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Everything posted by ranjuvs

  1. u need to change '=' to '==' for conditional statements. i.e if statements '=' is assignment operator '==' is comparison operator
  2. spelling mistake change methos to method <form action="next.php" method="POST">
  3. Sorry the above will do. Let me know if that works for you or not
  4. Try this <?php session_start(); $MID[] = $_SESSION['MID']; ?> <form name="form1" method="post" action="expressInterest.php"> <table width="75%" border="1" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"> <tr><td> Matrimonial ID </td> </tr> <?php for($i=0;$i<3;$i++) { ?> <tr> <td> MATRIMONIAL_ID:<?php echo $row['MATRIMONIAL_ID'][$i]; ?> </td></tr> <tr> <td> NAME:<?php echo $row['NAME'][$i]; ?> </td></tr> <?php } ?> </table></form>
  5. ok ok .. Let me ask you what is the value of $courseid that you are assigning to hidden filed bob. what are you actually trying to do. I thought you want to assign the selected value to the hidden field.
  6. ok then try this $email = $row['email']; echo "<tr><th height='3'> Email</th><td><a href='mailto:$email'>$email</a></td></tr>";
  7. Try this <?php session_start(); $MID[] = $_SESSION['MID']; ?> <form name="form1" method="post" action="expressInterest.php"> <table width="75%" border="1" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"> <tr><td> Matrimonial ID </td> </tr> <? for($i=0;$i<3;$i++) { <tr> <td> echo "$MID[]"; ?> </td></tr> <?php } ?> </table></form>
  8. Try this echo "<tr><th height='3'> Email</th><td><a href=\"mailto:$row['email']\">$row['email']</a></td></tr>";
  9. Try this <pre> <?php print_r($encoded) ?> </pre>
  10. Javascript: document.Clients.bob.value = document.Clients.client[document.Clients.client.selectedIndex].value [/code[
  11. My guess is that you want the selected course id to be stored in the hidden variable. For that you have to assign the hidden variable "bob" with the selected course value using javascript. and this should done on the onclick event of the submit button
  12. Fixed it. Good. Sorry for the above post.
  13. Whats the value you have given for doaction submit button. Is it "delete" or "Query Send"?
  14. Try this $val = 12.995; $val = number_format($val,2);
  15. May be you could use $section = $_GET['section']; switch($section){ case contact : require_once('modules/contact.php'); $smarty ->assign("section" , $section ) ; break ; } $smarty ->display("index.tpl"); You could include a file with the name "section" in index.tpl file. In this case it will be contact.tpl
  16. Actually there is an use for this. We could dynamically load properties from a config file. For changing the theme and all we could use this.
  17. I mentioned two points. for the second one I had mentioned it is to stop the User Agents to follow the link. FYI user agents means Robots
  18. You could get it by Ctrl + u (Firefox) View -> Source (ie)
  19. In my last post I mentioned that the value of $_POST['checkbox'] this will be array. You need to use index to get the value. Try to loop through the array and find the value. The array variable which have 1 has its value is the one you checked. $_POST['checkbox'][index] where index - 0,1,2....
  20. Two things I would like to tell First: As you have more than many records instead of line <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" id="checkbox" value="'.$row['id'].'"/> use <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[]" id="checkbox" value="'.$row['id'].'"/> Second: On posting the checkbox values will be available as an array. Check whether which all checkbox you have checked in by looping through the array you can access the check box value using index like $_POST[checkbox][0] let me know whether this works for you
  21. It should have worked if you set those params. Check whether in the code you have specified the value of upload_maxfile_size below 10M. .htaccess file: the main use comes where our site is hosted in a shared environment. Where each sites has different configurations. Apache settings specific for your domain can be written in those file. It can be put in any place. normally it resides in the root directory. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/howto/htaccess.html
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