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  1. Just to block it from appearing. You see. I have created a meta search engine but it also picks up adverts from the search engines it searches. I need to remove these links from the files list. So just to block it from appearing on my site will do
  2. so how do i get it to replace the blocked urls?
  3. Ok here is is: $torrenthost = $torrenthost[0]; // torrent host name $torrenthostlink = $torrenthostlink[0]; // torrent download link $torrentnameinhost = $torrentnameinhost[0]; // torrent name in host $torrentupdateinhost = $torrentupdateinhost[0]; // torrent update time $blockedsites = array("test.com", "www.anothertest.com", "www.example.com", "url.com", "www.phpfreaksexample.com"); if (in_array($torrenthost, $torrenthostlink, $blockedsites)) {} else { How can i replace them with another url if theye should up on page What to put in? if (in_array($torrenthost, $torrenthostlink, $blockedsites)) {} else { ???
  4. Right I have the following: if (in_array($URL1, $URL2, $URL3)) {} else { How would i reaplace those URL's with URL4? Thanks. I need this badly
  5. Ok. Thanks guys but I seem to have it under control with the help of a person If it doesnt work out, I will come back to this topic for help
  6. Did you try one of those example sites? No I do not think you did. Ok we have three URL's: ab.com abc.com and abcd.com Now these links will becume: example.com/dfefd Then when you enter that short URL it will show you the three URL's on the page. Like an online link folder. If you had simple tried the example sites you would know what i mean
  7. Thanks. But no. Im looking for one that takes multiple URL's at once and converts them all into one URL or a folder
  8. Em. This is just a website? Can you provide me with a download link please? Im not looking for a website. Im looking for a script
  9. can someone help me make a multiple long url into one short url script? Examples: http://1link.in/ http://linkbun.ch/ http://shrink2one.com/ If you can help me make one i will give you a unlimited storage and bandwidth hosting account with safe mode turned off. I charge 8$ per month for this. But i will give you one for free forever on my premium server if you can help with this
  10. Thanks So far i have this: <textarea><IFRAME SRC="" WIDTH=294 HEIGHT=75 SCROLLING=NO></IFRAME></textarea> But what will i put in the SRC="" so it will display the page URL?
  11. I have a Music Search engine called DUNN tunes. You can stream music true my flash player. My player opens in a new php window. Under the flash player in the php page i would like to show a embedded this song on your website/myspace. It should be a iframe. every page has a different url. Every page could have a simple iframe and say above it embedded code. Here is two pages two show you what the urls are like: http://dunnsearch.mobi/listen.php?src=MP3Realm&name=U2-Exit.mp3&url=http://darrenrobbins.com/U2-Exit.mp3 And a different song with a different page http://dunnsearch.mobi/listen.php?src=wrzuta&id=7JBEKHZzfa&name=Madcon%20-%20Beggin The hight of the iframe should only show to logo and player, not the embedded code, and scrolling should be turned off. Please help, as i think this will double my traffic. Thanks
  12. Doesnt seem to work for me? Thank you so much any way do
  13. what is confusing? all links posted on my website to get dunnsearch.us/? before them. i have made a script for my .htaccess, but it will make links from my website to my website anonymous to! i only want the links from my website that are linked to another website outside my websites url. any ideas?
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