ok im trying to install a script to my website but im so confused!!!!! idk what i did wrong, something with mysql
please go to cbhack.info/offer, and please excuse the dirty language that is all a test lol, but its some kind of sql error.
this is what i had to fill out which i think i screwed up
define("SCRIPTNAME", "YourSite.com");
define("BASEHREF", "http://www.yoursite.com");
define("DOMAIN", "localhost");
define("FROMEMAIL", "
[email protected]");
define("SITENAME", "YourSite.com");
define("INC_DIR", "/home/yoursite/public_html/inc/");
define("PAG_DIR", INC_DIR."pages/");
define("INC_DB", INC_DIR."db.php");
define("MYSQLUSER", "Yourmsql_Username"); // mysql username
define("MYSQLPASS", "YourMysqlPass"); // mysql password
define("MYSQLDB", "Mysqldb_Name"); // mysql database name
thats for the main.php for my script, am i supposed to put in my sql info in there? if so in which fields!? whats domain and basehref and inc_db!? somebody please helP!