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  1. First off, I am not PHP coder, nor have I ever coded to update database records. I am in need of adjusting some code in my shopping cart but can't seem to get the right code to update the database directly. So far I have only been able to successfully create code that calculates a number and updates a text field and the html form updates the database field. I have the below code that creates 4 text boxes. 3 of which retain the dimensions of a box (length, width, height). The 4th retains the cubic weight of those dimensions (length x width x height). However, I have not figured out how to update the database IF it finds that these first 3 fields are filled out. What happens is, if you input L, W, and H, it will calculate the cubic weight and put it in the cubicWeight text box upon clicking the "submit" button on the page the first time, but you have to access the page again and click submit for the "cubicWeight" field in the database to be updated. MY GOAL: Upon clicking 'submit' the first time, it will determine if there is data in all three fields (Length, Width and Height) and calculate the cubic weight and update the cubicWeight database field (I assume having to use the 'UPDATE' function. Info: Specific text fields code: <td class="tdText"><input name="length" type="text" class="textbox" size="10" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['length'])) echo $results[0]['length']; ?>" /> L <input name="width" type="text" class="textbox" size="10" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['width'])) echo $results[0]['width']; ?>" /> W <input name="height" type="text" class="textbox" size="10" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['height'])) echo $results[0]['height']; ?>" /> H <strong style="padding:0px 10px">Cubic Weight</strong><input name="cubicWeight" type="text" class="textbox" size="10" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['cubicWeight'])) echo $results[0]['cubicWeight'] = round((($results[0]['length'] * $results[0]['width'] * $results[0]['height']) / 194), 0); ?>" /> <?php echo $config['weightUnit']; ?></td> Here is a snippet of database interaction by the PHP code to give some details about the database. If I am correct on my terminology, the table is named "CubeCart_inventory", and the field/record I have created is called "cubicWeight" $query = sprintf("UPDATE %sCubeCart_inventory SET `cat_id`='%d' WHERE `productId`='%d';", $glob['dbprefix'], $_POST['MoveTo'], $product_id); $db->misc($query); Just to clarify, the $query line above is just a reference to interactions with the database, as I don't believe I would be using the 'cat_id' or 'productId' fields for my Update statement.
  2. First off, I am not PHP coder, nor have I ever coded to update database records. I am in need of adjusting some code in my shopping cart but can't seem to get the right code to update the database directly. So far I have only been able to successfully create code that calculates a number and updates a text field and the html form updates the database field. I have the below code that creates 4 text boxes. 3 of which retain the dimensions of a box (length, width, height). The 4th retains the cubic weight of those dimensions (length x width x height). However, I have not figured out how to update the database IF it finds that these first 3 fields are filled out. What happens is, if you input L, W, and H, it will calculate the cubic weight and put it in the cubicWeight text box upon clicking the "submit" button on the page the first time, but you have to access the page again and click submit for the "cubicWeight" field in the database to be updated. MY GOAL: Upon clicking 'submit' the first time, it will determine if there is data in all three fields (Length, Width and Height) and calculate the cubic weight and update the cubicWeight database field (I assume having to use the 'UPDATE' function. Info: Specific text fields code: <td class="tdText"><input name="length" type="text" class="textbox" size="10" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['length'])) echo $results[0]['length']; ?>" /> L <input name="width" type="text" class="textbox" size="10" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['width'])) echo $results[0]['width']; ?>" /> W <input name="height" type="text" class="textbox" size="10" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['height'])) echo $results[0]['height']; ?>" /> H <strong style="padding:0px 10px">Cubic Weight</strong><input name="cubicWeight" type="text" class="textbox" size="10" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['cubicWeight'])) echo $results[0]['cubicWeight'] = round((($results[0]['length'] * $results[0]['width'] * $results[0]['height']) / 194), 0); ?>" /> <?php echo $config['weightUnit']; ?></td> Here is a snippet of database interaction by the PHP code to give some details about the database. If I am correct on my terminology, the table is named "CubeCart_inventory", and the field/record I have created is called "cubicWeight" $query = sprintf("UPDATE %sCubeCart_inventory SET `cat_id`='%d' WHERE `productId`='%d';", $glob['dbprefix'], $_POST['MoveTo'], $product_id); $db->misc($query); Just to clarify, the $query line above is just a reference to interactions with the database, as I don't believe I would be using the 'cat_id' or 'productId' fields for my Update statement.
  3. ## Build the product options $optionKeys = $cart->getOptions($key); if (!empty($optionKeys)) { $options = explode('|', $optionKeys); foreach ($options as $value) { ## Split on separator $value_data = explode('@', $value); ## Get Option Data $option_name = false; $option_value = false; $option_top = $db->select(sprintf("SELECT T.* FROM %1\$sCubeCart_options_top AS T WHERE T.option_id = %2\$s", $glob['dbprefix'], $value_data[0])); if ($option_top) { $option_name = $option_top[0]['option_name']; if ($option_top[0]['option_type'] == 0) { $option = $db->select(sprintf("SELECT M.*, B.* FROM %1\$sCubeCart_options_mid AS M, %1\$sCubeCart_options_bot AS B WHERE M.value_id = B.value_id AND B.assign_id = %2\$d", $glob['dbprefix'], $value_data[1])); if ($option) { $option_price = $option[0]['option_price']; $option_symbol = $option[0]['option_symbol']; $option_value = $option[0]['value_name']; } } else { $option = $db->select(sprintf("SELECT B.* FROM %1\$sCubeCart_options_bot AS B WHERE B.option_id = %2\$d AND B.product = %3\$d LIMIT 1", $glob['dbprefix'], $value_data[0], $productId)); if ($option) { $option_price = $option[0]['option_price']; $option_symbol = $option[0]['option_symbol']; $option_value = $value_data[1]; } } } if (!empty($option_value) && !empty($option_name)) { ## Assign values $view_cart->assign('VAL_OPT_NAME', validHTML($option_name)); $view_cart->assign('VAL_OPT_VALUE', htmlentities(strip_tags($option_value), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $plainOpts .= $option_name.' - '.$option_value."\r\n"; if ($option_price > 0) { if ($option_symbol == "+") { $optionsCost = $optionsCost + $option_price; } else if ($option_symbol == "-") { $optionsCost = $optionsCost - $option_price; } else if ($option_symbol == "~") { $optionsCost = 0; } } $view_cart->parse('view_cart.cart_true.repeat_cart_contents.options'); } } } if ($product[0]['useStockLevel'] && $config['stockLevel']){ $view_cart->assign('VAL_INSTOCK', $product[0]['stock_level']); } else { $view_cart->assign('VAL_INSTOCK', '∞'); } if (($config['outofstockPurchase']) && ($product[0]["stock_level"]<$cart->cartArray['conts'][$key]["quantity"]) && ($product[0]['useStockLevel'])) { $view_cart->assign("VAL_STOCK_WARN",$lang['cart']['stock_warn']); $quantity = $cart->cartArray['conts'][$key]["quantity"]; $view_cart->parse("view_cart.repeat_cart_contents.stock_warn"); } else if ((!$config['outofstockPurchase']) && ($product[0]["stock_level"]<$cart->cartArray['conts'][$key]["quantity"]) && ($product[0]['useStockLevel'])) { $view_cart->assign("VAL_STOCK_WARN",$lang['cart']['amount_capped']." ".$product[0]["stock_level"]."."); $quantity = $product[0]["stock_level"]; $basket = $cart->update($key, $quantity); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.repeat_cart_contents.stock_warn"); } else { $quantity = $cart->cartArray['conts'][$key]["quantity"]; } $view_cart->assign("VAL_QUANTITY", $quantity); if ($basket['conts'][$key]['custom']==1 || !salePrice($product[0]['price'], $product[0]['sale_price'])) { $price = $product[0]['price']; } else { $price = salePrice($product[0]['price'], $product[0]['sale_price']); } $price = ($price+$optionsCost < 0) ? 0 : $price+($optionsCost); if (!$basket['conts'][$key]['custom']) { $altCheckoutInv[$i]['taxType'] = $product[0]['taxType']; $altCheckoutInv[$i]['name'] = $product[0]['name']; $altCheckoutInv[$i]['options'] = $plainOpts; $altCheckoutInv[$i]['quantity'] = $quantity; if($product[0]['tax_inclusive'] == true) { $altCheckoutInv[$i]['price'] = sprintf("%.2f",$price / (($product[0]['percent'] / 100) +1)); $altCheckoutInv[$i]['priceIncTax'] = sprintf("%.2f",$price); } else { $altCheckoutInv[$i]['price'] = sprintf("%.2f",$price); } ## Private data $altCheckoutInv[$i]['private_data']['digital'] = $product[0]['digital']; $altCheckoutInv[$i]['private_data']['productcode'] = $product[0]['productCode']; $altCheckoutInv[$i]['private_data']['productid'] = $productId; } else { ## Alternative checkout can only be used for tangible goods right now $customWarn = true; } $linePrice = $price * $quantity; // set live vars for order inv and its the last step $basket = $cart->setVar($productId,"productId","invArray",$i); $basket = $cart->setVar($product[0]['name'],"name","invArray",$i); $basket = $cart->setVar($product[0]['productCode'],"productCode","invArray",$i); $basket = $cart->setVar($plainOpts, "prodOptions", "invArray", $i); $basket = $cart->setVar(sprintf("%.2f",$linePrice),"price","invArray",$i); $basket = $cart->setVar($quantity,"quantity","invArray",$i); $basket = $cart->setVar($product[0]['digital'],"digital","invArray",$i); if ($basket['conts'][$key]['custom'] == 1) { $basket = $cart->setVar(serialize($basket['conts'][$key]['gcInfo']),"custom","invArray",$i); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.repeat_cart_contents.quanDisabled"); } else { $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.repeat_cart_contents.quanEnabled"); } $view_cart->assign("VAL_IND_PRICE", priceFormat($price, true)); $view_cart->assign("VAL_LINE_PRICE", priceFormat($linePrice, true)); if ($shipByCat) { ## Calculate the line category shipping price require CC_ROOT_DIR.CC_DS."modules".CC_DS."shipping".CC_DS."Per_Category".CC_DS."line.inc.php"; } ## Apply discounts $itemDiscount = 0; if (isset($discount_percent) && $discount_percent > 0 && !