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Everything posted by eva21

  1. JS: function changeWidth(x) { document.getElementById('div').style.display = "block"; document.getElementById('div').style.zIndex = "7"; document.getElementById(x + '_teach').style.width = ''; } PHP/HTML: <table id="myTable" class="train" width="100%" style="table-layout: fixed; display: block;"> . . <div id="div"> <? echo("<Select size=3 MULTIPLE style='width: 235px; font-size: 9pt;' onMouseover='changeWidth(" . $rows['id'] . ")' onMouseout='changeWidthBack(" . $rows['id'] . ")' onchange='getMedia(" . $rows['id'] . ")' name='" . $rows['id'] . "_t[]' id='" . $rows['id'] . "_t'>"); This works fine, but when I hover over the list boxes I want it to go on top of the other cell but not hurting the cell and table size itself. How can i do this?
  2. Add display:block; where to the table tag?
  3. Really? No one can tell me anything? I put my table to fixed which works good but for some reason it pushes all my elements together and you cant see half my list box. I tried specifying the td width but it doesnt listen??
  4. Sorry no i dont have an example. It grows with the list box. For example I have a long setence and it makes the cell grow which makes the table itself expand. I just want some way to keep it from growing, but be able to make the list box bigger so the user can see the whole setence. If this is possible i am hoping. I was thinking of forcing the <td> to be one size regardless of how big the list box grows? Not sure if that would be good or not.
  5. All of the TD has the same width the following: <td class="train" style='width: 200px'> But the table still grows.
  6. Ive done the td width but it still wrecks my table when my mouse goes over it. How can I make the TD width stand still but have the list boxes grow?
  7. I need some major help on this so any input would be greatly appreciated. I have the following list box: echo("<Select size=3 MULTIPLE style='width: 235px; font-size: 9pt;' onMouseover='changeWidth(" . $rows['id'] . ")' onMouseout='changeWidthBack(" . $rows['id'] . ")' onchange='getMedia(" . $rows['id'] . ")' name='" . $rows['id'] . "_t[]' id='" . $rows['id'] . "_t'>"); And I have the following JS functions: function changeWidth(x) { document.getElementById(x + '_t').style.width = ''; } function changeWidthBack(x) { document.getElementById(x + '_t').style.width = 235 + 'px'; } Everything works fine, it grows a bit bigger so I can actually see the whole setence. Except it completely wrecks my table and I was wondering if there is a way to expand this list box using mouse over without wrecking my design? Please any examples or thoughts would be great thanks!
  8. Im checking it in the actual database. I see its not saving correctly
  9. In the database. It keeps cutting off the word.
  10. It keeps cutting off the word?
  11. $string = "it''s blue"; $update = mysql_query("UPDATE node SET color = '" . $string . "' WHERE id = '" . $rows['id'] . "'"); but all i get is "it" when i try to echo it....why?
  12. Is this possible? <option alt='Hello There Sir'> Hello </option> What Im looking for is a way I can put my mouse over the word "Hello" and have a little thing come up the says "Hello There Sir". Does anyone know how to do this? I need some serouis help!!! I would really appreciate it
  13. None of your ideas work. It feels like ive tried anything. Is it an IE thing? Does anyone know how to make it work? Im completely stuck here.
  14. <head> <style type="text/css"> div { height : 70px; overflow: auto; } </style> </head> <div> <? echo("<Select size=3 MULTIPLE style=width:'235px' style=font-size:'9pt' onchange='getMedia(" . $rows['id'] . ")' name='" . $rows['id'] . "_t[]' id='" . $rows['id'] . "_t'>"); This doesnt do what i want. I have a listbox, and the words get really long, and I need a horizontal scroll bar in order to let the user see what is all there. Please help!
  15. function Hilight($val1, $val2){ $return = ""; if($val1 == $val2){ $return = " style='color:blue;'"; } return($return); } echo("<option value='cat'><font" . Hilight("cat",$teach) . "> cat </font></option>");
  16. It was simply cat...nothing hilighted or background color.
  17. Unfortunately that didnt make a difference. Thanks for trying.
  18. php function: function Hilight($val1, $val2){ $return = ""; if($val1 == $val2){ $return = " style='background-color:blue'"; } return($return); } php code: $teach = "cat"; echo("<option value='cat'><font " . Hilight("cat",$teach) . "> cat </font></option>"); This code should make cat hilighted with blue so why does it not work?
  19. I have the following string: $string = "Roses - Blue (Remember)"; Than I have this trim: $type = trim($string, "Roses - "); echo $type; When i echo...all i get is "lue (Remember)" When I really want is "Blue (Remember)"...why is it doing this?
  20. Why can i select more than one than? I must be able to select more than one using php
  21. In my php: echo("<Select size=3 MULTIPLE onchange='getBlendMedia(" . $rows['id'] . ")' name='" . $rows['id'] . "_teach[]' id='" . $rows['id'] . "_teach'>"); echo("<option value='t1' " . selectMatch("t1",$teach_list[0]) . " >Simple </option>"); selectMatch is a php function that returns "SELECTED"....but i have like 3 options but only one of them is selected. Why arent the other ones being selected?
  22. Wow i was making this way to complicated for myself...thank you soo much!
  23. I have the following list box: echo("<Select size=3 MULTIPLE onchange='getMedia(" . $rows['id'] . ")' name='" . $rows['id'] . "_teach' id='" . $rows['id'] . "_teach'>"); echo("<option value='t1'>Apple</option>"); echo("<option value='t2'>Banana</option>"); echo("<option value='t3'>Other</option>"); If i select t1 and t2, and press submit, when i echo my posted variables I only have t2. I realize 75_teach variable is being overwritten....so how do i make both values show up?
  24. I have this: for (i=0;i<=mediaT.length-1;i++) { var y = media.options.selected alert(y); } Not working though, it doesnt even go thru loop.
  25. I have a 2 list boxes: echo("<Select size=3 MULTIPLE onchange='getMedia(" . $rows['id'] . ")' name='" . $rows['id'] . "_teach' id='" . $rows['id'] . "_teach'>"); <option> 1 </option> <option> 2 </option> echo("<Select size=3 MULTIPLE onchange='getMedia(" . $rows['id'] . ")' name='" . $rows['id'] . "_pract' id='" . $rows['id'] . "_pract'>"); <option> 3 </option> <option> 4 </option> These are filled with information in javascript. This works fine, but how do i know what is selected by the user in javascript? For example if the user selects "1, 2, 3, and 4"...I want to alert that to me what they selected using javascript. Any help would be appreciated.
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