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Everything posted by zhanna

  1. /var/log/messages srv63:/# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies 1 I am running a Tracker with 115,000 peers. XBTT is running on port 2790, when my tracker is going down, i tried to bring it back. I am getting this error: ./xbt_tracker bind failed: EADDRINUSE I have to restart my server: init 6 to run XBTT again. My XBTT tracker was online over 97 days without any problems, in the paste 48 hours, it's been down over 15 times. I am very sure, someone is flooding on port: 2790 and crashing my XBT announce. netstat -ant | grep SYN_RECV | wc -l cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog it was 1024, i made it 3024, my server RAM is 4GB. ( I changed it to 3024, restart needed? I just changed via nano ) My website is opening without any problem, just my XBTT software " Tracker " is crashing because of SYN Flood on 2790 port. Please let me know how to stop them.
  2. Hello, I am tried of flooders, my server went down over 15 times in 48 hours. Can anyone please help me how to solve this issue ? Someone is flooding and my server is going down. in /var/log/messages i am getting: kernel: possible SYN flooding on port 2790. Sending cookies. I have to restart my Server to bring it back to stable via command: init 6 My Server is Using: lighttpd I am not good with linux, please any of you, help me to stop this flood. Waiting Best Regards Zhanna
  3. Thanks Ray. You are the Best Really, i never thought of array Thank you Once again, works Great !
  4. Thank You Ray. but one more problem, i did use the way you mentioned. I made a table, it has 4 row and 4 column. In each row, i added this code. <? echo "<a href=\"$pic\" /><img src=\"$pic\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" /></a>\n"; ?> As i refresh, i am getting same images everywhere. i have 8 image in one page, all images are same. I want them random. Is it possible to show random images with one function ?
  5. Hello, I am facing a problem and i can't solve it. What my code do? It automatically loads an image from a folder randomly on any page i wish, i specially use it for banners. In pages i placed, size is witdh 200 and height 200, but real size is not 200/200. All i want is the image loaded should be clickable to view full size of it. My Code:imgs.php <? error_reporting(0); if ($handle = opendir('files')) { $count=0; /* Dit is de juiste manier om door een directory te wandelen. */ while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if(getimagesize("files/".$file)) { $count++; $dirlist[$count]="files/".$file; } } closedir($handle); $filenr = rand(1,$count); print($dirlist[$filenr]); } ?> Then i use this small script to show in my pages. <img src="<? include("imgs.php"); ?>" cellpadding="0" width="200" height="200"> this will load a random image from imgs.php with size of 200/200, All i want is, i want the images to be clicable, if i click on them, i see full size of the images. please Can anyone of you help me ? Thanks
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