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Everything posted by Jahren

  1. It could be anything, we need some code to base our reply on ^^
  2. Hi! I'm a php coding beginner onward to intermediate level I want to list all days between date1 and date2 ie: Jan 29 2009 - Jan 30 2009 - Jan 31 2009 - Feb 1 2009 - Feb 2 2009 - etc.. I can fetch my begin_date and end_date from MySQL fine but I have no clue on how to generate every day between them I want to add the days in a html select box for the user to pick one from... I though about this logic but obviously won't work at all. //Classe de gestion de dates, opérations arithmétiques sur des dates class dates_operations { function test() { $begindate = date("M-d-Y", mktime (0,0,0,1,25,2009)); $enddate= date("M-d-Y", mktime mktime (0,0,0,2,6,2009)); $date = $begindate; echo $date; while ($date < $enddate) { $date = $date("j M Y", strtotime("+1 day")); echo $date } } }
  3. you mean you want the table to be shown in the middle of the page?
  4. OMG! You were right about the width! I didn't notice at first because I used a 300px which was larger than the available space lol with 250px, it fits REALLY nicely. Thank you very much I'll remove the pictures now. edit : I can't modify my first topic.. oh well! too bad!
  5. Setting a width to introduction makes the first picture to go left by that pixel amount for some reasons! (in firefox too) Thanks for the margin tip, I changed all of them to fit and I can tell I see a difference! (didn't fix my problem tho but thanks for the knowledge) lol your BR tag was interpreted by the forums I'll try and do it right next time with <p> thanks. I'm learning as I go. People like you make my day ehe. Now I need to find out what's wrong with my design making IE crying.
  6. Hi guys! I might sound like a newb but.. I AM no seriously, i'm trying to have an image going to the right of a div of text.. Works well in firefox/safari/opera but fails in IE 7 Right : Wrong : here's some code HTML <div id="introduction"> <img class='img_intro' src="images/orientation/pierre_beaupré.png" alt="Pierre Beaupré"> <div id="texte_intro"> <h3>Pierre Beaupré</h3><br/> Téléphone: (450) 430-3120 <br/> poste: 2738<br/> Local : L-111-F <br/> Courriel: <a href="mailto:email@domain.com">email@domain.com</a> <br/> </div> <div id="clearme"></div> </div> <div id="introduction2"> <br/> <img class='img_intro2' src="images/orientation/benois_dumas.png" alt="Benois Dumas"> <div id="texte_intro2"> <h3>Benois Dumas</h3><br/> Téléphone: (450) 430-3120 <br/> poste: 2738<br/> Local : L-111-F <br/> Courriel: <a href="mailto:email@domain.com">email@domain.com</a> <br/> </div> <div id="clearme"></div> </div> CSS #introduction { margin-top : -15px; margin-left : 15px; } .img_intro { width : 150px; height : 200px; margin-right : 300px; border : 2px solid black; float : right; } .img_intro2 { width : 150px; height : 200px; margin-left : 30px; border : 2px solid black; float : left; } #texte_intro { margin-left : 10px; } #texte_intro2 { margin-left : 220px; } #clearme { clear : both; }
  7. alright, here is the refined version of the script : <script type="text/javascript"> <?php function GetComboboxIndex($Options, $Match, $Element) { foreach($Options as $i => $val) { if($Match == $val) { return 'document.formulaire.' .$Element. '.selectedIndex = "' .$i. '";' ; } } return ''; } if(!$Valide) { echo 'document.formulaire.Nom.value = "' .$_POST["LastName"]. '";' ; echo 'document.formulaire.Prénom.value = "' .$_POST["FirstName"]. '";' ; echo 'document.formulaire.NoAD.value = "' .$_POST["NoAD"]. '";' ; echo 'document.formulaire.Courriel.value = "' .$_POST["Email"]. '";' ; echo 'document.formulaire.NoTel.value = "' .$_POST["NoTel"]. '";' ; echo GetComboboxIndex($JoursOptions, $_POST["Day1"], 'Day1'); echo GetComboboxIndex($HeuresOptions, $_POST["Hour1"], 'Hour1'); echo GetComboboxIndex($JoursOptions, $_POST["Day2"], 'Day2'); echo GetComboboxIndex($HeuresOptions, $_POST["Hour2"], 'Hour2'); echo GetComboboxIndex($JoursOptions, $_POST["Day3"], 'Day3'); echo GetComboboxIndex($HeuresOptions, $_POST["Hour3"], 'Hour3'); } ?> </script>
