it advances to phase two, then three, and so on, until a condition is met that ends the game and starts a new one. I'm using the following jQuery AJAX to refresh the page that the game is played on if a certain condition is met (update() checks if it's time for the next phase, and refresh() does it if is): <script> function refresh() { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'index.php', data: 'refresh=true', timeout: 0, success: function(data) { $("#current_game").html(data); }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { $("#notice_div").html('Error contacting server. Retrying in 60 seconds.'); window.setTimeout(update, 60000); } }); }; function update() { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'check_time.php', data: 'checktime=true', timeout: 0, success: function(data) { $(".time_remaining").html(data); window.setTimeout(update, 1000); var time = data; if(time<=0) { $(".time_remaining").html("Reloading the page now."); $(".time_remaining_end").html("Reloading the page now."); refresh(); } else { $(".time_remaining").html("There are "+data+" seconds remaining in this phase." ); $(".time_remaining_end").html("There are "+data+" seconds until the next game." ); } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { $("#notice_div").html('Error contacting server. Retrying in 60 seconds.'); window.setTimeout(update, 60000); } }); }; $(document).ready(update); </script> Now, I'm caching the game parameters. The game parameters change each time the phase advances, so I need to delete that cache file, cache_game.php. I was trying to do this by deleting the cache everytime the phase_up() function is called, using the (extremely stripped down for clarity) script (which works with my $cache class): <?php function phase_up() { global $db, $cache; if(condition1) { ...; } else { if(condition2) { ...; } else { ...; exit; } $sql = "UPDATE games SET phase_details = ... WHERE game_id = ..."; $db->query($sql); } $cache->delete('game'); } ?> Yet when my AJAX calls this through index.php, it doesn't advance the phase. Manually refreshing the page does advance the phase. The AJAX just tells index.php to call phase_up(). Any help provided would be invaluable, this has been driving me crazy for hours!
  2. Hi, I'm relatively new to ajax so am wondering if someone can point me in the direction of a tutorial for what I want to do: I have a page index.php, which calls a function that determines parameters for the display on the body of the page. These parameters change every couple of minutes, so a new page body is generated regularly. Is it possible for a user to be viewing the page in the browser and have the browser constantly checking if a new body has yet been generated, and is this a PHP-intensive process, when hundreds of users could be doing the same thing at once? Many thanks
  3. Thanks for your reply thorpe, but this function returns the difference in the arrays, how would one use that to see if it's a subarray of the parent array? I read the notes for the function and didn't get anything similar to what I want, also Googled and it seems to have very few results for "subarray". Thanks again.
  4. Hi, I've checked the PHP manual and Googled this but can't find anything that assists me. Does anybody know if there exists a function issubset($childarray, $parentarray) that returns true if $childarray is a subset of $parentarray? That is, if all the elements in $childarray are included in $parentarray. Many thanks
  5. Hi all, I have the following array, which represents option_id => number_of_votes Array ( [3] => 4 [5] => 5 [2] => 11 ) Is it possible to look at the value side of the array and neglect the smallest values, and pick a vote winner? Also, if we get the case: Array ( [3] => 4 [5] => 11 [2] => 11 ) can we pick a random winner between option 5 and option 2? Thanks so much for all your help, let me know if more information will be useful.
  6. Well that's the thing, I'm not receiving any errors, my success function runs, but the PHP doesn't. I don't see where I've gone wrong, I posted my code in the hope you can help out.
  7. Could you help me with why this script doesn't work: jQuery: $(function() { $('.error').hide(); $('.failure').hide(); $('.success').hide(); $(".submit").click(function() { if (!$("input[@name='name']:checked").val()) { $('.error').show(); return false; } var vote_radio = $("input.vote_radio").val(); var dataString = 'vote='+ vote_radio; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "index.php", data: dataString, success: function() { $('.success').show(); $('.failure').hide(); }, error: function() { $('.failure').show(); $('.success').hide(); } }); return false; }); }); PHP: if(isset($_POST['vote'])) { $vote_id = htmlspecialchars($_POST['vote']); $insert_sql = $db->build_query('INSERT', array( 'game_id' => $game_id, 'vote_for' => $vote_id, 'ip_address' => $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], 'time' => time() )); $sql = "INSERT INTO votes $insert_sql"; $db->query($sql); } Thanks again
  8. I must admit that I'm completely lost. Why doesn't this work (in index.php): if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $vote_id = htmlspecialchars($_POST['vote']); register_vote($vote_id); } Thank you
  9. Thanks all. Now, I have a final question. I'm a newbie with Ajax, so I'm wondering, what code do I need in index.php that starts the processing of the form data? Thank you again
