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Everything posted by ok

  1. i got it. it's the closedb.php that's causing problem. problem solved. THANK YOU GUYS for your concern.
  2. php brotherhood. I have this very simple codes below i don't know whats causing the problem. this is the error Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/joealex3/public_html/closedb.php on line 4 I think it's the now() causing the problem. Thank you very much in advance for your help..
  3. the error is this, Problem with the query: SELECT invited_by, COUNT(*) AS total FROM users WHERE total=3 AND invited_by!='' AND date_check='0000-00-00 00:00:00' GROUP BY invited_by ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 1 on line 79 Unknown column 'total' in 'where clause'
  4. yo! $query = "SELECT invited_by, COUNT(*) AS total FROM users WHERE total=$total AND invited_by!='' AND date_check='0000-00-00 00:00:00' GROUP BY invited_by ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 1"; i used two AND there. is that correct? what is the not? thank you.
  5. hi guys. what is the common problem while you are creating email form. when you pressed the submit button then you see white screen only no error message. what is the factor of this problem? <?php //catch values $journal = $_POST['journal']; $tinvoice = $_POST['tinvoice']; $food = $_POST['food']; $foodcheck = $_POST['check']; $program = $_POST['program']; #$adventure21 = $_POST['adventure21']; echo "<b>JOURNAL: </b>". $journal; echo "<br>"; echo "<b>T-SHIRT INVOICE: </b>". $tinvoice; echo "<br>"; echo "<H2>T e s t </H2>"; #echo "<b>Adventure21 : </b>". $adventure21; if ($journal == 'journal1') { $journal_value = 'We are NOT bringing Journals!'; } elseif($journal == 'journal2') { $journal_value = 'We ARE bringing Journals! They are optional for students; use in program and provide time for them if/when they are available.'; } elseif($journal == 'journal3') { $journal_value = 'We ARE bringing Journals! They are required as part of a student grade; please make time for them in every class and program.'; } else { $journal_value = 'none selected'; } if ($tinvoice == 'invoice1') { $tinvoice_value = 'Please include these T-Shirts on our school invoice !'; } elseif($tinvoice == 'invoice2') { $tinvoice_value = 'Please invoice our school separately for these T-Shirts '; } else { $tinvoice_value = 'none selected'; } if ($food == 'food1') { $food_value = 'Last Day Sack Lunch; $3 per student. Brown bag lunches for consumption on bus or after return to school.'; } elseif($food == 'food2') { $food_value = 'Last Day Hot Lunch; $4 per student. Served at 11am right before students board busses. '; } else { $food_value = 'none selected'; } if ($foodcheck == 'check') { $foodcheck_value = 'Nightly Snack ; $1 per student per evening. Served between 7:45pm and 8:30pm each evening. '; } else { $foodcheck_value = 'not selected'; } //Assign environmental value. $subject = "High Trails Contact Form"; $recepient = "test_us@yahoo.com"; $contents = "##### TELL US YOUR SCHOOL INFORMATION #####\n School: " . $_POST['School'] . "\nContact Person: " . $_POST['ContactPerson'] . "\nProgram Dates: " . $_POST['ProgramDates'] . "\nEmail: " . $_POST['Email'] . "\nSite you are attending: " . $_POST['Site'] . "\nGrade of student: " . $_POST['Grade0'] . "\nNumber of boys attending: " . $_POST['Boys'] . "\nNumber of girls attending: " . $_POST['Girls'] . "\n\n##### ADULTS ATTENDING HIGH TRAILS #####" . "\nAdult #1: " . $_POST['Adult1'] . "\nAdult Position #1: " . $_POST['AdultPostion1'] . "\nAdult #2: " . $_POST['Adult2'] . "\nAdult Position #2: " . $_POST['AdultPostion2'] . "\nAdult #3: " . $_POST['Adult3'] . "\nAdult Position #3: " . $_POST['AdultPostion3'] . "\nAdult #4: " . $_POST['Adult4'] . "\nAdult Position #4: " . $_POST['AdultPostion4'] . "\nAdult #5: " . $_POST['Adult5'] . "\nAdult Position #5: " . $_POST['AdultPostion5'] . "\nAdult #6: " . $_POST['Adult6'] . "\nAdult Position #6: " . $_POST['AdultPostion6'] . "\nAdult #7: " . $_POST['Adult7'] . "\nAdult Position #7: " . $_POST['AdultPostion7'] . "\nAdult #8: " . $_POST['Adult8'] . "\nAdult Position #8: " . $_POST['AdultPostion8'] . "\n\n##### ANY VISITORS COMING UP DURING THE WEEK? #####" . "\nVisitor #1: " . $_POST['Visitor1'] . "\nVisitor Position #1: " . $_POST['VisitorPosition1'] . "\nVisitor #2: " . $_POST['Visitor2'] . "\nVisitor Position #2: " . $_POST['VisitorPosition2'] . "\nVisitor #3: " . $_POST['Visitor3'] . "\nVisitor Position #3: " . $_POST['VisitorPosition3'] . "\nVisitor #4: " . $_POST['Visitor4'] . "\nVisitor Position #4: " . $_POST['VisitorPosition4'] . "\n\n##### BACKGROUND LEVEL #####" . "\nBACKGROUND: STUDENT ACADEMIC LEVEL: " . $_POST['AcademicLevel'] . "\nBACKGROUND: STUDENT EMOTIONAL LEVEL: " . $_POST['EmotionalLevel'] . "\nSPECIAL NEEDS, SPECIAL MEDICAL SITUATIONS, POTENTIAL DISCIPLINE ISSUES: " . $_POST['SpecialNeeds'] . "\n\n##### STUDENT JOURNALS #####\n:" . $journal_value . "\n\n##### T-SHIRTS #####" . "\nAdult Small: " . $_POST['tshirt1'] . "\nAdult Medium: " . $_POST['tshirt2'] . "\nAdult Large: " . $_POST['tshirt3'] . "\nAdult XL: " . $_POST['tshirt4'] . "\n\n##### T-SHIRTS INVOICE #####" . "\n: " . $tinvoice_value . "\n\n##### EXTRA FOOD #####" . "\n: " . $food_value . "\n: " . $foodcheck_value . "\n\n##### DAYTIME CLASSES #####" . "\n##### 3 DAY PROGRAM #####" . "\n##### Adventure Classes #####" . