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Everything posted by yami007

  1. man i said that it worked with your code ^^ and thanks for the advice, i think count() is better ^^ thanks again ^^
  2. oh i got rid of the error, and the function works but i dont receive any e-mail what can be the cause?
  3. well, sorry here's my code :: <?php $site = 'www.example.net'; $webmaster = 'yami'; $myemail = 'yami@example.net'; $headers = "From: $site\n"; $headers .= "<$myemail>\nX-Mailer:PHP/" . phpversion(); $subject = "تذكير بكلمة المرور"; $message = "Dear $f_name, we sent you this e-mail because you might have forgotten your password. To continue, just click on the link below: http://$site/reset_password.php?$confirm_code Please print this information out and store it for future reference. Thanks, $webmaster"; mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers); ?>
  4. i just got the chance to install a mail server and got rid of that error:: Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\AppServ\www\company3\includes\send_password_to_email.php on line 21 and a new error comes :: Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 501 Syntax Error: Unbalanced angle brackets in C:\AppServ\www\company3\includes\send_password_to_email.php on line 21 now i dont know what to do !! your help is much appreciated
  5. i was wondering on way to un-md5 the password on db to send it back to the user when they claim for it, i cant find it myself thank you
  6. i rewrote it using your code and it worked, and it also worked when i did: <?php $m = 0; while ($m <= 235) { echo '<option value="' . $countries[$m] . '"'; if ($countries[$m] == $Country) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo '>' . $countries[$m] . '</option>'; $m++; } it was obvious but i couldnt come up with it, for your code i ddnt know the function that generates all the array, i searhed for it but in vain, thanks for everything ^^
  7. here's my code so far: <?php require_once("includes/countries.php"); $m = 0; while ($m <= 235) { echo '<option value="' . $countries[$m] . '">' . $countries[$m] . '</option>'; if ($countries[$m] == $Country) { echo '<option value="' . $countries[$m] . '" selected="selected">' . $countries[$m] . '</option>'; } $m++; } ?> there's only an array in the included file:countries.php this code of mine duplicate the name of the country not everyting, but the choosen country only. this is what i want to prevent, but i couldnt come up with anything so i need your help ^^
  8. oh man i tried it but it ddnt work, i copied the function into the <script></script> tag in the head, and i opened the file then when i click on google or yahoo it does not display anything
  9. I wanna know how the new user knew about my web site, so i made a select button ==> by google, yahoo,friend,other so when they click other option, i want to display a hidden input.. i hope i explained it right, and hoping for your help again
  10. thanks guys, it did work ^^ with the $_POST['submit_x']
  11. i just dont know how to use an image as a submit button well the problem is that i cant get the name value to use in the statement : if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo 'you're logged in...'; }
  12. thanks i'll check it and tell u later ^^
  13. both of them, i know nothing about it i just want to know how to get it working ^^ so how does this thing work? and what are you saying in the last lines? i dont get it :-\
  14. Axeia, here i'm asking for the mplayer, i visited their website but i'm not familar with other scripting languages except php, css, html, javascript, dont even know whet they're using so please help ^^
  15. u need javascript not php.. well, use this function in the head of your html page <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function Open(page) { OpenWin = this.open(page, "new", "width=465,height=325,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); } </script> now use it on your hypertext link : <a href="javascript:Open('new_window.php')">Open in new window</a> this should work
  16. what i used on the code is generating xml using php, so that video flash player can play the videos from the videos directory automatically u have to call this file from your flash application if u dont much about xml in flash then take this tutorial, ==> http://www.gotoandlearn.com/play?id=65, this will be helpful even if you're still newbie to flash i hope u benefit from this ^^
  17. hi again so if you're familiar with adobe flash and php this is gonna be easy, here's the php code that you'll need to display xml from your videos directory <?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; echo "\n"; echo '<playlist>'; echo "\n"; if ($handle = opendir('videos')) { $rows = 0; while (false !== ($f = readdir($handle))) { $rows++; if ($f != "." && $f != ".." && $f != "index.php" && $f != "Thumbs.db") { list ($name, $ext) = split ('[.]', $f); echo '<vid src="' . $f . '" desc="' . $name . '"/>'; echo "\n"; } } closedir($handle); } echo '</playlist>'; echo "\n"; ?> and here's the source of what it displays <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <playlist> <vid src="BAAD - Kimi ga suki dato sakebitai.flv" desc="BAAD - Kimi ga suki dato sakebitai"/> <vid src="hancock.flv" desc="hancock"/> </playlist> now all u need to do is making the video player play them continusly
  18. so u say u want to play them one after one endlessly, that means you're using xml, if u do then print your php code here and i shall get u something. if u just think of it and dont know what to write to get the expected results. answer me and i'll get u some..
  19. no way, it should work!! then maybe u should print all the code here
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