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  1. ive orderd the book - but wont be hear for a few days - i need to get this done its realy urgent and would love to, just once get to see the script, read it and of course learn from it. if some1 could help me i would most gratefull
  2. i was wondering if some one could suply me the script i need to add or a link to a tut that i can follow - im afraid that i dont have "men" im currently a student with a website - just that i have no idea on how to go about my problom if some1 could give me a mini tut on what to do or what code to use i would most apreceate it. the current script i am using is <?php require_once( "global.php" ); $kernel->clean_array( "_REQUEST", array( "id" => V_INT, "forced" => V_INT ) ); if( $kernel->vars['id'] == 0 ) { $kernel->page->message_report( $kernel->ld['phrase_no_file_specified'], M_ERROR ); } else { // Read session cache info if( !empty( $kernel->session->vars['session_hash'] ) AND USER_LOGGED_IN == true ) { $usergroupdata = $kernel->db->row( "SELECT g.usergroup_session_downloads, g.usergroup_session_baud FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroups g LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users u ON ( g.usergroup_id = u.user_group_id ) WHERE u.user_id = " . $kernel->session->vars['session_user_id'] ); $cachedata = $kernel->db->row( "SELECT c.cache_user_id, c.cache_timestamp, c.cache_session_downloads, c.cache_session_bandwidth FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session_cache c WHERE c.cache_session_hash = '" . $kernel->session->vars['session_hash'] . "' AND c.cache_user_id = '" . $kernel->session->vars['session_user_id'] . "'" ); } else { $usergroupdata = $kernel->db->row( "SELECT g.usergroup_session_downloads, g.usergroup_session_baud FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroups g WHERE g.usergroup_id = -1" ); } // Download limit reached for the user if( $cachedata['cache_session_downloads'] >= $usergroupdata['usergroup_session_downloads'] AND $usergroupdata['usergroup_session_downloads'] != 0 ) { $kernel->page->message_report( sprintf( $kernel->ld['phrase_download_limit_reached'], $kernel->format_seconds( ( $cachedata['cache_timestamp'] + 86400 ) - UNIX_TIME ) ), M_WARNING, HALT_EXEC ); } $file = $kernel->db->row( "SELECT f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_cat_id, f.file_downloads, f.file_from_timestamp, f.file_to_timestamp, f.file_dl_limit, f.file_doc_id, f.file_dl_url, f.file_size, f.file_disabled, f.file_hash_data FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "files f WHERE f.file_id = " . $kernel->vars['id'] . " LIMIT 1" ); // Set page vars $kernel->vars['page_struct']['system_page_navigation_id'] = $file['file_cat_id']; $kernel->vars['page_struct']['system_page_navigation_html'] = array( SCRIPT_PATH => $file['file_name'] ); $kernel->vars['page_struct']['system_page_action_title'] = sprintf( $kernel->ld['phrase_page_title_download'], $file['file_name'] ); // Check category permissions $kernel->page->read_category_permissions( $file['file_cat_id'], SCRIPT_PATH ); // Check for subscriptions $kernel->subscription->init_category_subscriptions( $file['file_cat_id'], SCRIPT_PATH ); // File disabled? if( $kernel->archive->synchronise_file_status() == false ) { $kernel->page->message_report( $kernel->ld['phrase_file_status_disabled'], M_NOTICE, HALT_EXEC ); } // User has permission to download? if( $kernel->session->read_permission_flag( 'FIL_DWN', true ) == true ) { if( $file['file_dl_limit'] > 0 AND $file['file_downloads'] >= $file['file_dl_limit'] ) { $kernel->page->message_report( $kernel->ld['phrase_download_limit'], M_ERROR, HALT_EXEC ); } // Check for leeching $kernel->archive->verify_leech_status(); $category_doc_id = $kernel->db->item( "SELECT `category_doc_id` FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "categories WHERE category_id = " . $file['file_cat_id'] ); // File document exists, has not been agreed to if( !isset( $_SESSION['document_agree'] ) AND $file['file_doc_id'] > 0 ) { header( "Location: document.php?id=" . $file['file_doc_id'] . "&file_id=" . $kernel->vars['id'] ); exit; } // Category document exists, has not been agreed to if( !isset( $_SESSION['document_agree'] ) AND $category_doc_id > 0 ) { header( "Location: document.php?id=" . $category_doc_id . "&file_id=" . $kernel->vars['id'] ); exit; } // Mirrors available, none selected if( $kernel->db->numrows( "SELECT `mirror_id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "mirrors` WHERE `mirror_file_id` = " . $kernel->vars['id'] ) > 0 AND $kernel->vars['forced'] != 1 ) { header( "Location: mirror.php?file_id=" . $kernel->vars['id'] ); exit; } // Increment download counter $kernel->db->query( "UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "files` SET `file_downloads` = `file_downloads` + 1 WHERE `file_id` = " . $kernel->vars['id'] ); // Add to download log $kernel->db->insert( "logs", array( "log_type" => 1, "log_file_id" => $kernel->vars['id'], "log_user_id" => $kernel->session->vars['session_user_id'], "log_mirror_id" => 0, "log_user_agent" => HTTP_AGENT, "log_timestamp" => UNIX_TIME, "log_ip_address" => IP_ADDRESS ) ); // Update session cache info if( !empty( $kernel->session->vars['session_hash'] ) AND USER_LOGGED_IN == true ) { $kernel->db->update( "session_cache", array( "cache_session_downloads" => $cachedata['cache_session_downloads'] + 1, "cache_session_bandwidth" => $cachedata['cache_session_bandwidth'] + $file['file_size'] ), "WHERE `cache_user_id` = " . $kernel->session->vars['session_user_id'] ); $user = $kernel->db->row( "SELECT `user_downloads`, `user_bandwidth` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "users` WHERE `user_id` = '" . $kernel->session->vars['session_user_id'] . "'" ); $kernel->db->update( "users", array( "user_downloads" => $user['user_downloads'] + 1, "user_bandwidth" => $user['user_bandwidth'] + $file['file_size'] ), "WHERE `user_id` = '" . $kernel->session->vars['session_user_id'] . "'" ); } // Start file download $kernel->archive->exec_file_download( array( "name" => $file['file_name'], "url" => $file['file_dl_url'], "timestamp" => $file['file_timestamp'], "size" => $file['file_size'], "id" => $kernel->vars['id'], "mirror_id" => 0, "hash" => $file['file_hash_data'] ), $usergroupdata['usergroup_session_baud'] ); } } $kernel->page->construct_output( R_HEADER, R_FOOTER, false, R_NAVIGATION ); ?>
  3. Hi all, To be able to offer direct downloads of files from my website ( www.gaming-unlocked.com ) to a playsation free i need my site to when they click the download button it checks to see if the file is a .zip file ( witch they all are ) and then exstracts the zip file and downloads its contents. im not shure how to go about this ive attached the current download script im using - if someone could take a look at it and perhaps tell me what i need to do or possible add to it then re upload it i would most apreceate it to understand how the download works currentyl just go to my site and download something - you dnt need to regerster if some1 thinks they could help me yet - would prefer to on msn add paul_so40@hotmail.com ill link to your site from mine if you help me do this Thanx Paul [attachment deleted by admin]
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