$product[0]['giftCert']) { ## Percentile discounts $itemDiscount = $linePrice*($discount_percent/100); $totalDiscount += $linePrice*($discount_percent/100); } else if (isset($discount_remainder) && $discount_remainder > 0 && !$product[0]['giftCert']) { ## Fixed value discounts if ($discount_remainder <= $linePrice) { $discount = $discount_remainder; $discount_remainder = 0; } else if ($discount_remainder > $linePrice) { $discount = $linePrice; $discount_remainder = $discount_remainder - $discount; } if ($discount > 0) { $totalDiscount += $discount; $itemDiscount = $discount; $discount = 0; } } $linePrice -= $itemDiscount; ## Calculate weight //if ($product[0]['prodWeight']>0 && !$product[0]['digital']) { if ($product[0]['prodWeight']>0) { $totalWeight = ($product[0]['prodWeight'] * $quantity) + $totalWeight; $totalcubicWeight = ($product[0]['cubicWeight'] * $quantity) + $totalcubicWeight; } ## Calculate tax if ($taxCustomer) { // start: Flexible Taxes, by Estelle Winterflood // calculate Tax on Goods if ($config_tax_mod['status']) { for ($j=0; is_array($taxes_config) && $j<count($taxes_config); $j++) { $tax_config = $taxes_config[$j]; if ($tax_config['type_id'] == $product[0]['taxType']) { // tax on goods if ($tax_config['goods']) { $lineTax = getTax($linePrice, ($product[0]['tax_inclusive']) ? false : true, $tax_config['tax_percent']); for ($k=0; $k<count($taxes); $k++){ if ($taxes[$k]['name'] == $tax_config['name']){ // "Testing" mode info display if ($config_tax_mod['debug']) { if (!isset($debug)) $debug = ''; $debug .= "Item ".$i." [".$product[0]['name']."] [".$product[0]['taxName']."] [".$quantity." x ".priceFormat($price, true)."] --- Tax [".$taxes[$k]['name']."] [".$tax_config['type_name']."] [".number_format($tax_config['tax_percent'],2)." %] --- ".priceFormat($lineTax,TRUE)."<br/>"; } $taxes[$k]['amount'] += $lineTax; } } } } } ## end: Flexible Taxes } else if (!$config['priceIncTax']) { $tax += getTax($linePrice, ($product[0]['tax_inclusive']) ? false : true, $product[0]['percent']); } } $subTotal += $linePrice; $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.repeat_cart_contents"); } ## Deduct the total discount from the subtotal - Fixes bug report #705 //$subTotal -= $totalDiscount; ## Work out discount on price if any - OLD CODE, left for reference /* if ($basket['discount_percent']>0) { if ($basket['discount_percent'] > 100) $basket['discount_percent'] = 100; $totalDiscount = ($basket['discount_percent']/100) * $subTotal; $subTotal = $subTotal - $totalDiscount; } else if ($basket['discount_price']>0) { if (isset($discountRemainder) && $discountRemainder>0) { $lineDiscount = $discountRemainder; } else if (!isset($discountRemainder)) { $lineDiscount = $basket['discount_price']; } if ($lineDiscount<$linePrice) { $discount = $lineDiscount; } else { $discount = $linePrice; $discountRemainder = $lineDiscount - $discount; } $totalDiscount = $discount; $subTotal -= $totalDiscount; } else { $discount = 0; } */ // start: Flexible Taxes, by Estelle Winterflood if ($config_tax_mod['status'] && is_array($taxes_config)){ if ($config_tax_mod['debug']) echo "<p><strong>Tax applied to goods:</strong><br/>".$debug."</p>"; } // end: Flexible Taxes /* start mod: Shipping Estimates - http://cubecart.expandingbrain.com */ $se_mod = fetchDbConfig("Shipping_Estimates"); if ($se_mod && $se_mod['status_cc4']) { $se_template_parse = "view_cart.cart_true.shipping_estimates"; include 'modules'.CC_DS.'3rdparty'.CC_DS.'Shipping_Estimates'.CC_DS.'cart1.inc.php'; } /* calculate shipping */ /*if ($_GET['_a'] == 'step2' && $orderTangible) {*/ if ($se_mod && $se_mod['status_cc4'] && $_GET['_a'] == 'cart' && $orderTangible && !isset($basket['delInf']) && $se_mod['postcode']) { $shippingPrice = $lang['cart']['se_enter_location']; $shippingPrice = '<select class="textbox" style="width: 150px" id="shipping-select"><option>'.$shippingPrice.'</option></select>'; } else if ((($se_mod['status_cc4'] && isset($basket['delInf'])) || $_GET['_a'] == 'step2') && $orderTangible) { /* end mod: Shipping Estimates - by Estelle */ $shippingModules = $db->select("SELECT DISTINCT `folder` FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_Modules WHERE module='shipping' AND status = 1"); $noItems = $cart->noItems(); $sum = 0; if (is_array($shippingModules) && !empty($shippingModules)) { // if selected key has not been set, set it if (!isset($basket['shipKey'])) $basket = $cart->setVar(1, 'shipKey'); foreach ($shippingModules as $shippingModule) { $shippingCalcPath = 'modules'.CC_DS.'shipping'.CC_DS.$shippingModule['folder'].CC_DS.'calc.php'; if (file_exists($shippingCalcPath)) { include($shippingCalcPath); } } #:convict:# Shipping cost from lowest to highest >> $Shipping = array(); foreach ($shipArray as $shipMethod) { if (!empty($shipMethod) && is_array($shipMethod)) { foreach ($shipMethod as $shipDetails) { $Shipping[] = $shipDetails; } } } function cmp($a, $b) { $b=floatval($b['value']); $a=floatval($a['value']); return $a<$b ? -1 : ($a>$b ? 1 : 0); } usort($Shipping, "cmp"); $shipKey = 0; foreach ($Shipping as $shipDetails) { $shipKey++; if ($shipKey == $basket['shipKey']) { $selected = ' selected="selected"'; $basket = $cart->setVar($shipDetails['method'], 'shipMethod'); $basket = $cart->setVar(sprintf("%.2f", $shipDetails['value']), 'shipCost'); $shippingTaxId = $shipDetails['taxId']; $shippingTaxAmount = $shipDetails['taxAmount']; } else { $selected = ''; } $shippingPrice[] = '<option value="'.$shipKey.'"'.$selected.'>'.$shipDetails['desc'].'</option>'; } if (is_array($shippingPrice)) { $shippingPrice = '<select class="textbox" style="width: 150px" id="shipping-select" name="shipKey" onchange="submitDoc(\'cart\');">'.implode("\n", $shippingPrice).'</select>'; } /* start mod: Shipping Estimates - http://cubecart.expandingbrain.com */ if ($se_mod && $se_mod['status_cc4'] && $_GET['_a'] == 'cart') { $basket = $cart->unsetVar("delInf"); } if ($se_mod && $se_mod['status_cc4'] && $_GET['_a'] == 'cart' && empty($shippingPrice)) { $shippingPrice = $lang['cart']['se_not_available']; $shippingPrice = '<select class="textbox" style="width: 150px" id="shipping-select"><option>'.$shippingPrice.'</option></select>'; $shipKey = 1; /* pretend there are shipping options to allow view cart */ } if (!$shipKey && !empty($_GET['editDel'])) { $shipKey = 1; /* pretend there are shipping options to allow address edit */ } /* end mod: Shipping Estimates - by Estelle */ ## if no shipping method is available go to error page if (!$shipKey) httpredir('index.php?_g=co&_a=error&code=10001'); ## if shipping key is greater than those available set to 1, and redirect if ($basket['shipKey']>$shipKey) { $cart->setVar(1, 'shipKey'); $basket = $cart->setVar(0.00, 'shipCost'); /* start mod: Shipping Estimates - http://cubecart.expandingbrain.com */ /*httpredir('index.php?_g=co&_a=step2') or die('help');*/ httpredir('index.php?_g=co&_a=cart') or die('help'); /* end mod: Shipping Estimates - by Estelle */ } } else { $shippingPrice .= priceFormat(0, true); $basket = $cart->setVar($lang['cart']['free_shipping'], 'shipMethod'); $basket = $cart->setVar(0.00, 'shipCost'); } } else { $shippingPrice = $lang['cart']['na']; ## set shipping cost to 0.00 just incase $basket = $cart->setVar(0.00, 'shipCost'); } ## If the voucher is a gift certificate, we'll let them use it to discount shipping if ($basket['code_is_purchased'] && $totalDiscount < $basket['discount_price']) { $shippingCost = (is_numeric($shippingPrice)) ? $shippingPrice : $basket['shipCost']; if ($discount_remainder <= $basket['shipCost']) { $shippingCost -= $discount_remainder; $totalDiscount = $basket['discount_price']; $basket = $cart->setVar(sprintf('%.2f', $shippingCost), 'shipCost'); } else if ($discount_remainder > $basket['shipCost']) { $totalDiscount += $basket['shipCost']; $basket = $cart->setVar(0.00, 'shipCost'); } } // start: Flexible Taxes, by Estelle Winterflood // calculate tax on shipping if ($config_tax_mod['status'] && $taxCustomer) { if ($config_tax_mod['debug'] && is_array($taxes_config)) echo "<p><strong>Tax applied to shipping & handling:</strong><br/>"; for ($i=0; is_array($taxes_config) && $i<count($taxes_config); $i++){ $tax_config = $taxes_config[$i]; if ($tax_config['type_id'] == $shippingTaxId){ // tax on shipping if ($tax_config['shipping']) { $lineTax = getTax($basket['shipCost'], true, $tax_config['tax_percent']); for ($j=0; $j<count($taxes); $j++){ if ($taxes[$j]['name'] == $tax_config['name']){ // "Testing" mode info display if ($config_tax_mod['debug']) { echo "Method [".$folder."] [".$tax_config['type_name']."] [".priceFormat($basket['shipCost'], true)."] --- Tax [".$taxes[$j]['name']."] [".$tax_config['type_name']."] [".number_format($tax_config['tax_percent'],2)." %] --- ".priceFormat($lineTax,TRUE)."<br />"; } $taxes[$j]['amount'] += $lineTax; } } } } } if ($config_tax_mod['debug'] && is_array($taxes_config)) echo "</p>"; } ## claculate basic tax on shipping elseif($taxCustomer==1){ $tax += $shippingTaxAmount; } if ($config_tax_mod['status']){ ## "Testing" mode info display if ($config_tax_mod['debug']) { echo "</div>"; } } ## end: Flexible Taxes $view_cart->assign("LANG_SHIPPING", $lang['cart']['shipping']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_SHIPPING", $shippingPrice); // start: Flexible Taxes, by Estelle Winterflood // display taxes if ($config_tax_mod['status']){ if (count($taxes)==0){ $view_cart->assign("LANG_TAX",$lang['cart']['tax']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_TAX",$lang['cart']['na']); } else { // any additional taxes for ($i=1; $i<count($taxes); $i++) { $view_cart->assign("LANG_TAX",$taxes[$i]['display']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_TAX",priceFormat($taxes[$i]['amount'],TRUE)); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.repeat_more_taxes"); } // first tax $view_cart->assign("LANG_TAX",$taxes[0]['display']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_TAX",priceFormat($taxes[0]['amount'],TRUE)); } // tax registration number(s) $reg_number = $db->select("SELECT reg_number FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_tax_details;"); $reg_string = ""; for ($i=0; is_array($reg_number) && $i<count($reg_number); $i++) { if (strlen($reg_string) && $reg_number[$i]['reg_number']!