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Everything posted by coder500

  1. Here is the site: http://intelligentmachs.com/ The site is displayed properly in Firefox, but can't view the links English and Italiano " in IE... Does anybody know the solution. Thank you
  2. It works properly in new versions of IE...
  3. Hi My friend has this site: http://www.whatdoemployersreallywant.com.au/ It is displayed properly in most of the browsers. But in IE6 it is full - green... Any help to solve the IE6 issue will be very much appreciated. Thank you
  4. I have installed Google News Widget at http://howtogetajobwith.com/ (right sidebar - bottom ). But it shows error. Anyone have nay idea?
  5. coder500

    IE issue

    Thanks for that answer. You are intelligent and experienced.
  6. coder500

    IE issue

    Please see this page: http://k-zentertainment.com/meet.php The photo on the right side appears properly in Firefox, but the photo does not appear in IE. Can anyone suggest a solution. It will appear if float :right is not specified. I want it to be on right side with text wrapping it as you can see in Firefox. Thank you
  7. Hi I have installed punbb forum on my local machine. Set the URL scheme to File based Fancy. Now the URL appears as http://localhost/pforum3/topic2-how-rewrite-is-working.html pforum3 is the directory in which I installed the forum. I want to change the URL to http://localhost/how-rewrite-is-working.html. Is this possible? I am attaching 2 files, which seems to be doing this URL rewrite. Any help will be very much appreciated. forum_urls.php <?php /** * SEF URLs that use a file-like layout and include topic name and forum name * where applicable. * * @copyright (C) 2008-2009 PunBB, partially based on code (C) 2008-2009 FluxBB.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL version 2 or higher * @package PunBB */ // Make sure no one attempts to run this script "directly" if (!defined('FORUM')) exit; // These are the "fancy" file based SEF URLs $forum_url = array( 'insertion_find' => '.html', 'insertion_replace' => '-$1.html', 'change_email' => 'change-email$1.html', 'change_email_key' => 'change-email$1-$2.html', 'change_password' => 'change-password$1.html', 'change_password_key' => 'change-password$1-$2.html', 'delete_user' => 'delete-user$1.html', 'delete' => 'delete$1.html', 'delete_avatar' => 'delete-avatar$1-$2.html', 'edit' => 'edit$1.html', 'email' => 'email$1.html', 'forum' => 'forum$1-$2.html', 'forum_rss' => 'feed-rss-forum$1.xml', 'forum_atom' => 'feed-atom-forum$1.xml', 'help' => 'help-$1.html', 'index' => '', 'index_rss' => 'feed-rss.xml', 'index_atom' => 'feed-atom.xml', 'login' => 'login.html', 'logout' => 'logout$1-$2.html', 'mark_read' => 'mark-read-$1.html', 'mark_forum_read' => 'mark-forum$1-read-$2.html', 'new_topic' => 'new-topic$1.html', 'new_reply' => 'new-reply$1.html', 'post' => 'post$1.html#p$1', 'profile_about' => 'user$1-about.html', 'profile_identity' => 'user$1-identity.html', 'profile_settings' => 'user$1-settings.html', 'profile_avatar' => 'user$1-avatar.html', 'profile_signature' => 'user$1-signature.html', 'profile_admin' => 'user$1-admin.html', 'quote' => 'new-reply$1quote$2.html', 'register' => 'register.html', 'report' => 'report$1.html', 'request_password' => 'request-password.html', 'rules' => 'rules.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'search_resultft' => 'search-k$1-$4-a$3-$5-$6-$2-$7.html', 'search_results' => 'search$1.html', 'search_new' => 'search-new.html', 'search_new_results' => 'search-new-$1.html', 'search_recent' => 'search-recent.html', 'search_recent_results' => 'search-recent-$1.html', 'search_unanswered' => 'search-unanswered.html', 'search_subscriptions' => 'search-subscriptions$1.html', 'search_user_posts' => 'search-posts-user$1.html', 'search_user_topics' => 'search-topics-user$1.html', 'subscribe' => 'subscribe$1-$2.html', 'topic' => 'topic$1-$2.html', 'topic_rss' => 'feed-rss-topic$1.xml', 'topic_atom' => 'feed-atom-topic$1.xml', 'topic_new_posts' => 'topic$1-$2-new-posts.html', 'topic_last_post' => 'topic$1last-post.html', 'unsubscribe' => 'unsubscribe$1-$2.html', 'user' => 'user$1.html', 'users' => 'users.html', 'users_browse' => 'users/$4/$1$2-$3.html', 'page' => 'p$1', 'moderate_forum' => 'moderate$1.html', 'get_host' => 'get_host$1.html', 'move' => 'move_topics$1-$2.html', 'open' => 'open$1-$2-$3.html', 'close' => 'close$1-$2-$3.html', 'stick' => 'stick$1-$2-$3.html', 'unstick' => 'unstick$1-$2-$3.html', 'moderate_topic' => 'moderate$1-$2.html', 'admin_index' => 'admin/index.php', 'admin_bans' => 'admin/bans.php', 'admin_categories' => 'admin/categories.php', 'admin_censoring' => 'admin/censoring.php', 'admin_extensions_manage' => 'admin/extensions.php?section=manage', 'admin_extensions_hotfixes' => 'admin/extensions.php?section=hotfixes', 'admin_forums' => 'admin/forums.php', 'admin_groups' => 'admin/groups.php', 'admin_loader' => 'admin/loader.php', 'admin_reindex' => 'admin/reindex.php', 'admin_settings_setup' => 'admin/settings.php?section=setup', 'admin_settings_features' => 'admin/settings.php?section=features', 'admin_settings_content' => 'admin/settings.php?section=content', 'admin_settings_email' => 'admin/settings.php?section=email', 'admin_settings_announcements' => 'admin/settings.php?section=announcements', 'admin_settings_registration' => 'admin/settings.php?section=registration', 'admin_settings_communications' => 'admin/settings.php?section=communications', 'admin_settings_maintenance' => 'admin/settings.php?section=maintenance', 'admin_prune' => 'admin/prune.php', 'admin_ranks' => 'admin/ranks.php', 'admin_reports' => 'admin/reports.php', 'admin_users' => 'admin/users.php' ); rewrite_rules.php <?php /** * Loads the regular expressions used to match SEF URL requests to their proper URLs. * * @copyright (C) 2008-2009 PunBB, partially based on code (C) 2008-2009 FluxBB.