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Everything posted by mv2

  1. gizmola, Thank you for the reply. I will try adding the or condition to my code to see if it works. To answer your question, I only posted a snippet of my actuall rewrite conditions. I run a music distribution site for artists much like mp3.com and deeplinking to their content is offered as part of the subscription services. What I am trying to do and have been successfull in part is keeping everyone else from being able to link directly to the media files on the site. For a music site, this is a huge concern as I usually use about 20 gigs of bandwidth a day and have only been open 7 months. Anyway, thank you for your answer. I will give it a try and post back here. Chris www.musicv2.com
  2. Hello, I have searched the boards and couldn\'t find an answer that seemed to solve my problem. I am using .htaccess to prevent hotlinking to my site and it is working very well. The only trouble I am having is that requests for files written in the http://domain.com/files.ext format somehow get past my htaccess file whereas http://www.domain.com/files.ext are caught and redirected. Here is a copy of the rewrite code I am using. Any help on this is greatly appreciated. RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://domain.(.*)/.*$ [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.*).domain.(.*)/.*$ [NC] RewriteRule (.*.(gif|jpg|avi|mpg|mp3|wmv|wma|rm)$) http://domain.com/hotlinking.php [R,NC] thank you, Chris
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