  10. Thanks, it looks more promising, but it produces a value of 1 for every radio option?
  11. Hello, I'm needing some help with the following HTML, it's a simple voting script: <form name="vote_form" action=""> <input type="radio" name="vote_radio" id="vote_radio" value="1"/>Option 1<br/> <input type="radio" name="vote_radio" id="vote_radio" value="2"/>Option 2<br/> <input type="radio" name="vote_radio" id="vote_radio" value="3"/>Option 3<br/> <div class="error">You must select an option to vote for.</div> <input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit" id="submit" value="submit" /> </form> I'm looking to submit the script using Ajax (and jQuery), and am looking to use the following code: <script> $(function() { $('.error').hide(); $(".submit").click(function() { if (!$("input[@name='name']:checked").val()) { $('.error').show(); return false; } var vote_radio = ????; var dataString = 'vote='+ vote_radio; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "index.php", data: dataString, success: function() { alert ('Done.'); }); } }); return false; }); }); </script> It goes without saying that this script doesn't work. What I can't figure out is how to define the radio button that's been selected (vote_radio), so the dataString fails. Can anyone help? Thanks a lot.
  12. Hello, I'm inserting using PHP a row in a MySQL table, with a unique index that auto_increments to give each row a unique ID. When I insert a new row with PHP, how can I find out the ID of the new row I just entered? Many thanks, Peter
  13. How do I apply this when the condition is "trapped" within an array?
  14. Hey, I have the following two arrays, of which I want to use bits of each from to get another array. Array 1: Array ( [0] => Array ( [shop_id] => 1 [shop_name] => Aldi [shop_district] => 6 ) [1] => Array ( [shop_id] => 2 [shop_name] => Greggs [shop_district] => 6 ) [2] => Array ( [shop_id] => 3 [shop_name] => Tesco [shop_district] => 6 ) [3] => Array ( [shop_id] => 4 [shop_name] => Morrisons [shop_district] => 6 ) [4] => Array ( [shop_id] => 5 [shop_name] => Ryman [shop_district] => 6 ) [5] => Array ( [shop_id] => 6 [shop_name] => Boots [shop_district] => 6 ) [6] => Array ( [shop_id] => 7 [shop_name] => Superdrug [shop_district] => 6 ) [7] => Array ( [shop_id] => 8 [shop_name] => City [shop_district] => 2 ) [8] => Array ( [shop_id] => 9 [shop_name] => Lizard [shop_district] => 6 ) [9] => Array ( [shop_id] => 10 [shop_name] => Asda [shop_district] => 8 ) [10] => Array ( [shop_id] => 11 [shop_name] => Tesco [shop_district] => 2 ) [11] => Array ( [shop_id] => 12 [shop_name] => Tesco [shop_district] => 8 ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [shop_id] => 1 [shop_name] => Aldi [shop_district] => 6 ) [1] => Array ( [shop_id] => 2 [shop_name] => Greggs [shop_district] => 6 ) [2] => Array ( [shop_id] => 3 [shop_name] => Tesco [shop_district] => 6 ) [3] => Array ( [shop_id] => 4 [shop_name] => Morrisons [shop_district] => 6 ) [4] => Array ( [shop_id] => 5 [shop_name] => Ryman [shop_district] => 6 ) [5] => Array ( [shop_id] => 6 [shop_name] => Boots [shop_district] => 6 ) [6] => Array ( [shop_id] => 7 [shop_name] => Superdrug [shop_district] => 6 ) [7] => Array ( [shop_id] => 8 [shop_name] => City [shop_district] => 2 ) [8] => Array ( [shop_id] => 9 [shop_name] => Lizard [shop_district] => 6 ) [9] => Array ( [shop_id] => 10 [shop_name] => Asda [shop_district] => 8 ) [10] => Array ( [shop_id] => 11 [shop_name] => Tesco [shop_district] => 2 ) [11] => Array ( [shop_id] => 12 [shop_name] => Tesco [shop_district] => 8 ) ) Array 2: Array ( [0] => Array ( [sUM(item_price)] => 31.23 [item_shop] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [sUM(item_price)] => 1.65 [item_shop] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [sUM(item_price)] => 41.23 [item_shop] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [sUM(item_price)] => 7.98 [item_shop] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [sUM(item_price)] => 4.49 [item_shop] => 7 ) ) I'd love if anyone could tell me how I can generate an array that will combine bits of these two arrays, so that using the first array I can get a shop_name and shop_district for each item_shop (aka shop_id). Then I want to get an array with entries that look something like this: [0] => Array ( [sUM(item_price)] => 31.23 [shop_name] => Aldi [shop_district] => 6 ) Thanks so much for your help, it means a lot to me.
