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Everything posted by alexdemers

  1. It's caused with is_int(); it's returning false because a string is returned from mms(). So the best bet is to do if ($show > 0). PHP: is_int - Manual will return true ONLY if the type of the variable is an integer; not if it can be parsed as integer.
  2. Store a md5() of each card. Let's say your array is: [ [5, 6, 7, 9, 11] [16, 18, 21, 25, 26] [30, 35, 36, 37, 40] [47, 48, 51, 52, 55] [65, 69, 71, 72, 73] ] $stored_value = md5(serialize($bingo_card_array));
  3. Also, if (isset($_POST['display'])) might not work because the actual form element will not send data to the server. It's its elements inside that will. So, you can just check isset($_POST['show']) and it will work. Edit-Adding: Naming a form element's purpose is mostly just for JavaScript. You shouldn't name it. It might work in IE (haven't tried it) but I'm guessing future browser might not work.
  4. What does the mms() function do? Does it really return the value submitted?
  5. Follow the examples here: PHP: mail - Manual. There's an example with HTML emails. Also, make sure your email client does in fact support HTML emails. If it does, is it turned on for that particular address? Maybe there's a security option in your email client that restricts parsed HTML emails if you don't know the sender.
  6. Use PHP: str_replace - Manual instead for a simple replace.
  7. Do the logic. Check to see what $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] returns for each page. Just echo the variable. <?php $file_parts = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $current_file = end($file_parts); ?> This will return the file only, not its directories.
  8. There's alot of things wrong with your script. First, remove completely ereg functions. Second, you don't have any $_POST variables (unless you have register globals set to on, which is a very bad idea). Also, where you have : <?php for ($t = 0; $t < $showtalks; $t++) { $talk_array = explode("|", $talks[$t]); echo "<b>".$talk_array[2]."</b> (<a href=\"http://collect.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=invite.addfriend_verify&friendID=".$talk_array[1]."\" target=\"_blank\">Add</a> | <a href=\"http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=".$talk_array[1]."\" target=\"_blank\">View</a> )<BR> "; } Replace $talk_array[1] with $talk_array[0] and $talk_array[2] with $talk_array[1]. Arrays start at 0.
  9. To add to my previous post: set headers and call readfile('yourfile.txt'); that's it.
  10. We still need to see the code. PHP is server side, not client so there's no way for us to see the issue.
  11. That's an awesome concept. Well, you will need ALOT of JavaScript to make that work in standard browser. Then when submitting the form, transfer that to binary and so on...
  12. Use PHP: readfile - Manual instead. Make sure to include the headers: Pragma: no-cache Expires: 0
  13. We are help to help with your code. Not provide you complete scripts. http://www.rentacoder.com/RentACoder/DotNet/default.aspx
  14. Or make use of single quotes. <?php fwrite($banned, '$ip[] = \''.$user.'\';'."\n" ); ?>
  15. It could be one of your die(). Follow the logic and try var_dump()ing different variables to see where your logic goes.
  16. Like some people have here in their signature: <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); ?> Put that at the top of your file. You will know any errors.
  17. I replied and explained in your other post.
  18. First, it's not the correct forum. Second, it's caused because you have your delimiter in there (the character before the = which is a slash which is your delimiter). The delimiter is what tells preg_* that the actual regex is between those chars. You can use / # ~ @ ! . Those are all that I saw once, possibly there's more, I don't know. The escape char is backslash \ so replacing / with \/ should do the trick. Same goes for all occurrences in your regex except the last one of the string obviously.
  19. Look. Replace this code (yours): <?php // we must never forget to start the session session_start(); if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; require_once("connect.php"); // check if the user id and password combination exist in database $query = "SELECT username FROM members WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'"; $row = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error - Couldn't login user."); if (mysql_num_rows($row) == 1) { // the user id and password match, // set the session $_SESSION[username] = $row[username]; With my corrected code: <?php // we must never forget to start the session session_start(); if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; require_once("connect.php"); // check if the user id and password combination exist in database $query = "SELECT username FROM members WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'"; $row = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error - Couldn't login user."); if (mysql_num_rows($row) == 1) { // the user id and password match, // set the session $real_row = mysql_fetch_array($row); $_SESSION['username'] = real_row['username']; } ?> If that's not what you're looking for then I really don't know what you are trying to do. But, like I said, the code you provided in your first post is correct and there's no problems with it (except security, but that's not the issue).
  20. Well, what I just explained you is it's not that script (which I just quoted here) you have problems with, it's the one where you assign the username to $_SESSION['username']. That's the problem. And I just corrected that problem. So refer to this post to fix your script http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,263787.msg1243513.html#msg1243513
  21. There's 3 steps in getting data from the database. 1. Connect to the database (which hopefully you did in connect.php) 2. Query the database (which is what mysql_query() does) a. mysql_query() returns either a resource (an internal pointer to that query) or false on failure (syntax error or any other MySQL related errors) b. You assign that returned value to $row (in your case, but I recommand changing the variable name to something more precise like $result) 3. You fetch the results from that query: mysql_fetch_array() a. If you're sure you will always return 0 or 1 query, you don't have to use a loop; so you can assign it directly: $row = mysql_fetch_array($result). Else, you should to while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo $row['username']; } b. Now $row will contain an array which you can juggle with and do what you have to do. In your case, assign $row['username'] to a session variable: $_SESSION['username'];
  22. You didn't mysql_fetch_array(). $row actually contains a result and not an array. Change to this: <?php if (mysql_num_rows($row) == 1) { // the user id and password match, // set the session $real_row = mysql_fetch_array($row); $_SESSION['username'] = real_row['username']; } ?> 2 things. I highly recommend you use quotes for non constant. If you didn't declare a constant then use quotes. In big applications, it will drastically slow down the application. Also, a little tip: when you do assign a variable to mysql_query(), I recommend naming it $result since it's the result and not records (array). Hope this solves it.
  23. Add quotes to keys of $_SESSION variable: $_SESSION['username']. But that shouldn't be the problem. Do you have other code we need to see?
  24. I really don't understand.
  25. Create a column in your items table with integers; the higher the int is the bigger it ahs a priority. Or, play with your ORDER BY clause.
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