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL version 2 or higher * @package PunBB */ $forum_rewrite_rules = array( '/^topic[\/_-]?([0-9]+).*(new|last)[\/_-]?(posts?)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'viewtopic.php?id=$1&action=$2', '/^post[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'viewtopic.php?pid=$1', '/^(forum|topic)[\/_-]?([0-9]+).*[\/_-]p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'view$1.php?id=$2&p=$4', '/^feed[\/_-]?(rss|atom)[\/_-]?(f|t)(orum|opic)[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?(\.xml?|\/)?$/i' => 'extern.php?action=feed&$2id=$4&type=$1', '/^(forum|topic)[\/_-]?([0-9]+).*(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'view$1.php?id=$2', '/^new[\/_-]?reply[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'post.php?tid=$1', '/^new[\/_-]?reply[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?quote[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'post.php?tid=$1&qid=$2', '/^new[\/_-]?topic[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'post.php?fid=$1', '/^(delete|edit)[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => '$1.php?id=$2', '/^(login|search|register)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => '$1.php', '/^logout[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]([a-z0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'login.php?action=out&id=$1&csrf_token=$2', '/^request[\/_-]?password(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'login.php?action=forget', '/^user[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'profile.php?id=$1', '/^user[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?([a-z]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'profile.php?section=$2&id=$1', '/^(delete)[\/_-]?(avatar|user)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?([a-z0-9]+)?(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'profile.php?action=$1_$2&id=$3&csrf_token=$4', '/^change[\/_-]?(email|pass)(word)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'profile.php?action=change_$1&id=$3&key=$4', '/^change[\/_-]?(email|pass)(word)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'profile.php?action=change_$1&id=$3', '/^search[\/_-]?(new)[\/_-]([0-9-]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'search.php?action=show_new&forum=$2', '/^search[\/_-]?(new)[\/_-]([0-9-]+)[\/_-]p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'search.php?action=show_new&forum=$2&p=$4', '/^search[\/_-]?(recent)[\/_-]([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'search.php?action=show_recent&value=$2', '/^search[\/_-]?(recent)[\/_-]([0-9]+)[\/_-]p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'search.php?action=show_recent&value=$2&p=$4', '/^search[\/_-]?(new|recent|unanswered)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'search.php?action=show_$1', '/^search[\/_-]?(new|recent|unanswered)[\/_-]p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'search.php?action=show_$1&p=$3', '/^search[\/_-]?subscriptions[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'search.php?action=show_subscriptions&user_id=$1', '/^search[\/_-]?subscriptions[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'search.php?action=show_subscriptions&user_id=$1&p=$3', '/^search[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'search.php?search_id=$1', '/^search[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'search.php?search_id=$1&p=$3', '/^search[\/_-]?(posts|topics)[\/_-]?user[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'search.php?action=show_user_$1&user_id=$2', '/^search[\/_-]?(posts|topics)[\/_-]?user[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'search.php?action=show_user_$1&user_id=$2&p=$4', '/^search\/k(.*)\/([0-9-]+)\/a(.*)\/(message|subject|all)\/([0-9]+)\/(ASC|DESC)\/(posts|topics)\/?$/i' => 'search.php?action=search&keywords=$1&author=$3&forum=$2&search_in=$4&sort_by=$5&sort_dir=$6&show_as=$7', '/^search\/k(.*)\/([0-9-]+)\/a(.*)\/(message|subject|all)\/([0-9]+)\/(ASC|DESC)\/(posts|topics)\/page\/([0-9]+)\/?$/i' => 'search.php?action=search&keywords=$1&author=$3&forum=$2&search_in=$4&sort_by=$5&sort_dir=$6&show_as=$7&p=$8', '/^search-k(.*)-([0-9-]+)-a(.*)-(message|subject|all)-([0-9]+)-(ASC|DESC)-(posts|topics).html?$/i' => 'search.php?action=search&keywords=$1&author=$3&forum=$2&search_in=$4&sort_by=$5&sort_dir=$6&show_as=$7', '/^search-k(.*)-(message|subject|all)-a(.*)-([0-9]+)-(ASC|DESC)-([0-9-]+)-(posts|topics)-p([0-9]+).html?$/i' => 'search.php?action=search&keywords=$1&author=$3&forum=$6&search_in=$2&sort_by=$4&sort_dir=$5&show_as=$7&p=$8', '/^users(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'userlist.php', '/^users\/(.*)\/([0-9-]+)\/?([a-z_]+)[\/_-]([a-zA-Z]+)[\/_-]p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'userlist.php?username=$1&show_group=$2&sort_by=$3&sort_dir=$4&p=$6', '/^users\/(.