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n##### Environmental Classes ##### " . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n\n##### 4 DAY PROGRAM #####" . "\n##### Adventure Classes #####" . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n##### Environmental Classes ##### " . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n\n##### 5 DAY PROGRAM #####" . "\n##### Adventure Classes #####" . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n##### Environmental Classes ##### " . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n: " . . "\n: " . .; $headers = "Reply-to: test_us@yahoo.com\n"; mail($recepient, $subject, $contents, "From: test_us@yahoo.com"); ?> <?php echo "<br><br><br>"; echo "<center>"; echo "<h2>Message sent!</h2>"; echo "</center>"; ?> thank you.
  6. When I say 'strange codes' I mean it What does it do? Daniel it's a psychotic codes.
  7. I would like to add this. A good programmer don't play computer games unless he is developing computer games. A good programmer always and almost all the time seat in the front of the computer. A good programmer always love reading computer matter specially programming articles etc... A good programmer is very witty and very quick to finish the project (damn it we are not machine lol). A good programmer wants to AXE the T.V. A good programmer he wants to arson the SOFA. lol
  8. My array has duplicate values. What is the name of the built in function for this to remove the duplicate? Or how to remove the duplicate values and remain only the unique values? can you show me example or the name of the function? thank you.
  9. I think there is one more forum that phpfreaks is lacking. It's the flowcharting forum. I know many of the coder here don't mind flow charting. But when coding a large project it is hard to implement the application without using flowchart. Or if you are sharing your codes with different programmers also, you need to have flowchart guides. I know large IT company utilize this. Isn't it exciting if we saw how other people doing their flowchart? and sharing their knowledge here in phpfreaks? What is your opinion admin/mods? How about you eric?
  10. When i sa strange codes that means advance coding practice.
  11. I think as an employeer perspective if you ask a programmer he can give the right answer and program a problem immediately or atleast give the right programming solution. Daniel0 are you Eric (phpfreak)?
  12. 7. planning, sketch and flow chart first the project before coding. anything else?
  13. 2. enjoy what he is doing. 3. love expiramentation 4. playing with strange codes. 5. Learning codes from another people. 6. test his codes always anything else you would like to add?
  14. No kidding my friend, ok lets start with number one. 1. Problem solver anything else you would like to add?
  15. dclamp thank you. balistic thank you also but you need to improve your coding make it shorter just like dclamp
  16. can you show me how to implement that?, using my example above?
  17. balistic i know that, what i want is to fill an array with array using loop because i'm using a dynamic array. Because the array values will came from DATABASE. Anyone with better answer please.
  18. hi brothers Let say i have array names $names['john']; $names['joey']; $names['joe']; $names['joel']; $names['joseph']; I want to fill these array names above with fruit names, $fruit['banana']; $fruit['apple']; $fruit['grape']; $fruit['guava']; $fruit['strawberry']; so for example, $names['john'] = $fruit['banana']; $names['john'] = $fruit['apple']; $names['john'] = $fruit['grape']; $names['john'] = $fruit['guava']; $names['john'] = $fruit['strawberry']; $names['joey'] = $fruit['banana']; $names['joey'] = $fruit['apple']; $names['joey'] = $fruit['grape']; $names['joey'] = $fruit['guava']; $names['joey'] = $fruit['strawberry']; and soon... but i want this to be automatic using loops (for or foreach). Can you show me please... Thank you...
  19. what is wrong with this codes? <?php //Testing multi-dimentional array echo "<h3>Multi-Dimentional Array test.</h3>"; echo "<br>"; for($i=0; $i<=10; $i++) { $names[]=$i; } echo "<br>"; echo "<b>Single array</b>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<b>print_r</b>"; echo "<pre>"; print_r($names); echo "</pre>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<b>Multi array</b>"; echo "<br>"; for($i=0; $i<=10; $i++) { $names[$i][$i]=$i; } echo "<b>print_r</b>"; echo "<pre>"; print_r($names); echo "</pre>"; ?> Thank you in advance
  20. you can load google earth into your cellphone.
  21. my 2nd question is how does a function/class hold this information for each members that have had referred their friends?
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