="") { $reg_string .= "<br/>"; } $reg_string .= $reg_number[$i]['reg_number']; } $view_cart->assign("VAL_TAX_REG",$reg_string); // end: Flexible Taxes } else { $view_cart->assign("LANG_TAX",$lang['cart']['tax']); if($tax>0) { $view_cart->assign("VAL_TAX",priceFormat($tax,TRUE)); } else { $view_cart->assign("VAL_TAX",$lang['cart']['na']); } } ## Work out if the Gift Certificate has any discount left if ($basket['code_is_purchased'] == true && $totalDiscount <= $basket['discount_price']) { $couponRemainder = $basket['discount_price'] - $totalDiscount; $basket = $cart->setVar(sprintf("%.2f", $couponRemainder),"code_remainder"); ## Update coupon so that it can be used again with remainder, if there is any if ($couponRemainder > 0) { $giftRecord['discount_price'] = $db->mySQLSafe(sprintf("%.2f", $couponRemainder)); } else { $giftRecord = array( 'discount_price' => 0, 'allowed_uses' => 0, 'count' => 1, ); } $basket = $cart->setVar(sprintf("%.2f",$couponRemainder),"code_remainder"); $where = 'code = '.$db->mySQLSafe($basket['code']); $update = $db->update($glob['dbprefix'].'CubeCart_Coupons', $giftRecord, $where); } $basket = $cart->setVar($totalDiscount, "discount"); $view_cart->assign("LANG_DISCOUNT",$lang['cart']['discount']); // set discount to return value if null if(empty($basket['discount']) || !isset($basket['discount'])) { $basket['discount'] = 0; } $view_cart->assign("VAL_DISCOUNT", priceFormat($basket['discount'], true)); $view_cart->assign("LANG_SUBTOTAL", $lang['cart']['subtotal']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_SUBTOTAL", priceFormat($subTotal, true)); if($totalWeight>0){ $view_cart->assign("LANG_BASKET_WEIGHT",$lang['cart']['basket_weight']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_BASKET_WEIGHT",$totalWeight.$config['weightUnit']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_BASKET_CUBICWEIGHT",$totalcubicWeight.$config['weightUnit']); } // start: Flexible Taxes, by Estelle Winterflood // grand total if ($config_tax_mod['status']) { $tax = 0; for ($i=0; is_array($taxes) && $i<count($taxes); $i++) { $tax += $taxes[$i]['amount']; } $grandTotal = $subTotal + $tax + $basket['shipCost']; } // end: Flexible Taxes else { $grandTotal = $subTotal + $tax + $basket['shipCost']; } $view_cart->assign("LANG_CART_TOTAL",$lang['cart']['cart_total']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_CART_TOTAL",priceFormat($grandTotal, true)); if (isset($basket['codeResult'])) { if (!$basket['codeResult']) { # add remove link $view_cart->assign("LANG_CODE_REMOVE",$lang['cart']['coupon_remove']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_OLD_CODE",base64_encode($basket['code'])); $view_cart->assign("VAL_CURRENT_PAGE",currentPage()); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.coupon_code_result.remove"); } $view_cart->assign("LANG_CODE_RESULT",$lang['cart']['coupon_result_'.$basket['codeResult']]); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.coupon_code_result"); } if (!isset($basket['codeResult']) || $basket['codeResult']>0) { $view_cart->assign("LANG_GOT_CODE", $lang['cart']['got_code']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_ENTER_CODE", $lang['cart']['enter_code']); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.enter_coupon_code"); $basket = $cart->unsetVar("codeResult"); } // build array of price vars in session data $basket = $cart->setVar(sprintf("%.2f",$subTotal),"subTotal"); $basket = $cart->setVar(sprintf("%.2f",$tax),"tax"); $basket = $cart->setVar(sprintf("%.2f",$grandTotal),"grandTotal"); // start: Flexible Taxes, by Estelle Winterflood // leave "tax" in session data as the total tax // define a new array to hold the individual tax names/amounts if ($config_tax_mod['status']) { for ($i=1; $i<=count($taxes); $i++) { $basket = $cart->setVar($taxes[$i-1]['display'],'tax'.$i.'_disp'); $basket = $cart->setVar(sprintf("%.2f",$taxes[$i-1]['amount']),'tax'.$i.'_amt'); } } // end: Flexible Taxes $view_cart->assign("LANG_UPDATE_CART_DESC",$lang['cart']['if_changed_quan']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_UPDATE_CART",$lang['cart']['update_cart']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_CHECKOUT",$lang['cart']['checkout']); // see if passports are enabled $altCheckout = $db->select("SELECT `folder`, `default` FROM `".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_Modules` WHERE `module`='altCheckout' AND `status` = 1"); // stop alt checkout if they have aleady chosen PayPal... mission if($grandTotal>0 && !isset($_SESSION['token']) && !isset($_SESSION['payer_id']) && $altCheckout) { $noAltCheckouts = count($altCheckout); if($noAltCheckouts == 1 && $altCheckout[0]['folder']=="PayPal_Pro") { unset($customWarn); } if ($customWarn) { $view_cart->assign("LANG_CUSTOM_WARN",$lang['cart']['custom_warn']); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.alt_checkout.custom_warn"); } $view_cart->assign("LANG_ALTERNATIVE_CHECKOUT",$lang['cart']['alternative']); ## Get alt checkout shipping $query = "SELECT `name`, `byprice`, `low`, `high`, `price` FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_alt_shipping a LEFT JOIN ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_alt_shipping_prices b ON a.id = b.alt_ship_id ORDER BY `order`, `low`, `high` ASC"; $altShipping = $db->select($query); if ($altShipping) { $n=0; for($i=0;$i<count($altShipping);$i++) { if($altShipping[$i]['byprice']==1 && $subTotal>=$altShipping[$i]['low'] && $subTotal<=$altShipping[$i]['high']){ $altShippingPrices[$n]['name'] = $altShipping[$i]['name']; $altShippingPrices[$n]['price'] = $altShipping[$i]['price']; $n++; } elseif($altShipping[$i]['byprice']==0 && $totalWeight>=$altShipping[$i]['low'] && $totalWeight<=$altShipping[$i]['high']) { $altShippingPrices[$n]['name'] = $altShipping[$i]['name']; $altShippingPrices[$n]['price'] = $altShipping[$i]['price']; $n++; } } } if (!isset($customWarn) || $customWarn != true) { ## build checkout buttons for ($i=0;$i<count($altCheckout);$i++) { require("modules".CC_DS."altCheckout".CC_DS.$altCheckout[$i]['folder'].CC_DS."button.php"); ## get module config $altCheckoutConf = fetchDbConfig($altCheckout[$i]['folder']); if($altCheckoutConf['mode']!=="USDPO") { ## Run class and functions $altCheckoutButton = new $altCheckout[$i]['folder'](); $buttonCode = $altCheckoutButton->buildIt($altCheckout[$i]['folder']); $view_cart->assign("IMG_CHECKOUT_ALT",$buttonCode); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.alt_checkout.loop_button"); ## set include path right again - this fixes things, for some reason ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path').CC_PS.CC_ROOT_DIR); } } } $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.alt_checkout"); } $view_cart->assign("VAL_FORM_ACTION", currentPage()); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true"); } else { $view_cart->assign("CONT_VAL","index.php?_g=co&_a=step1"); $view_cart->assign("LANG_CHECKOUT_BTN",$lang['cart']['checkout_btn']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_VIEW_CART",$lang['cart']['view_cart']); $view_cart->assign("CLASS_CART","class='txtcartProgressCurrent'"); $view_cart->assign("CLASS_STEP2",""); $view_cart->assign("LANG_CART_EMPTY", $lang['cart']['cart_empty']); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_false"); } $view_cart->parse("view_cart"); $page_content = $view_cart->text("view_cart"); ?> UPS.PHP <?php /* Copyright (c) 2000, Jason Costomiris All rights reserved. Props to shawnblue@radiotakeover.com for the original idea which I have cannibalized herein. You go boy. Don't be scared, it's just a BSD-ish license. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by Jason Costomiris. 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ class Ups { function upsProduct($prod){ /* 1DM == Next Day Air Early AM 1DA == Next Day Air 1DP == Next Day Air Saver 2DM == 2nd Day Air Early AM 2DA == 2nd Day Air 3DS == 3 Day Select GND == Ground STD == Canada Standard XPR == Worldwide Express XDM == Worldwide Express Plus XPD == Worldwide Expedited */ $this->upsProductCode = $prod; } function origin($postal, $country){ $this->originPostalCode = $postal; $this->originCountryCode = $country; } function dest($postal, $country){ $this->destPostalCode = $postal; $this->destCountryCode = $country; } function rate($foo){ switch(strtoupper($foo)){ case "RDP": $this->rateCode = "Regular+Daily+Pickup"; break; case "OCA": $this->rateCode = "On+Call+Air"; break; case "OTP": $this->rateCode = "One+Time+Pickup"; break; case "LC": $this->rateCode = "Letter+Center"; break; case "CC": $this->rateCode = "Customer+Counter"; break; } } function container($foo){ switch(strtoupper($foo)){ case "CP": // Customer Packaging $this->containerCode = "00"; break; case "ULE": // UPS Letter Envelope $this->containerCode = "01"; break; case "UT": // UPS Tube $this->containerCode = "03"; break; case "UEB": // UPS Express Box $this->containerCode = "21"; break; case "UW25": // UPS Worldwide 25 kilo $this->containerCode = "24"; break; case "UW10": // UPS Worldwide 10 kilo $this->containerCode = "25"; break; } } function weight($foo){ $this->packageWeight = $foo; } function rescom($foo){ switch(strtoupper($foo)){ case "RES": // Residential Address $this->resComCode = "1"; break; case "COM": // Commercial Address $this->resComCode = "0"; break; } } function getQuote(){ global $config; $upsAction = "3"; // You want 3. Don't change unless you are sure. $url = join("&", array("http://www.ups.com/using/services/rave/qcostcgi.cgi?accept_UPS_license_agreement=yes", "10_action=$upsAction", "13_product=$this->upsProductCode", "14_origCountry=$this->originCountryCode", "15_origPostal=$this->originPostalCode", "19_destPostal=$this->destPostalCode", "22_destCountry=$this->destCountryCode", "23_weight=$this->packageWeight", "47_rate_chart=$this->rateCode", "48_container=$this->containerCode", "49_residential=$this->resComCode" ) ); if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); if($config['proxy']==1){ curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $config['proxyHost'].":".