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Everything posted by Andy17

  1. Andy17

    Auto expanding

    Hey, I have a container in which I have two small containers (so that I can have content to the left and right without going oldschool with tables). My problem is that the main container does not expand when one of the containers inside of it is higher. Okay, if you didn't understand that, then please look at the example below: http://test.jokeheaven.eu/ I want the container with the black background and the solid red borders to expand when the containers inside of it do. Below is the relevant parts of my code: HTML: <div id="container"> <div id="leftcontent"><center><h1>Welcome to freemail4u!</h1></center> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet and so on..............................</p> </div> <div id="rightcontent">right content</div> </div> CSS: #container { background-color:#000000; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:80%; text-align:center; border: 1px solid red; min-height:500px; /* remove after testing */ } #leftcontent { width:47.9%; text-align:left; padding:10px; padding-top:0; float:left; min-height:490px; /* remove after testing */ border-right: 1px dashed red; } #rightcontent { width:47.9%; float:left; text-align:left; padding:10px; padding-top:0; min-height:490px; /* remove after testing */ } Also, a small "bonus question": does anyone know how to make a dashed border look ok in Internet Explorer? In Firefox it is red with black background, but in IE it has white between the red dashes, which looks horrible. Thanks in advance! PS: This website is solely for practicing.
  2. If I use the images in the JPG format, the size is much bigger and GIF files don't give me the colors I want. http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Ftest.jokeheaven.eu%2F&charset=(detect+automatically)&doctype=Inline&group=0&user-agent=W3C_Validator%2F1.654 Just because I am making the design doesn't automatically make me the owner of the website. And in my opinion, this is a little different since we're dealing with an outdated browser here. IE6+7 are and always will be a pain in the ass for designers. That doesn't make people bad coders when it works in all new browsers. Yes, a website should look decent in all browsers, but it's not easy to be new with designing and having to make "hacks" for old browsers - I'd say that requires experience.
  3. What do you mean exactly? I tried playing around with the heights, but without success. I might not have done what you were thinking, though.
  4. Bump. Really can't figure this one out and desperately need help!
  5. Hey guys, I really wanted to have "transparent" corners because of my gradient background. I quickly realized that I was not experienced enough to do it myself, so I found a tutorial and had to edit some things to make it work. It works beautifully in Firefox 2 & 3 + Internet Explorer 8, but in IE7 (and I assume 6 too), it cuts off the bottom of my container and doesn't display the round corners. The top corners are still working. Here is my CSS (yes, the method is a little tricky but it was the best I could find): div.Article { background: url("images/corners_topleft.gif") top left no-repeat; width:99%; } div.Article h1 { background: url("images/corners_topright.png") top right no-repeat; font-size:1.3em; padding:15px; padding-left:10px; padding-bottom:24px; margin:0; position:relative; right:-14px; color:#789d00; } div.ArticleBody { background: url("images/corners_right.png") top right repeat-y; margin:0; margin-top:-2em; padding:15px; padding-left:0; position:relative; right:-14px; } div.ArticleFooter { background: url("images/corners_bottomleft.png") bottom left no-repeat; position:relative; top:11px; } div.ArticleFooter p { background: url("images/corners_bottomright.png") bottom right no-repeat; padding:15px; padding-left:0; display:block; margin:-2em 0 0 0; position:relative; right:-14px; } div.ArticleLongContent { background: url("images/corners_leftborder.png") top left repeat-y; } #maincontainer { float:left; margin-left:18px; width:auto; max-width:74%; } And the HTML (the #maincontainer is just there for positioning) <div id="maincontainer"> <div class="Article"> <h1>Headline</h1> <div class="ArticleLongContent"> <div class="ArticleBody"> <p> A paragraph </p> </div> <div class="ArticleFooter"> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Preview: http://test.jokeheaven.eu Images used: http://test.jokeheaven.eu/images/corners_topleft.gif http://test.jokeheaven.eu/images/corners_topright.png http://test.jokeheaven.eu/images/corners_right.png http://test.jokeheaven.eu/images/corners_bottomleft.png http://test.jokeheaven.eu/images/corners_bottomright.png http://test.jokeheaven.eu/images/corners_leftborder.png Does anyone know of an IE7 "hack" to make this work? Thank you very much in advance!
