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  1. There you go again...being smarter than I - I'll look into the use of session superglobal - thanks for the tip.
  2. Thank you for the suggestion about sessions - ended up using this code on the 'protected' pages: <? session_start(); if(!session_is_registered(myusername)){ header("location:index.php"); } ?> and session_register("myusername"); on the verification page. It is just what I wanted and easy to learn and impliment. The hardest part was learning how to query mysql for directory. Anyway, this might not be the most secure page on the planet, but it sure does what I wanted it to do. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
  3. Excuse my ignorance, but the concept your suggesting is, use a session variable??? at login, and if the login is successful, it will go to a Katie page where it will check for a session variable, it there, page loads if not, redirected to a general page? Can these be used for a directory or just individual pages? I will search the use of session variables - thanks!
  4. New to PHP/MySQL – tried looking for the answer but I’m probably asking it in the wrong way. I have a site mysite.com – main page has a login with password (tied to MySQL and it works). What I want to happen is user types Madison goes to Madison directory, Katie, goes to Katie directory, Janet, Janet directory…this happens – problem, when I type http://www.mysite.com/Katie - I get the same results - there’s no security. All I need is the simplest way to make the directories only accessible via the login page. I’ll take any hand-holding offered, but even suggestions about the right functions or pointing in the right direction. Using Apache 2, PHP and MySQL 5 Thanks in advance for any help.
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