$config['proxyPort']); } $data = curl_exec($ch); if (!empty($data)) { $dataline = explode("\n", $data); foreach ($dataline as $result) { if (strstr($result, 'Origin postal code must have five digits')) { echo 'Origin postal code must have five digits to use UPS. Please update this in the module settings.'; exit; } else if (strstr($result, 'Unsupported country specified')) { echo 'Unsupported country specified to use UPS. Please update this in the general settings.'; exit; } $result = explode('%', $result); $errcode = substr($result[0], -1); switch($errcode){ case 3: $returnval = $result[8]; break; case 4: $returnval = $result[8]; break; case 5: $returnval = $result[1]; break; case 6: $returnval = $result[1]; break; } } } } else { $fp = fopen($url, 'r'); while(!feof($fp)) { $result = fgets($fp, 500); if (strstr($result, 'Origin postal code must have five digits')) { echo 'Origin postal code must have five digits to use UPS. Please update this in the module settings.'; exit; } else if (strstr($result, 'Unsupported country specified')) { echo 'Unsupported country specified to use UPS. Please update this in the general settings.'; exit; } $result = explode('%', $result); $errcode = substr($result[0], -1); switch($errcode){ case 3: $returnval = $result[8]; break; case 4: $returnval = $result[8]; break; case 5: $returnval = $result[1]; break; case 6: $returnval = $result[1]; break; } } fclose($fp); } return (!$returnval) ? 'error' : $returnval; } } ?> CALC.PHP <?php /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CubeCart 4 | ======================================== | CubeCart is a Trade Mark of Devellion Limited | Copyright Devellion Limited 2006. All rights reserved. | Devellion Limited, | 5 Bridge Street, | Bishops Stortford, | HERTFORDSHIRE. | CM23 2JU | UNITED KINGDOM | http://www.devellion.com | UK Private Limited Company No. 5323904 | ======================================== | Web: http://www.cubecart.com | Email: info (at) cubecart (dot) com | License Type: CubeCart is NOT Open Source Software and Limitations Apply | Licence Info: http://www.cubecart.com/site/faq/license.php +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | calc.inc.php | ======================================== | Calculate UPS Quotes +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function UPS() { global $totalWeight,$basket,$config,$lang; $moduleName = "UPS"; $module = fetchDbConfig($moduleName); $taxVal = taxRate($module['tax']); if ($module['status']) { require 'ups.php'; $i=0; foreach ($module as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('#product#', $key) && $value) { $productCode = substr($key,7,3); $rate = new Ups; $rate->upsProduct($productCode); # See upsProduct() function for codes $rate->origin($module['postcode'], getCountryFormat($config['siteCountry'],"id","iso")); # Use ISO country codes! $rate->dest($basket['delInf']['postcode'], getCountryFormat($basket['delInf']['country'],"id","iso")); # Use ISO country codes! if (!isset($module['rate'])) $module['rate']="CC"; $rate->rate(strtoupper($module['rate'])); # See the rate() function for codes $rate->container(strtoupper($module['container'])); # See the container() function for codes $rate->weight($totalWeight); if (!isset($module['rescom'])) $module['rescom']="RES"; $rate->rescom(strtoupper($module['rescom'])); # See the rescom() function for codes switch ($productCode) { case "1DM": $desc = $lang['front']['misc_nextDayEarlyAm']; break; case "1DA": $desc = $lang['front']['misc_nextDayAir']; break; case "1DP": $desc = $lang['front']['misc_nextDayAirSaver']; break; case "2DM": $desc = $lang['front']['misc_2ndDayEarlyAm']; break; case "2DA": $desc = $lang['front']['misc_2ndDayAir']; break; case "3DS": $desc = $lang['front']['misc_3daySelect']; break; case "GND": $desc = $lang['front']['misc_ground']; break; case "STD": $desc = $lang['front']['misc_canadaStandard']; break; case "XPR": $desc = $lang['front']['misc_worldwideExpress']; break; case "XDM": $desc = $lang['front']['misc_worldwideExpressPlus']; break; case "XPD": $desc = $lang['front']['misc_worldwideExpedited']; break; } $quote = $rate->getQuote(); if($quote>0) { $quote = $module['handling'] + $quote; if($taxVal>0) { $shippingTax = ($taxVal / 100) * $quote; } $out[$i]['method'] = "UPS ".$desc; $out[$i]['desc'] = priceFormat($quote,true)." (UPS ".$desc.")"; $out[$i]['value'] = $quote; $out[$i]['taxId'] = $module['tax']; $out[$i]['taxAmount'] = $shippingTax; $i++; } } } } return $out; } $shipArray[] = UPS(); ?>
  4. I am using CubeCart (v4) for my e-commerce site. I have attached the code below for three .php files, one of which is the actual shopping cart .php file that uses the other two (UPS and Calc) .php files to acquire shipping cost from UPS. QUESTION: Can someone point out the flow, of how the Cart.inc.php file is sending the calculated (total weight) of all products to UPS through the use of the other two files (calc.php and UPS.php) to acquire shipping cost from UPS. PROBLEM and GOAL: It passes the total 'actual weight' value to UPS to acquire shipping cost for any of the shipping options you have enabled in CubeCart. The problem is that CubeCart does not support 'Dimensional weight' which is what UPS uses to calculate any "AIR" shipping cost (i.e. Next Day Air, 2nd Day Air). Dimensional weight is the cubic weight (length x width x height) of each package. UPS only uses 'actual weight' for calculating "Ground" shipping cost. What happens is that CubeCart uses the total 'actual weight' of all products in the shopping cart to acquire shipping cost for both ground and AIR shipping cost. Therefore, ground shipping cost is correct, while AIR shipping cost are lower since actual weight for the products I sell is lower than cubic weight of the package. I have completed the ability to input the package dimensions of each product, and have it calculate and store the cubic weight of each package and finally calculate the 'total' cubic weight of the contents in the shopping cart. If I could just figure out how the cart.inc.php file passes the value of the 'actual weight' through the other two files (UPS.php and Calc.php) to acquire shipping cost, I could possibly figure out a way to use the 'actual weight' for acquiring shipping cost for ground, and the 'cubic weight' for acquiring shipping cost for all AIR shipping options. Shopping Cart Cart.inc.php <?php /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CubeCart 4 | ======================================== | CubeCart is a registered trade mark of Devellion Limited | Copyright Devellion Limited 2006. All rights reserved. | Devellion Limited, | 5 Bridge Street, | Bishops Stortford, | HERTFORDSHIRE. | CM23 2JU | UNITED KINGDOM | http://www.devellion.com | UK Private Limited Company No. 5323904 | ======================================== | Web: http://www.cubecart.com | Email: info (at) cubecart (dot) com | License Type: CubeCart is NOT Open Source Software and Limitations Apply | Licence Info: http://www.cubecart.com/site/faq/license.php +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | cart.inc.php | ======================================== | Core Checkout & Cart Pages +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if(!defined('CC_INI_SET')) die("Access Denied"); session_start(); // required for PayPal Pro // include lang file $lang1 = getLang("includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."reg.inc.php"); $lang2 = getLang("includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."cart.inc.php"); $lang = array_merge($lang1, $lang2); require_once("classes".CC_DS."cart".CC_DS."shoppingCart.php"); $cart = new cart(); // check the user is logged on if($_GET['_a']=="step2" && empty($cc_session->ccUserData['customer_id'])) { httpredir("index.php?_g=co&_a=step1"); } // if user is logged in an act = cart jump ahead to step2 else if($_GET['_a']=="cart" && $cc_session->ccUserData['customer_id']>0) { # $basket = $cart->cartContents($cc_session->ccUserData['basket']); # if (!empty($basket)) { httpredir("index.php?_g=co&_a=step2"); # } } /* start mod: Shipping Estimates - http://cubecart.expandingbrain.com */ if ($config['shipAddressLock'] && !empty($_GET['editDel'])) { /* not permitted to have different delivery address - change invoice instead */ httpredir('index.php?