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Everything posted by JewGold

  1. did you escape the quotes? $sql="INSERT INTO members (email) VALUES ('$_POST[\"email\"]')"; you should mysql_real_escape_string the $_POST["email"] before running it through a query.
  2. You could also use cookies. Make sure to md5 them though.
  3. Building a forum can take a lot of work. Are you familiar with any other scripting like languages? If you brand new to programming in general you should download some ebooks or look through the tutorials on programming concepts. If your familiar with Perl or Python you can pick PHP up easy. You'll be working a lot with SQL databases so you should learn the basics of that as well. Check the tutorials at w3 schools.
  4. Ah ok I found the answer to my second problem - limit As for the deleting entry after a certain time period your right redarrow, that has to be done via cron. There are no user accounts, I'm still deciding on whether or not to include them. Regardless I would still have to tightly secure user uploading.
  5. I'm developing a simple image board, allowing users to post pictures alongside messages. There are two problems I'm having, both of which deal with MySQL and time functions. The first problem revolves around banning users. When the user is banned, his or her IP address is stored in the database, alongside the length of the ban and the date on which the ban was administered. How a database entry can be deleted after a x number of days? Is this even possible in MySQL? or is this something for a cron job? This would also serve as my spam filter, restricting IP address to post x number of times per minute. My second problem is thread updating. I have two timestamp columns in one table, is it possible to update one and leave the other as is? It seems whenever I run a update query all the timestamp values get updated to now(). I just want one of them to get updated, is this possible? Thanks for any help.
  6. Linux is not for gaming. Though you might get the odd game working with wine, if you really want to game you run windows. Ideally you would dual boot and use windows when you want to game and Linux when you want to *
  7. Ok I'm completely lost as too how to configure PHP w/ a gdbm database. This is there error I keep getting: Any help would be much appreciated.
  8. I'm trying to create a script that will take user-defined data from an html form, write it to a local text file, then display the text files contents, size of the text file, and the number of lines, all in the browser. This script is really of no use other then to practice my file reading/writing. Now I have everything working, its just I cannot for the life of me figure out how to read the text file and output how many lines it has. No clue at all. This is my best try: $amount=0; $fp=fopen("/home/user/Desktop/test.txt", 'r'); while ( ! feof($fp)) { $line = fgets( $fp, 1024 ); $amount++; } print $amount; I'm still very much new to PHP and programming in general, so the answer is probably staring at right at me. Am I on the right track with this?
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