*)\/([0-9-]+)\/?([a-z_]+)[\/_-]([a-zA-Z]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'userlist.php?username=$1&show_group=$2&sort_by=$3&sort_dir=$4', '/^(email|report|subscribe|unsubscribe)[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?([a-z0-9]+)?(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'misc.php?$1=$2&csrf_token=$3', '/^(mark|rules)[\/_-]?(read)?[\/_-]?([a-z0-9]+)?(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'misc.php?action=$1$2&csrf_token=$3', '/^mark[\/_-](forum)[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-](read)[\/_-]([a-z0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'misc.php?action=markforumread&fid=$2&csrf_token=$4', '/^help[\/_-]([a-z]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'help.php?section=$1', '/^moderate[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'moderate.php?fid=$1', '/^move_topics[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'moderate.php?fid=$1&move_topics=$2', '/^(open|close|stick|unstick)[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]([0-9]+)[\/_-]([a-z0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'moderate.php?fid=$2&$1=$3&csrf_token=$4', '/^moderate[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'moderate.php?fid=$1&p=$3', '/^moderate[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'moderate.php?fid=$1&tid=$2', '/^moderate[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]([0-9]+)[\/_-]?p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'moderate.php?fid=$1&tid=$2&p=$4', '/^get_host[\/_-]?([0-9]+|[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})(\.html?|\/)?$/i' => 'moderate.php?get_host=$1', '/^feed[\/_-]?(rss|atom)(\.xml?|\/)?$/i' => 'extern.php?action=feed&type=$1' );
  8. I managed to fix it. If anyone comes through such a situation you can check this article http://worth2read.org/blog/2009/09/24/compare-title-and-category-name-in-wordpress/
  9. <?php if(strpos(the_category(), the_title())) { echo "match"; } ?>
  10. No it did not work. It simply displayed category name and the title. I used strpos and not str_pos
  11. How we will get $cat and $title. In wordpress, the_category() prints category name and the_title() prints the title
  12. Can someone help me to figure out how to compare title and category name of a wordpress post... For example if category name is "wordpress" and title is "Blogs with wordpress" I like to have an output "Match" Thank you
  13. I installed phpmailer. In class.phpmailer.php there is option to enter smtp username and smtp password. I entered them. Also I changed the SMTP line in php.ini file to smtp.worth2read.org(mailserver) of my remote server. But I could not make it to work. Shall I have to change anything else... Thanks
  14. Could u please tell me what I have to change in php.ini Where I will enter username and password for the mail server? Thanks
  15. I have installed wampserver. Can anyone advise me what I can do to send mails. Phpmailer is also there. I have a website and it has a mailserver. Can I send mails using that mail server or shall I have to install SMTP server locally... Any help...
  16. I reinstalled wampserver. The present situation is as follows. After installing wampserver I edited Apache--- httpd.conf file and set Listen to port 8080. Since there was My Sql already in my system and it is using port 3306 I edited MySql---my.ini and changed the port 3307. Could you please tell me where is the configuration file of phpmyadmin. C:/Wamp/www contains only an index file, no other files or directories there.
  17. No. I can not connect. There is another mysql also in the system other than the mysql in wamp. Any help...
  18. Yes. I already have IIS on my server. It is on port 80. So I changed port of wampserver to 8080.
  19. I have installed wamp server. When I try to access phpmyadmin the following error comes : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ phpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username and password in your configuration and make sure that they correspond to the information given by the administrator of the MySQL server. Error MySQL said: #2005 - Unknown MySQL server host 'localhost:8080' (11001) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Any help will be very much appreciated... Thanks
  20. I have both IIS and apache(part of Wamp). Both is listening to port 80. I want to change the listening port of apache. But I have no idea how to do this. I know I can edit apache httpd conf file. But to which port address I have to change this and how can I access php files later. Any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks
  21. I installed wamp server. But when the start menu when I try to start wamp server nothing happens... Can anyone help, please...
  22. Thanks for the reply... How can I edit httpd.conf line and to what I have to set it? Thanks
  23. I uninstalled and reinstalled in C directory. When I try to start WampServer, nothing is happening. In C directory wamp---www directory is created. There is a file also there, index.php. My system has IIS server also... I appreciate any help... Thanks
  24. I have downloaded Wamp and installed in directory Y. I can't figure out how I can run php files. Any help please... Thanks
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