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Everything posted by Sideclef

  1. No change it is posting the amount left for the random player for the user instead of adding it to the users original amount
  2. Well I am completely new to php. I have this script I have been working on for a few days now everything is working except the 2 update statements. I am sure that my script is pretty sloppy as well I apologize for that but as I have stated before I am quite new to this. Any ways the purpose of this script is to take money from one player and give to another. It is not based in sessions yes I know that's not good practice I am in the process of changing that now. Here's the script hope someone can be of some help. Thanks. $choice=strip_tags($_POST['choice']); if ($choice==2){ //getting the random player $sql = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1") or die (mysql_error ()); $res = mysql_fetch_assoc ($sql); $randplayer = $res['username']; $geld =$res['geld']; //taking money from the random player $percent = rand(10,25); $takenGeld = round($geld * ($percent / 100)); $picker =mysql_query("SELECT geld FROM users WHERE username=$cookieusername"); $test=round($geld / $percent); $test1=$geld-$takenGled; $test2=$picker+$takenGeld; mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `geld`='$test1' WHERE `username`='$randplayer'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `geld`='$test2' WHERE `username`='$cookieusername'"); } echo"You took $takenGeld from $randplayer This is a test amout left $test1 and amout took $test2'"; ?>
  3. Yes I understand that and I will post if I need help but I am also looking for more private help. More of a one on one type contact.
  4. I am looking for some help if anyone is available I am newly learning php and am looking for a friend that I could maybe come to when I have problems with things kinda like a mentor in a way. I wouldn't take up much of your time. I just need someone that can help point out my mistakes so that I don't keep making them. Someone to contact when I have no idea why this isn't working. Please contact me if you could help why_id@yahoo.com Thanks Sideclef
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