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  1. Yes, i'm trying to make a text based browser game. The ones i've been looking at are these 2: http://www.pardiowars.com/ and http://dragon.se7enet.com/dev.php
  2. Thanks both of you! What program do I use to edit the script though? Is it MySQL?
  3. No it's not the learning the PHP part, I can figure that out once I have the script. Much better at picking something apart and remaking it than starting from scratch when trying to learn. where I'm lost is once I get the script...what program to I use to run and edit it? MySQL...Dreamweaver? Like I said...very new... :-\
  4. I've been going through websites for the past couple of months looking for a good PHP script to start a game. I know absolutely NOTHING about coding, so I figured if I got a script I could work from there. My Problem: once I get this script...then what? I know I need MySQL to run the script (I think...) but I'm still quite lost at all of this. I understand most of u will probably shun me for this but if any of you are willing to help me out with anything, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
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