_a=profile&f=step2'); } /* end mod: Shipping Estimates - by Estelle */ $basket = $cart->cartContents($cc_session->ccUserData['basket']); // Flexible Taxes, by Estelle Winterflood $config_tax_mod = fetchDbConfig("Multiple_Tax_Mod"); if(isset($_GET['remlast'])) { $cart->unsetVar("invArray"); $cart->removeLastItem(); $refresh = TRUE; } if (isset($_GET['remCode'])) { $cart->removeCoupon($_GET['remCode']); // lose the post vars $refresh = TRUE; } if (isset($_POST['coupon']) && !empty($_POST['coupon']) && !isset($basket['code'])){ $cart->addCoupon($_POST['coupon']); // lose post vars $refresh = TRUE; } if(isset($_POST['shipKey']) && $_POST['shipKey']>0) { $cart->setVar($_POST['shipKey'],"shipKey"); // lose post vars $refresh = TRUE; } /* start mod: Shipping Estimates - http://cubecart.expandingbrain.com */ if (!empty($_POST['shipAddress'])) { $cart->setVar($_POST['shipAddress'], "shipAddress"); $refresh = TRUE; } /* end mod: Shipping Estimates - by Estelle */ if(isset($_POST['delInf'])) { // start: Flexible Taxes, by Estelle Winterflood if (isset($_POST['which_field'])){ $delivery = $_POST['delInf']; if ($_POST['which_field']=="T"){ unset($delivery['county_sel']); } elseif ($_POST['which_field']=="S") { $delivery['county'] = $delivery['county_sel']; unset($delivery['county_sel']); } $_POST['delInf'] = $delivery; } $cart->setVar($_POST['delInf'],"delInf"); $refresh = TRUE; } if(isset($_GET['remove'])) { $cart->unsetVar("invArray"); $cart->remove($_GET['remove']); $refresh = true; } if (isset($_POST['quan'])) { $cart->unsetVar('invArray'); foreach ($_POST['quan'] as $key => $value) { $cart->update($key, $value); } $refresh = true; } if(isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode'] == "emptyCart") { ## Empty the cart $cart->emptyCart(); $refresh = true; } if(isset($_POST['productCode']) && !empty($_POST['productCode'])) { $cart->addByCode($_POST['productCode']); $refresh = TRUE; } if ($refresh) { $excludeGetVars = array("editDel" => 1, "remCode" => 1, "mode" => 1, "remove" => 1, "remlast" => 1); httpredir(currentpage($excludeGetVars)); } $view_cart = new XTemplate ("content".CC_DS."cart.tpl"); $view_cart->assign("LANG_CART",$lang['cart']['cart']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_CHECKOUT", $lang['cart']['checkout']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_PAYMENT", $lang['cart']['payment']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_COMPLETE", $lang['cart']['complete']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_ADD_PRODCODE",$lang['cart']['add_more']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_ADD", $lang['cart']['add']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_QTY",$lang['cart']['qty']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_PRODUCT",$lang['cart']['product']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_CODE",$lang['cart']['code']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_STOCK",$lang['cart']['stock']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_PRICE",$lang['cart']['price']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_LINE_PRICE",$lang['cart']['line_price']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_DELETE",$lang['cart']['delete']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_REMOVE_ITEM",$lang['cart']['remove']); if ($_GET['_a'] == 'cart') { $view_cart->assign("CONT_VAL","index.php?_g=co&_a=step1"); $view_cart->assign("LANG_CHECKOUT_BTN",$lang['cart']['checkout_btn']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_VIEW_CART",$lang['cart']['view_cart']); $view_cart->assign("CLASS_CART","class='txtcartProgressCurrent'"); $view_cart->assign("CLASS_STEP2",""); $view_cart->assign("BSKT_LI","class='item_activeRT'"); $view_cart->assign("BSKT_SPAN","class='item_activeLT'"); $view_cart->assign("CHKT_LI",""); $view_cart->assign("CHKT_SPAN",""); $view_cart->assign("PYMT_LI",""); $view_cart->assign("PYMT_SPAN",""); $view_cart->assign("CMPT_LI",""); $view_cart->assign("CMPT_SPAN",""); } else if ($_GET['_a'] == 'step2' && !empty($basket['conts'])) { # if (empty($basket)) httpredir('?_g=co&_a=cart'); // Place Order Link $view_cart->assign("CONT_VAL", "index.php?_g=co&_a=step3"); $view_cart->assign("CONT_VAL", ($_GET['editDel'] == 1) ? "javascript:submitDoc('cart');" : "index.php?_g=co&_a=step3"); $view_cart->assign("BSKT_LI",""); $view_cart->assign("BSKT_SPAN",""); $view_cart->assign("CHKT_LI","class='item_activeRT'"); $view_cart->assign("CHKT_SPAN","class='item_activeLT'"); $view_cart->assign("PYMT_LI",""); $view_cart->assign("PYMT_SPAN",""); $view_cart->assign("CMPT_LI",""); $view_cart->assign("CMPT_SPAN",""); $view_cart->assign("CLASS_CART",""); $view_cart->assign("CLASS_STEP2","class='txtcartProgressCurrent'"); $view_cart->assign("LANG_VIEW_CART",$lang['cart']['place_order_title']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_INVOICE_ADDRESS",$lang['cart']['invoice_address']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_DELIVERY_ADDRESS",$lang['cart']['delivery_address']); $view_cart->assign("TXT_TITLE",$lang['cart']['title']); $view_cart->assign("LANG_TITLE_DESC",$lang['reg']['title_desc']); $view_cart->assign("TXT_FIRST_NAME",$lang['cart']['first_name']); $view_cart->assign("TXT_LAST_NAME",$lang['cart']['last_name']); $view_cart->assign("TXT_COMPANY_NAME",$lang['cart']['company_name']); $view_cart->assign("TXT_ADD_1",$lang['cart']['address1']); $view_cart->assign("TXT_ADD_2",$lang['cart']['address2']); $view_cart->assign("TXT_TOWN",$lang['cart']['town']); $view_cart->assign("TXT_COUNTY",$lang['cart']['county']); $view_cart->assign("TXT_POSTCODE",$lang['cart']['postcode']); $view_cart->assign("TXT_COUNTRY",$lang['cart']['country']); // PayPal EC make payment button if (isset($_SESSION['token']) && isset($_SESSION['payer_id'])) { $lang = getLang("includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."gateway.inc.php"); $view_cart->assign("LANG_CHECKOUT_BTN",$lang['gateway']['continue']); } else { $view_cart->assign("LANG_CHECKOUT_BTN",$lang['cart']['place_order']); } // stick in delivery details if (!isset($basket['delInf']) || $config['shipAddressLock']) { $iniDeliv['title'] = $cc_session->ccUserData['title']; $iniDeliv['firstName'] = $cc_session->ccUserData['firstName']; $iniDeliv['lastName'] = $cc_session->ccUserData['lastName']; $iniDeliv['companyName'] = $cc_session->ccUserData['companyName']; $iniDeliv['add_1'] = $cc_session->ccUserData['add_1']; $iniDeliv['add_2'] = $cc_session->ccUserData['add_2']; $iniDeliv['town'] = $cc_session->ccUserData['town']; $iniDeliv['county'] = $cc_session->ccUserData['county']; $iniDeliv['postcode'] = $cc_session->ccUserData['postcode']; $iniDeliv['country'] = $cc_session->ccUserData['country']; $basket = $cart->setVar($iniDeliv, 'delInf'); } // stick in delivery details $view_cart->assign("VAL_DEL_TITLE", $basket['delInf']['title']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_DEL_FIRST_NAME",$basket['delInf']['firstName']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_DEL_LAST_NAME",$basket['delInf']['lastName']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_DEL_COMPANY_NAME",$basket['delInf']['companyName']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_DEL_ADD_1",$basket['delInf']['add_1']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_DEL_ADD_2",$basket['delInf']['add_2']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_DEL_TOWN",$basket['delInf']['town']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_DEL_COUNTY",$basket['delInf']['county']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_DEL_POSTCODE",$basket['delInf']['postcode']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_DEL_COUNTRY",getCountryFormat($basket['delInf']['country'],"id","printable_name")); // stick in invoice details $view_cart->assign("VAL_TITLE",$cc_session->ccUserData['title']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_FIRST_NAME",$cc_session->ccUserData['firstName']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_LAST_NAME",$cc_session->ccUserData['lastName']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_COMPANY_NAME",$cc_session->ccUserData['companyName']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_ADD_1",$cc_session->ccUserData['add_1']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_ADD_2",$cc_session->ccUserData['add_2']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_TOWN",$cc_session->ccUserData['town']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_COUNTY",$cc_session->ccUserData['county']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_POSTCODE",$cc_session->ccUserData['postcode']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_COUNTRY",getCountryFormat($cc_session->ccUserData['country'],"id","printable_name")); $view_cart->assign("LANG_CHANGE_INV_ADD",$lang['cart']['edit_invoice_address']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_BACK_TO", $_GET['_a']); // start: Flexible Taxes, by Estelle Winterflood // counties selector if (isset($_GET['editDel']) && $_GET['editDel'] == true && !$config['shipAddressLock']) { $jsScript = jsGeoLocationExtended('country', 'county_sel', $lang['cart']['na'], 'divCountySelect', 'divCountyText', 'county', 'which_field'); $counties = $db->select("SELECT * FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_iso_counties WHERE countryId = '".$basket['delInf']['country']."';"); if (is_array($counties)){ $view_cart->assign("VAL_COUNTY_SEL_STYLE", "style='display:block;'"); $view_cart->assign("VAL_COUNTY_TXT_STYLE", "style='display:none;'"); $view_cart->assign("VAL_COUNTY_WHICH_FIELD", "S"); } else { $view_cart->assign("VAL_COUNTY_SEL_STYLE", "style='display:none;'"); $view_cart->assign("VAL_COUNTY_TXT_STYLE", "style='display:block;'"); $view_cart->assign("VAL_COUNTY_WHICH_FIELD", 'T'); } $view_cart->assign('JS_COUNTY_OPTIONS', '<script type="text/javascript">'.$jsScript.'</script>'); for ($i=0; $i<count($counties); $i++) { if ($counties[$i]['name'] == $basket['delInf']['county']){ $view_cart->assign('COUNTY_SELECTED', 'selected="selected"'); } else { $view_cart->assign('COUNTY_SELECTED', ''); } $countyName = $counties[$i]['name']; if (strlen($countyName)>20) $countyName = substr($countyName ,0, 20).'…'; $view_cart->assign('VAL_DEL_COUNTY_NAME', $countyName); $view_cart->parse('view_cart.cart_true.edit_delivery.county_opts'); } // end: Flexible Taxes $cache = new cache('glob.countries'); $countries = $cache->readCache(); if (!$cache->cacheStatus) { $countries = $db->select("SELECT id, printable_name FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_iso_countries ORDER BY printable_name"); $cache->writeCache($countries); } for ($i=0; $i<count($countries); $i++) { if ($countries[$i]['id'] == $basket['delInf']['country']) { $view_cart->assign('COUNTRY_SELECTED', 'selected="selected"'); } else { $view_cart->assign('COUNTRY_SELECTED', ''); } $view_cart->assign("VAL_DEL_COUNTRY_ID",$countries[$i]['id']); $countryName = $countries[$i]['printable_name']; if (strlen($countryName)>20) { $countryName = substr($countryName,0,20)."…"; } $view_cart->assign('VAL_DEL_COUNTRY_NAME', $countryName); $view_cart->parse('view_cart.cart_true.edit_delivery.country_opts'); } $view_cart->parse('view_cart.cart_true.edit_delivery'); } else { if (!