  6. I have had the exact same problem a few times. What fixed it for me was to send the e-mail and then use mysql_real_escape_string() after the message has been sent rather than before. The escaping caused the same problem for me as the one you stated.
  7. It happened on http://test.jokeheaven.eu and any sub pages. The CSS is located at http://test.jokeheaven.eu/style.css (messy, I know, but I am still fairly new to CSS). Here is the image used for the menu: http://test.jokeheaven.eu/images/double.png Hope that helps.
  8. Actually it was IE7 (I assume the problem is the same in IE6 too). I was/am very tired so I forgot which version I tested with. I apologize. Thanks a lot in advance!
  9. Sorry, I didn't realize that the forum automatically made 8+) a smiley. It was meant to say Internet Explorer 8.
  10. Thank you for your reply. While testing the website on my laptop (widescreen), I noticed an error; it appears that the menu does the exact same thing as explained in 1280x800, but only in Internet Explorer ( - it works perfectly in Firefox (2). Any ideas?
  11. Just some information from phpinfo() (I believe the magic quotes are the problem somehow): Directive / Local Value / Master Value magic_quotes_gpc Off On magic_quotes_runtime Off Off magic_quotes_sybase Off Off My .htaccess file contains the following: php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off Thank you in advance for any help.
  12. You know what <br /> does on an HTML page. I want it to do that in the e-mails I send as well, but instead it just writes out "\r\n" as text instead of actually making a line break as <br /> normally does. My e-mail does allow this. I have actually had this problem before and I remember having to make a .htaccess file to turn off magicquotes or something. I did this again, but without luck this time.
  13. Hey, When I send out an e-mail, my line breaks are displayed as "\r\n" in the e-mails instead of being spaces. I am saving the messages in my MySQL database and there it says <br /> for every line break. I'm very tired so it's easier to show an example: The following This <br /> is a test <br /> for phpfreaks! would look the same in my MySQL database, but like this in the sent e-mail: This \r\nis a test \r\nfor phpfreaks! Here is the relevant parts of my code: <?php // Some variables here that are not important in regard to my problem $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "from: hqdesigns.net<no-reply@hqdesigns.net>"; $comment = mysql_real_escape_string(nl2br($_POST['newcomment_field'])); mail($email, $subject, $comment, $headers); ?> Any help is much appreciated!
  14. For those who don't want to change resolution (probably all of you), here are two screenshots: 1280x1024 1024x768 Notice the positioning of the menu.
  15. Hey guys, I am making this website and I made it in a high resolution, so when I went back to 1024x768 to test it, there were a few things wrong. Please take a look at the following website in 1024x768 and you will see that my menu is misplaced: http://test.jokeheaven.eu The menu image: http://test.jokeheaven.eu/images/double.png The menu's HTML code: <ul id="menu"> <li id="home"><a href="/" rel="nofollow"><span>Home</span></a></li> <li id="about"><a href="about.php" rel="nofollow"><span>About</span></a></li> <li id="portfolio"><a href="portfolio.php" rel="nofollow"><span>Portfolio</span></a></li> <li id="prices"><a href="prices.php" rel="nofollow"><span>Prices</span></a></li> <li id="order"><a href="order.php" rel="nofollow"><span>Order</span></a></li> <li id="contact"><a href="contact.php" rel="nofollow"><span>Contact</span></a></li> </ul> The menu's CSS code: /* +++++ Menu settings begin +++++ */ #menu { background:url("images/double.png") 0 0 no-repeat; width:720px; height:35px; margin-left:20px; margin-top:0px; padding:0; float:left; } #menu li span { display: none; } #menu li { float:left; list-style:none; position:relative; } #menu li, #menu a { height:34px; /* Button height */ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } li#home { width:95px; } li#about { width:100px; } li#portfolio { width:160px; } li#prices { width:110px; } li#order { width:110px; } li#contact { width:132px; } /* ----- Menu settings end ----- */ /* +++++ Menu hovers begin +++++ */ #home a:hover { background:url("images/double.png") -0px -36px no-repeat; } #about a:hover { background:url("images/double.png") -95px -36px no-repeat; } #portfolio a:hover { background:url("images/double.png") -195px -36px no-repeat; } #prices a:hover { background:url("images/double.png") -355px -36px no-repeat; } #order a:hover { background:url("images/double.png") -465px -36px no-repeat; } #contact a:hover { background:url("images/double.png") -575px -35px no-repeat; } /* ----- Menu hovers end ----- */ The thing is that I want it to stay at the top, to the right of the logo. It does just that in 1280x1024, but I need it to stay there for 1024x768. I tried just making the menu image smaller, but for some reason it didn't seem to help. If you have any ideas, please let me know. Thank you in advance!
  16. I found a new technique that worked with some modifications. Thank you for the replies.
  17. Saving the png images the way you said did not fix the problem; the corner is not round, the browser just completely leaves out the corner picture. Thanks for your reply anyways. Bump.
  18. Sorry for the late reply, I have been very busy lately. Please tell me how. I am using Adobe Photoshop. Old versions of IE don't, but the browsers I used for testing do (recent versions of IE and FF). I am also discretely ignoring IE6 since it's just a pain sometimes. My host is unixed based (it is painful, believe me) and I made sure they were correct. Thank you for the reminder! Thanks for the suggestions, BlueRoden, but I simply find it easier if I could make my PNG files display (I am not designing for some huge business). I did use Photoshop for my PNG files as I have done for years (and the PNG files themselves were fine, they just didn't display in my CSS menu). Any suggestions for a fix?
  19. Hi guys, I am trying to make my containers have round corners because it just looks better in most cases. I do, however, have one small problem; I can not make half of my corners transparent so they match with my background! Click the link below to see what I mean. http://dizzit.net/test/ (Right-click + View source code or similar) "Why don't you just color half of it gray?", you might wonder. Well, the site I want to use it on has a gradient background so I need it to be transparent (each corner consists of a small image). I know that you can do it without images, but this oldschool method works nonetheless. I can change the gif images (the current format) to png without altering them and it remains the same. But when I make half of the png images transparent, they are not displayed at all - then it's just an orange square. So, I need to make my transparent png images show at the correct positions instead of my gif images (since these won't match with my background). I hope someone can help me out. Thank you in advance! PS - Yes, I am new to CSS. If you know of a better way to do it and you want to share it, please post a link or the working code. Otherwise I'll try to fix my oldschool code.
  20. Yeah, that's somewhat what I thought. Thanks for the replies!
  21. Andy17

    CSS in mails

    I cannot believe it. I am using Outlook 2000 (lol) and it supports CSS. That's just weird. I never really made layouts by using tables because of CSS, so I guess I'll have to learn to be a bad coder! Thanks for your reply.
  22. Hey guys, The domain name is obviously important SEO wise, but I would simply like to ask how important the "ending" of it is (sorry, I don't know the word for it). I mean, is there a big difference between a .com domain and a .net domain? A lot of people say that you should always get .com, but it is nearly impossible to find a decent one due to the domain buying companies out there. So would it be ok to go with .net over .com or would that be a bad move SEO wise? Thank you in advance.
  23. Andy17

    CSS in mails

    Hey guys, So I am using PHP to send out html e-mails and I have included some styling within the head of my html code. This styling works in like half of the e-mail services (one is just Microsoft Outlook) I have tested, but services like Gmail and Hotmail seem to just disregard my CSS styling (I didn't test Yahoo!). I was therefore wondering if I would be better off going oldschool and styling my e-mails with tables, hoping that would show in all the mails I send out? Thank you.
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