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Everything posted by slk512

  1. how i can insert my web pages to this code given below i am beginner to php plz tell me where to make changes in this code and where to add my pages to create pagination ............... code is given below. i hve run this code and its working showing output prevoius 1 2 3 4 next but i dont know how to add my pages in this code . if anyone have other suggestion regarding how to install pagination other way plz let me know thx in advance .... pagination class code. <?php /************************************************************\ * * PHP Array Pagination Copyright 2007 - Derek Harvey * www.lotsofcode.com * * This file is part of PHP Array Pagination . * * PHP Array Pagination is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PHP Array Pagination is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PHP Array Pagination ; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \************************************************************/ class pagination { var $page = 1; // Current Page var $perPage = 10; // Items on each page, defaulted to 10 var $showFirstAndLast = false; // if you would like the first and last page options. function generate($array, $perPage = 10) { // Assign the items per page variable if (!empty($perPage)) $this->perPage = $perPage; // Assign the page variable if (!empty($_GET['page'])) { $this->page = $_GET['page']; // using the get method } else { $this->page = 1; // if we don't have a page number then assume we are on the first page } // Take the length of the array $this->length = count($array); // Get the number of pages $this->pages = ceil($this->length / $this->perPage); // Calculate the starting point $this->start = ceil(($this->page - 1) * $this->perPage); // Return the part of the array we have requested return array_slice($array, $this->start, $this->perPage); } function links() { // Initiate the links array $plinks = array(); $links = array(); $slinks = array(); // Concatenate the get variables to add to the page numbering string if (count($_GET)) { $queryURL = ''; foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'page') { $queryURL .= '&'.$key.'='.$value; } } } // If we have more then one pages if (($this->pages) > 1) { // Assign the 'previous page' link into the array if we are not on the first page if ($this->page != 1) { if ($this->showFirstAndLast) { $plinks[] = ' <a href="?page=1'.$queryURL.'">«« First </a> '; } $plinks[] = ' <a href="?page='.($this->page - 1).$queryURL.'">« Prev</a> '; } // Assign all the page numbers & links to the array for ($j = 1; $j < ($this->pages + 1); $j++) { if ($this->page == $j) { $links[] = ' <a class="selected">'.$j.'</a> '; // If we are on the same page as the current item } else { $links[] = ' <a href="?page='.$j.$queryURL.'">'.$j.'</a> '; // add the link to the array } } // Assign the 'next page' if we are not on the last page if ($this->page < $this->pages) { $slinks[] = ' <a href="?page='.($this->page + 1).$queryURL.'"> Next » </a> '; if ($this->showFirstAndLast) { $slinks[] = ' <a href="?page='.($this->pages).$queryURL.'"> Last »» </a> '; } } // Push the array into a string using any some glue return implode(' ', $plinks).implode($this->implodeBy, $links).implode(' ', $slinks); } return; } } ?> 2nd code : <? $num_of_items = 200; $items_per_page = 9; $max_links = 10; if($_GET['page_num']){ $page_num = $_GET['page_num']; } else { $page_num = 1; } ?> <h1>PAGE: <? echo $page_num; ?></h1> <strong>example:</strong> <br> <strong>number of items</strong> = <? echo $num_of_items; ?><br> <strong>number of items per page</strong> = <? echo $items_per_page; ?><br> <strong>number of links per page</strong> = <? echo $max_links; ?><br> <? ############################################ PAGINATION FUNCTION ######################################## ############################################ PAGINATION FUNCTION ######################################## function pagination_link($id, $page_num) { return $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page_num='.$page_num; } function pagination($num_of_items, $items_per_page, $id, $page_num, $max_links) { $total_pages = ceil($num_of_items/$items_per_page); if($page_num) { if($page_num >1){ $prev = ' <a href="'.pagination_link($id, ($page_num -1 )).'">< PREV</a> '; $first = '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'"><<</a>'; } } if($page_num <$total_pages){ $next = ' <a href="'.pagination_link($id, ($page_num+1)).'">NEXT ></a> '; $last = ' <a href="'.pagination_link($id, $total_pages).'">>></a> '; } echo $first; echo $prev; $loop = 0; if($page_num >= $max_links) { $page_counter = ceil($page_num - ($max_links-1)); } else { $page_counter = 1; } if($total_pages < $max_links){ $max_links = $total_pages; } do { if($page_counter == $page_num) { echo ' <strong>'.$page_counter.'</strong> '; } else { echo '<a href="'.pagination_link($id, ($page_counter)).'">'.$page_counter.'</a> '; } $page_counter++; $current_page=($page_counter+1); $loop++; } while ($max_links > $loop); echo $next; echo $last; } ?> <div align="center"> <? pagination($num_of_items, $items_per_page, $id, $page_num, $max_links) ?>
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