$config['shipAddressLock']) { $view_cart->assign('LANG_CHANGE_DEL_ADD', $lang['cart']['edit_delivery_address']); $view_cart->parse('view_cart.cart_true.fixed_delivery.edit_btn'); } $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.fixed_delivery"); } } ## See if there are contents in the basket array if ($basket['conts']) { $tax = 0; $taxCustomer = 0; $taxZone = array(); // $config['priceTaxDelInv'] 0 = devivery address // $config['priceTaxDelInv'] 1 = invoice address //$countyDel = $db->select("SELECT `id` FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_iso_counties WHERE `abbrev` = ".$db->MySQLSafe($basket['delInf']['county'])." AND `countryId` = ".$db->MySQLSafe($basket['delInf']['country'])); $countyDel = $db->select("SELECT `id` FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_iso_counties WHERE (`abbrev` = ".$db->MySQLSafe($basket['delInf']['county'])." OR `name` = ".$db->MySQLSafe($basket['delInf']['county']).") AND `countryId` = ".$db->MySQLSafe($basket['delInf']['country'])); $countyInv = $db->select("SELECT `id` FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_iso_counties WHERE `name` = ".$db->mySQLSafe($cc_session->ccUserData['county'])." AND `countryId` = ".$db->MySQLSafe($cc_session->ccUserData['country'])); if($config['priceTaxDelInv']==0 || $config['shipAddressLock'] == 1) { // calculate tax on delivery address $taxZone['countyId'] = $countyDel[0]['id']; $taxZone['countryId'] = $basket['delInf']['country']; } elseif($config['priceTaxDelInv']==1) { // calculate tax on invoice address $taxZone['countyId'] = $countyInv[0]['id']; $taxZone['countryId'] = $cc_session->ccUserData['country']; } if ($taxZone['countryId']==$config['taxCountry']) { if ($config['taxCounty']==0) { // tax customer $taxCustomer = 1; } else if ($taxZone['countyId']==$config['taxCounty']) { // tax customer $taxCustomer = 1; } } // start: Flexible Taxes, by Estelle Winterflood if ($config_tax_mod['status']) { // get specific entries for this state, and also entries for this whole country (ie. county_id=0) $query = "SELECT d.name AS name, taxName AS type_name, type_id, country_id, county_id, abbrev, tax_percent, goods, shipping, display FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_taxes AS t, ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_tax_rates AS r LEFT JOIN ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_tax_details AS d ON r.details_id=d.id LEFT JOIN ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_iso_counties AS c ON c.id=county_id WHERE r.type_id=t.id AND d.status='1' AND r.active='1' AND country_id='".$taxZone['countryId']."' AND (county_id='0' OR (county_id = '".$taxZone['countyId']."'))"; // "Testing" mode info display if ($config_tax_mod['debug']) { echo "<div style=\"border: 1px solid grey; background: white; text: black; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 0.5em 1em; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;\">"; echo "<p>This information is being printed because the taxes is in "Testing Configuration" mode.<br/>Please use this information to ensure you have your taxes configured correctly, then set the Flexible Taxes mod to "Live Store" mode.</p>"; echo "<p><strong>Customer Delivery Location:</strong><br/>"; if (empty($basket['delInf']['county'])) { $state_id = "n/a"; } else { $state_id = $taxZone['countyId']; } echo "Country id [".$taxZone['countryId']."] State/County/Zone ID [".$state_id."]</p>"; } $taxes_config = $db->select($query); $taxes = array(); // is there any possibility of taxing this delivery address? if (is_array($taxes_config)){ if ($config_tax_mod['debug']) echo "<p><strong>Taxes which affect this customer:</strong><br/>"; for ($i=0; $i<count($taxes_config); $i++){ $tax_config = $taxes_config[$i]; // "Testing" mode info display if ($config_tax_mod['debug']) { if ($tax_config['abbrev']=="") { $state_abbrev = "--all--"; } else { $state_abbrev = $tax_config['abbrev']; } echo "Tax [".$tax_config['name']."] Class [".$tax_config['type_name']."] Country ID [".$tax_config['country_id']."] State/County/Zone [".$state_abbrev."] Rate [".number_format($tax_config['tax_percent'],2)." %]<br/>"; } // Prepare array to hold tax name/display/amount // The tax_config array may contain multiple occurances // of the same tax if there are multiple tax classes $setup = FALSE; for ($j=0; $j<count($taxes); $j++){ if ($taxes[$j]['name'] == $tax_config['name']) $setup = true; } if (!$setup){ $idx = count($taxes); $taxes[$idx]['name'] = $tax_config['name']; $taxes[$idx]['display'] = $tax_config['display'].":"; $taxes[$idx]['amount'] = 0; } } $taxCustomer = 1; if ($config_tax_mod['debug']) echo "</p>"; } // "Testing" mode info display elseif ($config_tax_mod['debug']) { echo "<p><strong>No taxes active/enabled for this location.</strong></p>"; } } // end: Flexible Taxes $totalWeight = ""; $i = 0; $subTotal = 0; $shipCost = 0; $grandTotal = 0; $discount = 0; ########################## ## START PRODUCTS LOOP ## ########################## ## Start discounts if ($basket['discount_percent']>0) { $discount_percent = $basket['discount_percent']; } else if ($basket['discount_price']>0) { $discount_remainder = $basket['discount_price']; } foreach($basket['conts'] as $key => $value){ $i++; $linePrice = 0; // line price for basket $optionsCost = 0; // product options cost $plainOpts = ''; // options as plain text // fetch shipping by category module $module = fetchDbConfig("Per_Category"); $shipByCat = $module['status']; $extraJoin = ""; if ($shipByCat==1) { $extraJoin = "INNER JOIN ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_category AS C ON I.cat_id = C.cat_id"; } ## Check for custom basket data e.g Gift Certificates if ($basket['conts'][$key]['custom'] == 1) { $gc = fetchDbConfig('gift_certs'); $product[0]['productId'] = 0; $product[0]['productCode'] = $gc['productCode']; $product[0]['quantity'] = $basket['conts'][$key]['quantity']; $product[0]['price'] = $basket['conts'][$key]['gcInfo']['amount']; $product[0]['name'] = $lang['cart']['gift_cert']; $product[0]['image'] = $GLOBALS['rootRel'].'images/general/giftcert.gif'; $product[0]['cat_id'] = 0; $product[0]['sale_price'] = 0; $product[0]['stock_level'] = 0; $product[0]['useStockLevel']= 0; $product[0]['digital'] = (strtolower($basket['conts'][$key]['gcInfo']['delivery']) == 'm') ? false : true; $product[0]['prodWeight'] = ($gc['delivery']=="e") ? 0 : $gc['weight']; $product[0]['taxType'] = $gc['taxType']; $product[0]['tax_inclusive']= ($gc['tax']) ? true : false; $product[0]['giftCert'] = true; // START PSEUDO PRODUCT OPTS $view_cart->assign("VAL_OPT_NAME",$lang['cart']['gift_cert_recip_name']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_OPT_VALUE",$basket['conts'][$key]['gcInfo']['recipName']); $plainOpts .= $lang['cart']['gift_cert_recip_name']." - ".$basket['conts'][$key]['gcInfo']['recipName']."\r\n"; $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.repeat_cart_contents.options"); $view_cart->assign("VAL_OPT_NAME",$lang['cart']['gift_cert_recip_email']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_OPT_VALUE",$basket['conts'][$key]['gcInfo']['recipEmail']); $plainOpts .= $lang['cart']['gift_cert_recip_email']." - ".$basket['conts'][$key]['gcInfo']['recipEmail']."\r\n"; $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.repeat_cart_contents.options"); $view_cart->assign("VAL_OPT_NAME",$lang['cart']['gift_cert_recip_message']); $gcMessage = $basket['conts'][$key]['gcInfo']['message']; if (strlen($gcMessage) > 30) $gcMessage = substr($gcMessage, 0, 30).'…'; $view_cart->assign("VAL_OPT_VALUE", $gcMessage); $plainOpts .= $lang['cart']['gift_cert_recip_message']." - ".$basket['conts'][$key]['gcInfo']['message']."\r\n"; $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.repeat_cart_contents.options"); $view_cart->assign("VAL_OPT_NAME",$lang['cart']['gift_cert_delivery']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_OPT_VALUE",$lang['cart']['delivery_method_'.$basket['conts'][$key]['gcInfo']['delivery']]); $plainOpts .= $lang['cart']['gift_cert_delivery']." - ".$lang['cart']['delivery_method_'.$basket['conts'][$key]['gcInfo']['delivery']]."\r\n"; $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.repeat_cart_contents.options"); // END PSEUDO PRODUCT OPTS } else { $productId = $cart->getProductId($key); $product = $db->select("SELECT * FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory AS I INNER JOIN ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_taxes AS T ON T.id = taxType ".$extraJoin." WHERE I.productId=".$db->mySQLSafe($productId)); // FIX FOR DELETED TAX BANDS PRE 3.0.5 if (!$product) { $product = $db->select("SELECT * FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory WHERE productId=".$db->mySQLSafe($productId)); $product[0]['percent'] = 0; } if (($val = prodAltLang($product[0]['productId'])) == TRUE) { $product[0]['name'] = $val['name']; } } $view_cart->assign("TD_CART_CLASS",cellColor($i, 'tdcartEven', 'tdcartOdd')); $view_cart->assign("VAL_PRODUCT_ID",$productId); $view_cart->assign("VAL_CURRENT_STEP",$_GET['_a']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_PRODUCT_KEY", md5($key)); if ($product[0]['giftCert'] === true) { $view_cart->assign('VAL_IMG_SRC', imgPath($product[0]['image'], false, '')); } else { if (file_exists(imgPath($product[0]['image'], true, 'root')) && !empty($product[0]['image'])) { $view_cart->assign('VAL_IMG_SRC', imgPath($product[0]["image"], true, 'rel')); } else { $view_cart->assign('VAL_IMG_SRC', 'skins/'. SKIN_FOLDER . '/styleImages/thumb_nophoto.gif'); } } ## Only calculate shipping IF the product is tangible if (!$product[0]['digital']) { $orderTangible = true; } $view_cart->assign("VAL_PRODUCT_NAME", validHTML($product[0]["name"])); $view_cart->assign("VAL_PRODUCT_CODE", $product[0]["productCode"]); CONTINUES BELOW:
  5. Can someone help get off on the right foot with a better understanding of what has to occur (PHP, and maybe some small HTML) to accomplish the following: I have a website with a PHP Shopping cart (CubeCart) and would like to add a field during check out Labeled: "Send To:" with the options to choose "Me" or "As a Gift". If they choose "As a Gift" then it would either generate a text area or 'enable' a text area to type a short message for how the recipient. Then when they check out that data gets transmitted with the order notification that is sent to me that there was an order placed.
