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  1. Yes this is right.............. but it is not working with me when i have upload the files
  2. I really do not know what u mean i have did test file and put this code <?php echo "./pages/" . $_GET['p'] . ".html"; ?> and i call the test file but the output is ./pages/.html in the browser
  3. yes all the links to 650 pages i did like this index.php?p=1 index.php?p=2 index.php?p=3 and so on
  4. Ok I have the main DIR named shaer inside this DIR the php index file and the pages DIR the pages DIR contain the htm pages
  5. I have try this also those not work $filename="./pages/" . $_GET['p'] . ".html"; if (file_exists($filename)){ include($filename); DIR name is pages Incloude 650 htm pages i have index php file not in the same DIR beside the pages DIR i want to call the htm pages in the from the pages DIR plz
  6. Thanks for the help I will try this right now $filename="pages/" . $_GET['p'] . ".htm"; if (file_exists($filename)){ include($filename);
  7. Thanks for ur replay Im waiting for help The error i got like no page in the server with this name 404 error
  8. Hello every body here I have a folder contain more than 6oo htm pages and I want to call them in one php file I have this code working fine but this time failed to show the htm files. This is the php code <?php if (!isset($_GET['p'])) { // If no page is chosen load this page include("pages/main.htm"); } else{ $filename="pages/" . $_GET['p'] . ".htm"; if (file_exists($filename)){ include("pages/" . $_GET['p'] . ".htm"); } else{ include("pages/error.htm"); } } ?> I usually link to display htm pages as follow example index.php?p=100 and the htm page 100 from the the directory will be called and displayed I do not why this time it is not working with me please i need help ASA or some one do for me new php code
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