  15. Hello, I'm trying to work out a method of displaying a pie chart depending on the values in an array by looping for a different value of $i, here's what I have so far: for($i = 0; $i < 11; $i++) { $colour = $i; $fraction = ($pie_data[$i]/$total); $pie_angle = $fraction*360; ImageFilledArc($myImage, 100, 100, 200, 180, STARTANGLE, ENDANGLE, $colour, IMG_ARC_PIE); } As you can see I've got fractions, which I'm converting into an angle. However, I can't think of a way to have the startangle and endangle parameters of the ImageFilledArc function depend on all of the previous pie angles, because I'm hoping this pie chart can vary as pieces of data forming each wedge (and each fraction) change. Can anybody help with this? Thanks so much for your help.
  16. Hello, I have the following array: [0] => Array ( [item_name] => Apples [sUM(item_price)] => 19.98 ) [1] => Array ( [item_name] => Chicken Breasts [sUM(item_price)] => 18.94 ) [2] => Array ( [item_name] => Chicken Thighs [sUM(item_price)] => 4.78 ) [3] => Array ( [item_name] => Yoghurts [sUM(item_price)] => 4.56 ) [4] => Array ( [item_name] => Shampoo [sUM(item_price)] => 3.49 ) [5] => Array ( [item_name] => Strawberries [sUM(item_price)] => 2.58 ) [6] => Array ( [item_name] => Raspberries [sUM(item_price)] => 2.58 ) How can I produce a value of the total of all of the "SUM(item_price)" rows? Also, how can I ask it to return the values for the second rows of the first three entries (to return 19.98, 18.94 and 4.78)? Many thanks in advance.
  17. Thanks for your replies, this was very helpful.
  18. Hello, In a MySQL table I have the following rows: Item nameItem price Milk1.05 Butter1.50 Lettuce0.70 Butter1.55 Bread0.65 Chicken3.50 Milk1.00 Coca Cola1.20 Apples0.90 Toothpaste1.00 Oranges0.80 Milk1.00 What I'm looking to do is collect all of the milks, all of the butters, etc and give a $total_price_spent_on value for each product, so for milk we'd have 3.05, for oranges we'd have 0.80, and so on until all items on the list have been totalled. Then I want to select the most expensive 3 totals, display them in a pie chart, and all other items to be listed under an "other" label. Any pointers as to how to go about this? Many thanks
  19. Hi guys, I don't mean to sound impatient but if anyone is online who can, can I politely request that they help me? Thank you.
  20. Ok, array 1 is too big to post, it has about 500 entries. However, it's much bigger than array 2. Array 2 is basically taking bits of array 1 and repeating them with the "perm_value" column changed (this is the array I want to override array 1): Array ( [view_forum] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [perm_name_id] => 1 [perm_name] => view_post [perm_group] => 3 [perm_id] => 1 [perm_user] => 4 [forum_id] => 2 [perm_value] => 1 ) ) [moderate] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [perm_name_id] => 2 [perm_name] => moderate_post [perm_group] => 2 [perm_id] => 2 [perm_user] => 4 [forum_id] => 2 [perm_value] => 1 ) ) [view_hidden_items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [perm_name_id] => 3 [perm_name] => view_hidden_posts [perm_group] => 3 [perm_id] => 3 [perm_user] => 4 [forum_id] => 2 [perm_value] => 1 ) ) [view_hidden_posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [perm_name_id] => 4 [perm_name] => view_hidden_pages [perm_group] => 3 [perm_id] => 4 [perm_user] => 4 [forum_id] => 2 [perm_value] => 1 ) ) [hide_topic] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [perm_name_id] => 5 [perm_name] => hide_posts [perm_group] => 2 [perm_id] => 5 [perm_user] => 4 [forum_id] => 2 [perm_value] => 1 ) ) )
  21. Hi there I have two arrays for dealing with permissions, one contains an entry that says a permission is given, but the other one contains and entry that says the same permission is not given. Basically can I run some sort of script that will prioritise one of these entries over the other? It's really hard to give code because loads of the code is complex and irrelevant but if you don't have a clue what I mean I'll supply it. Thanks a lot Eco
  22. Hi, I hate to bump a topic but is there anyone who could help me with this please? Many thanks
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