  8. i'll re-adapt your code a bit with my javascript idea. I need to stack the option values in php array i'll loop them without verifying EACH time if I need to assign new values. <?php if(!$Valide) { echo 'document.formulaire.Nom.value = "' .$_POST["Nom"]. '";' ; echo 'document.formulaire.Prénom.value = "' .$_POST["Prénom"]. '";' ; echo 'document.formulaire.NoAD.value = "' .$_POST["NoAD"]. '";' ; echo 'document.formulaire.Courriel.value = "' .$_POST["Courriel"]. '";' ; echo 'document.formulaire.NoTel.value = "' .$_POST["NoTel"]. '";' ; foreach($JoursOptions as $i => $val) { if($_POST["Jour1"] == $val) { echo 'document.formulaire.Jour1.selectedIndex = "' .$i. '";' ; break; } } } ?> and it works fine thanks to everyone i'll now make it as a function to accept any array with any string to find and any form element
  9. yes i'm sorry, i've seen your edit too late
  10. That's what I feared you'd answer Thanks. There's no way a lazy programmer like myself will write 50 lines of code for that single purpose! Let's make a function to find out which option needs a "selected='true'" A loop ? hmm. How about javascript guys? do you think it could be easier to write a javascript to assign new values to the form? since javascript has acces to all page's elements
  11. What those guys mean is that you have to think the opposite way. Don't search to remove lines, you have to tell the code to NOT show it
  12. I'm not sure I understand it all. What would happen for a combobox with 50 values (that's an example) here's an easy one : <select class="label_form1 " name="Jour1"> <option value="Lundi">Lundi</option> <option value="Mardi">Mardi</option> <option value="Mercredi">Mercredi</option> <option value="Jeudi">Jeudi</option> <option value="Vendredi">Vendredi</option> </select> I hope you don't mean that I would need to go over all of the options and check if it's the previously selected one
  13. Hi guys! here comes my next question! After submitting an invalid form, a visitor could benefit from having their old inputs back into the form. <input class="label_form1" type="text" name="Prénom" <?php global $valide; if(!$Valide){echo '\'value=\'' .$_POST["Prénom"]. '\'';} ?>/><br /> Having to do this for every single input is a hell of a work. Is there an easier way to fill the form inputs from the last POSTed values?
  14. Allrriiightt xD Moving the bcc statement down did it! $from = "email@clg.qc.ca"; $headers = "From: $from\r\n"; $headers .= "To: $to\r\n"; $headers .= "Return-Path: <".$to.">\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; [b]$headers .= "Bcc:email@gmail.com\r\n";[/b] $headers .= "Content-Type: text/HTML; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";
  15. Thanks you for your replies I did try CC, cc Cc and even cC. Same combinaison with Bcc bcc etc.. I read on some forums that having a space after the semi-colomn could be bad. So I tried that too. no luck so far. i'll try moving Bcc up and down and see what it does.. I have a different var for the body message which is $message. I don't mix the two. Well if that's what you meant
  16. Hi guys, my first time here so I'll drop by and say hello I've a question for you (DUH) What's wrong with my snipet of code? An email goes through perfectly but CC and Bcc won't get to destination. //Message is edited above $to = $_POST['Courriel']; $from = "email@clg.qc.ca"; $headers = "From: $from\r\n"; $headers .= "To: $to\r\n"; $headers .= "bcc:email@gmail.com\r\n"; $headers .= "Return-Path: <".$to.">\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/HTML; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; if(mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers)) edit : removed emails XD idiot me!
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