  6. Anyone here work with CubeCart shopping cart before? They have a number of default "product fields" available, but I would like to add one more. I am asking on this PHP forum because the CubeCart forum does tend to produce much help. CubeCart is all PHP, and I have already been able to get better help here than in all my time at their forums, so I thought I would look here again for assistance. The database has product fields such as name, price, image, category, product code and I am wanting to add "Dimension" or "size" to that list. Or maybe creating another database field is not the right approach. Anyone able to help me?
  7. I think I might figured it out. However, not sure about a few things: In the global/index.inc.php file I changed: if(isset($_GET['_a'])) { $body = new XTemplate ("global".CC_DS."index.tpl"); } [code] And changed it to: [code] if($_GET['_a'] == 'viewProd') { $body = new XTemplate ("global".CC_DS."product.tpl"); } else if(isset($_GET['_a'])) { $body = new XTemplate ("global".CC_DS."index.tpl"); } else { $body = new XTemplate ("global".CC_DS."home.tpl"); } This allowed me to have a individual different "homepage" than the rest of the site, and also loads the viewProd.tpl into the now global template "product.tpl". So far so good. HOWEVER! I am researching some of the syntax as I believe this might not be "right" - it might work, but I need to look into the isset function and see if I need to check that on the first "IF" statement. If you have any input on my change that could be a problem or how it could be better please tell me. THanks again.[/code][/code]
  8. So to change the product detail template you would be looking at something like if($_GET['_a'] == 'viewProd') { $body = new XTemplate ("global".CC_DS."product.tpl"); } else { // load the default template } Wow, thanks Neil, I have got more help here in just one day than the whole cubecart community. I don't know PHP but I have done a bit of programming, so I can see the gif of what is going on, just don't know what all the functions are doing when they are called. I am looking for someone that I can pay to help me figure out the calling of a new global template for two parts of the shopping cart (1) for when you click on the individual product and (2) for when you login. I just need help in getting one called correctly and working any other grey areas such as how you mentioned there probably is other areas that have to be changed. I can't imagine it would take long to figure out but I can provide all the necessary files. Would you be up for providing me a small amount of your time to accomplish this for a fee? I can't say for sure, but I imagine someone who knows their way around PHP could easily figure out all the 'additional' areas that would need changed just to call a different global template in a few hours. Can you let me know?
  9. Thanks Neil. If I didn't make sense that understandable as I don't know PHP. But you are correct, I would like to load a different global template when you view the details of an individual product. As of now, the global/index.tpl file is what loads as sort of the site "container" with all content loading within it. The only time it isn't the main "global" template is when you go to the shopping cart to check out, it loads the global template "cart.tpl". The second part of it all is, as of now, if you are looking at the products page, and you click the link to view the "details" of a individual product, it loads the template for an individual product within the index.tpl template. What I would like to do is change it so that when you click the link it loads the the individual product details template into a 'different' global template. This is the link to view a product's details: <a href="index.php?_a=viewProd&productId={PRODUCT_ID}" target="_self"> If I didn't mention it: However you design the global template index.tpl to look, all your pages will look like this template, until you go to the "cart.tpl" which you then have freedom to make it look as much or different than the index.tpl template. If I can figure out how to load the individual product template into a complete different global template, I would have the ability to change it completely.
  10. Thanks. I believe the CC_DS represents a "/" as each one of those files are located in a folder structure as: global/index.tpl global/cart.tpl boxes/shoppingcart.tpl But this still won't explain how one template gets loads vs. another (i.e. index.tpl vs. cart.tpl) the two global templates.
  11. Greetings. I have a specific problem and I am not a PHP coder unfortunately. I am working with a shopping cart (cubecart) that is done in PHP. The shopping cart is actually a complete site dynamically creating ALL the website pages from the product categories and their associated products, the individual product details, as well as a shopping cart. The shopping cart uses a template system (using .tpl files). However, it uses 2 main global templates (index.tpl and cart.tpl) to load all other templates inside one of these two global templates. For all pages besides the actual shopping cart, it uses the global template index.tpl and for the shopping cart it uses the cart.tpl. All templates have an associated .php file that encompasses the back-end PHP code. Currently, as mentioned, when you go around on the website, the index.tpl file is the template being loaded, and acts as a page container for all other minor templates (i.e. inside the index.tpl template, it calls a menu template, and a header and footer template just to name a few. However, if you click to view your "shopping cart" it loads the cart.tpl template. At this point the index.tpl template is no longer in play, and the cart.tpl is the page container for all other minor templates. I have attached the index templates associated include .php file below, the cart include PHP file, as well as the include php file for the 'small' shopping cart (This 'shopping cart' is the one you would see from page to page that tells you how many items you have in your shopping cart. But clicking "view basket" it loads the cart.tpl as mentioned). Can someone help me understand how the global templates (index.tpl or cart.tpl gets called/used depending on whether your viewing the contents of the shopping cart (i.e. ready to check out) or anywhere else on the site???? <?php /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | index.inc.php | ======================================== | Main pages of the store +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!defined('CC_INI_SET')) die("Access Denied"); $body = new XTemplate ("global".CC_DS."index.tpl"); ## Extra Events $extraEvents = ""; if (isset($_GET['added']) && !empty($_GET['added'])) { if ($cc_session->ccUserData['customer_id'] == false && $config['hide_prices'] == 1) { ## have a break, have a KitKat } else { $extraEvents = "flashBasket(6);"; } } $body->assign("EXTRA_EVENTS",$extraEvents); if (isset($_GET['searchStr'])) { $body->assign("SEARCHSTR", sanitizeVar($_GET['searchStr'])); } else { $body->assign("SEARCHSTR",""); } $body->assign("CURRENCY_VER",$currencyVer); ## Incluse langauge config include("language".CC_DS.LANG_FOLDER.CC_DS."config.php"); $body->assign("VAL_ISO",$charsetIso); ## START CONTENT BOXES require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."searchForm.inc.php"; $body->assign("SEARCH_FORM",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."session.inc.php"; $body->assign("SESSION",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."categories.inc.php"; $body->assign("CATEGORIES",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."randomProd.inc.php"; $body->assign("RANDOM_PROD",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."info.inc.php"; $body->assign("INFORMATION",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."language.inc.php"; $body->assign("LANGUAGE",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."currency.inc.php"; $body->assign("CURRENCY",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."shoppingCart.inc.php"; $body->assign("SHOPPING_CART",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."popularProducts.inc.php"; $body->assign("POPULAR_PRODUCTS",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."saleItems.inc.php"; $body->assign("SALE_ITEMS",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."mailList.inc.php"; $body->assign("MAIL_LIST",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."siteDocs.inc.php"; $body->assign("SITE_DOCS",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."skin.inc.php"; $body->assign("SKIN",$box_content); ## END CONTENT BOXES require_once"includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."hdrImage.inc.php"; $body->assign("HDRIMAGE",$hdr_image); ## START MAIN CONTENT if (!empty($_GET['_a'])) { #if ($_GET['_a'] == 'search') $_GET['_a'] = 'viewCat'; if (file_exists("includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS.sanitizeVar($_GET['_a']).".inc.php")) { require_once"includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS.sanitizeVar($_GET['_a']).".inc.php"; } else { require_once"includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."index.inc.php"; } } else { require_once"includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."index.inc.php"; } ## END MAIN CONTENT ## Start DaisyBlossoms Content require_once"includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."hdrImage.inc.php"; ## End DaisyBlossoms Content ## START META DATA if (isset($meta)) { $meta['title'] = sefMetaTitle(); $meta['description'] = sefMetaDesc(); $meta['keywords'] = sefMetaKeywords(); } else { $meta['title'] = htmlspecialchars(str_replace("&#39;","'",$config['siteTitle'])); $meta['description'] = $config['metaDescription']; $meta['keywords'] = $config['metaKeyWords']; } $body->assign("META_TITLE", stripslashes($meta['title'])); $body->assign("META_DESC", stripslashes($meta['description'])); $body->assign("META_KEYWORDS", stripslashes($meta['keywords'])); ?