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Posts posted by CroNiX

  1. You can try to get the parent div of the button that was clicked.

      $(this).parent('div').load("form.php .new-form");

    Not sure what the ".new-form" stuff is in your jQuery.load() function though...


    Here's a quick jsfiddle to show it will target the correct div by changing the background color of the div where the button was clicked


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  2. That means your query failed and you don't have a check for it. The first example in the php.net docs for mysql_query() show how to do that.


    However, pay attention to the big pink notice at the top of the page in the manual. The mysql extension is deprecated and won't be available in future versions of php, so if you want your app to work in the future without having to rewrite all of your DB stuff, you should use PDO or MySQLi (with an i) extension.

  3. What I'd do is make them create the car entity with the basic details first. Then you know the ID. After initial creation, allow them to upload photos or anything else that needs to be done. Getting the next value of an auto_increment fields is NOT a good idea. What if you have 2 people trying to create a new car entity at the same time before saving? You'd have 2 of the same ID. If you create the car first, you won't have that problem.

  4. Did you post a reply in the threads that you received email from? If you reply to a thread, it subscribes you to that thread.


    You can change that behavior if you click on your username and go to the "My Settings" menu and then "notification options"

    and change the " Auto follow topics I reply to. Notification frequency: "


    They recently reactivated email notifications so they started showing up for my in my email as well.

  5. Look into WAMP, which will install Apache/Mysql/PHP on a windows system and set everything up to run together. You will need a webserver running locally to process the php scripts. It doesn't have to be a remote server. You DONT need a webserver if you are executing the php scripts via the command line, but most likely you'd want to be using a browser to access the page since you want to generate <select> form elements (combobox as you referred to it).

  6. The php user for that site, or the group the user belongs to, needs to have read/write permissions for whatever dir they are trying to access outside of that users "home". Well probably just read permissions if you are manually uploading the file. Otherwise any php user on the server, for any website, can read/write each others files, which is like NO security.

  7. $_POST['doLogin'] will only exist once the form's been submitted. You're trying to use it right away, so it won't exist when the page is first requested.


    Try something like:

    //Check if form was submitted via POST
      if ($_POST['doLogin']=='Login')
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
          $data[$key] = filter($value); // post variables are filtered
  8. But I believe Requinix is correct and they are going by the ID at the end.


    loads the same content as the original.

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