> The Cart include PHP file <?php /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CubeCart 4 | | cart.inc.php | ======================================== | Controls Cart Actions +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!defined('CC_INI_SET')) die("Access Denied"); $body = new XTemplate("global".CC_DS."cart.tpl"); if (isset($_GET['searchStr'])) { $body->assign("SEARCHSTR", sanitizeVar($_GET['searchStr'])); } else { $body->assign("SEARCHSTR", ""); } $body->assign("CURRENCY_VER",$currencyVer); ## Incluse langauge config include("language".CC_DS.LANG_FOLDER.CC_DS."config.php"); $body->assign("VAL_ISO",$charsetIso); ## START META DATA $body->assign("META_TITLE", stripslashes(htmlspecialchars(str_replace("&#39;", "'", $config['siteTitle'])))); $body->assign("META_DESC", stripslashes($config['metaDescription'])); $body->assign("META_KEYWORDS", stripslashes($config['metaKeyWords'])); $returnPage = urlencode(currentPage()); ## START MAIN CONTENT switch (sanitizeVar($_GET['_a'])) { case "step1": require_once "includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."step1.inc.php"; break; case "cart": case "step2": require_once "includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."cart.inc.php"; break; case "step3": require_once "includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."gateway.inc.php"; break; case "reg": require_once "includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."reg.inc.php"; break; case "viewOrders": require_once "includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."viewOrders.inc.php"; break; case "viewOrder": require_once "includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."viewOrder.inc.php"; break; case "error": require_once "includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."error.inc.php"; break; case "confirmed": require_once "includes".CC_DS."content".CC_DS."confirmed.inc.php"; break; default: httpredir("index.php"); } ## START CONTENT BOXES require_once "includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."searchForm.inc.php"; $body->assign("SEARCH_FORM", $box_content); require_once "includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."session.inc.php"; $body->assign("SESSION", $box_content); require_once "includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."siteDocs.inc.php"; $body->assign("SITE_DOCS", $box_content); require_once "includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."cartNavi.inc.php"; $body->assign("CART_NAVI", $box_content); ## added in 4.0.3 - not part of templates, but designers can use them if they want require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."currency.inc.php"; $body->assign("CURRENCY",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."categories.inc.php"; $body->assign("CATEGORIES",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."mailList.inc.php"; $body->assign("MAIL_LIST",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."shoppingCart.inc.php"; $body->assign("SHOPPING_CART",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."randomProd.inc.php"; $body->assign("RANDOM_PROD",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."info.inc.php"; $body->assign("INFORMATION",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."language.inc.php"; $body->assign("LANGUAGE",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."popularProducts.inc.php"; $body->assign("POPULAR_PRODUCTS",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."saleItems.inc.php"; $body->assign("SALE_ITEMS",$box_content); require_once"includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."skin.inc.php"; $body->assign("SKIN",$box_content); ## END CONTENT BOXES ?> And the Basket <?php /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CubeCart 4 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | shoppingCart.inc.php | ======================================== | Shopping Cart Box +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!defined('CC_INI_SET')) die("Access Denied"); if (!$cc_session->user_is_search_engine()) { // || !$config['sef']) { ## include lang file $lang = getLang("includes".CC_DS."boxes".CC_DS."shoppingCart.inc.php"); $box_content = new XTemplate("boxes".CC_DS."shoppingCart.tpl"); $box_content->assign("LANG_SHOPPING_CART_TITLE",$lang['shoppingCart']['shopping_cart']); require_once "classes".CC_DS."cart".CC_DS."shoppingCart.php"; $cart = new cart(); $basket = ($_GET['_a'] != 'logout') ? $cart->cartContents($cc_session->ccUserData['basket']) : null; if (isset($_POST['add']) && $_POST['add']>0) { if (!isset($_POST['productOptions'])) { ## check product options are selected if they are required $prodOpts = $db->select("SELECT count(product) as noOpts FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_options_bot WHERE product=".$db->mySQLSafe($_POST['add'])); ## if they are required redirect to product view page if ($prodOpts[0]['noOpts'] > 0) { ## Problem relating to #807 here? if ($config['sef']) { ## Generate a SEO URL //$productUrl = sef_get_base_url().generateProductUrl($_POST['add']).'?notice=1'; $productUrl = generateProductUrl($_POST['add']).'?notice=1'; } else { $productUrl = 'index.php?_a=viewProd&productId='.$_POST['add'].'&notice=1'; } ## Lose notice for product options httpredir(str_replace("&notice=1","",$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']).$addedStr); exit; } } ## add product to the cart $quantity = (is_numeric($_POST['quan']) && $_POST['quan'] > 0) ? $_POST['quan'] : 1; ## Allow for integer AND float quantities $quantity = (isset($prodType[0]['prodType']) && $prodType[0]['prodType'] == 2) ? $quantity : ceil($quantity); $basket = (isset($_POST['productOptions'])) ? $basket = $cart->add($_POST['add'], $quantity, $_POST['productOptions']) : $cart->add($_POST['add'], $quantity, ''); ## Go to cart or back to same page if ($config['add_to_basket_act'] == true) { ## Go to the cart if ($cc_session->ccUserData['customer_id']>0) { httpredir($config['rootRel']."index.php?_g=co&_a=step2"); } else { httpredir($config['rootRel']."index.php?_g=co&_a=cart"); } } else { $allowedVars = array('_a', 'category', 'catId', 'docId', 'page', 'priceMax', 'priceMin', 'prodId', 'productId', 'review', 'searchStr'); ## Stay on same page but get rid of those pesky post variables parse_str(parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_QUERY), $query); if (isset($query['searchStr'])) { ## Rehash this later - could benefit from the code used below if (is_array($query) && !empty($query)) { foreach ($query as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $allowedVars) && !empty($value)) { #$append[$key] = $value; if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $val) { $queryArray[] = sprintf('%s[]=%d', $key, $val); } } else { $queryArray[] = sprintf('%s=%s', $key, urlencode($value)); } } } ## Add flash basket $queryArray[] = "added=1"; $querystring = '?'.implode('&', $queryArray); } httpredir($glob['storeURL'].'/index.php'.$querystring); } else { ## need to add added=1, as well as any allowed vars - PHP5 compatible if (!preg_match('#^'.$GLOBALS['storeURL'].'#', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { httpredir('index.php'); } else { $return_url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if (is_array($query)) { foreach ($query as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $allowedVars) && !empty($value)) { $append[$key] = $value; } } } $append['added'] = 1; $redirect_to = sprintf('%s/%s?%s', $GLOBALS['storeURL'], substr($return_url['path'], strlen($GLOBALS['rootRel'])), http_build_query($append)); httpredir($redirect_to); } } } } else if (isset($_POST['gc']['cert']) && $_POST['gc']['cert'] == true) { $gc = fetchDbConfig('gift_certs'); if (empty($_POST['gc']['amount']) || empty($_POST['gc']['recipName']) || (empty($_POST['gc']['recipEmail']) && $_POST['gc']['delivery'] == 'e')) { ## Empty fields $errorGCMsg = 1; } else if ($_POST['gc']['delivery'] == 'e' && !validateEmail($_POST['gc']['recipEmail'])) { ## Invalid email address $errorGCMsg = 2; } else { if (!isset($gc['min']) || empty($gc['min'])) $gc['min'] = 1; if ($_POST['gc']['amount'] < $gc['min']) $errorGCMsg = 3; if (isset($gc['max']) && !empty($gc['max']) && $_POST['gc']['amount'] > $gc['max']) $errorGCMsg = 3; if (!isset($errorGCMsg)) { $basket = $cart->addCert($_POST['gc']); ## Go to cart or back to same page if ($config['add_to_basket_act']) { ## Go to the cart httpredir(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."?_g=co&_a=cart"); } else { // stay on same page but dump those mingy post vars httpredir(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."?_a=giftCert&added=1"); } } } } $cartTotal = NULL; if (is_array($basket['conts']) && !empty($basket['conts'])) { foreach ($basket['conts'] as $key => $value) { if ($basket['conts'][$key]['custom'] == true) { $price = $basket['conts'][$key]['gcInfo']['amount']; $name = $lang['shoppingCart']['gift_cert']; } else { $productId = $cart->getProductId($key); ## Get product details $product = $db->select("SELECT name, price, sale_price, productId FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory WHERE productId=".$db->mySQLSafe($productId)); if (($val = prodAltLang($product[0]['productId'])) == true) { $product[0]['name'] = $val['name']; } ## Build the product options $optionKeys = $cart->getOptions($key); $optionsCost = 0; if (!empty($optionKeys)) { $options = explode('|', $optionKeys); foreach ($options as $value) { ## Split on separator $value_data = explode('@', $value); $option_top = $db->select(sprintf("SELECT T.* FROM %1\$sCubeCart_options_top AS T WHERE T.option_id = %2\$s", $glob['dbprefix'], $value_data[0])); if ($option_top) { $option_name = $option_top[0]['option_name']; if ($option_top[0]['option_type'] == 0) { $option = $db->select(sprintf("SELECT M.*, B.* FROM %1\$sCubeCart_options_mid AS M, %1\$sCubeCart_options_bot AS B WHERE M.value_id = B.value_id AND B.assign_id = %2\$d", $glob['dbprefix'], $value_data[1])); if ($option) { $option_price = $option[0]['option_price']; $option_symbol = $option[0]['option_symbol']; $option_value = $option[0]['value_name']; } } else { $option = $db->select(sprintf("SELECT B.* FROM %1\$sCubeCart_options_bot AS B WHERE B.option_id = %2\$d AND B.product = %3\$d LIMIT 1", $glob['dbprefix'], $value_data[0], $productId)); if ($option) { $option_price = $option[0]['option_price']; $option_symbol = $option[0]['option_symbol']; $option_value = $value_data[1]; } } } if ($option_price > 0) { if ($option_symbol == "+") { $optionsCost = $optionsCost + $option_price; } else if ($option_symbol == "-") { $optionsCost = $optionsCost - $option_price; } else if ($option_symbol == "~") { $optionsCost = 0; } } } } $price = (salePrice($product[0]['price'], $product[0]['sale_price']) == false) ? $price = $product[0]['price'] : salePrice($product[0]['price'], $product[0]['sale_price']); $price += $optionsCost; if ($price < 0) $price = 0; $name = $product[0]['name']; } $box_content->assign("PRODUCT_PRICE", priceFormat($price, true)); $box_content->assign("VAL_NO_PRODUCT", $cart->cartArray['conts'][$key]["quantity"]); $box_content->assign("PRODUCT_ID", $productId); ## Chop name if too long if (strlen($name) > 15) $name = substr($name,0,15).".."; $box_content->assign("VAL_PRODUCT_NAME", validHTML($name)); $box_content->parse("shopping_cart.contents_true"); $cartTotal = $cartTotal + ($price * $cart->cartArray['conts'][$key]["quantity"]); } } else { $box_content->assign("LANG_CART_EMPTY",$lang['shoppingCart']['basket_empty']); $box_content->parse("shopping_cart.contents_false"); } $box_content->assign("VAL_CART_ITEMS", $cart->noItems()); $box_content->assign("LANG_ITEMS_IN_CART", $lang['shoppingCart']['items_in_cart']); if (isset($cartTotal) && $cartTotal>0) { $box_content->assign("VAL_CART_TOTAL", priceFormat($cartTotal,true)); } else { $box_content->assign("VAL_CART_TOTAL", priceFormat(0, TRUE)); } $box_content->assign("LANG_TOTAL_CART_PRICE",$lang['shoppingCart']['total']); $box_content->assign("LANG_VIEW_CART",$lang['shoppingCart']['view_basket']); if ($cc_session->ccUserData['customer_id']>0) { $box_content->assign("CART_STEP", "step2"); } else { $box_content->assign("CART_STEP", "cart"); } if ($config['hide_prices'] && !$cc_session->ccUserData['customer_id'] && !$GLOBALS[CC_ADMIN_SESSION_NAME]) { // have a break, have a KitKat } else { $box_content->parse("shopping_cart.view_cart"); } $box_content->parse("shopping_cart"); $box_content = $box_content->text("shopping_cart"); } else { $box_content = null; } ?>
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