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Everything posted by mikesta707

  1. do you have session_start() at the top of the page? also please put your code in code or php tags
  2. post the whole echo string
  3. there is a topic solved button on the bottom of the page
  4. judging by whats posted, I would say King Phillip is correct
  5. there error tells you were the output is already sent. its on line 1 on email.php. if you have any output at all, even white space, than you must delete it
  6. that will give an error. if you want to do that you have to escape the second ' echo '<option value="men's health">Test</option>'; notice the incorrect syntax highlighting echo '<option value="men\'s health">Test</option>';
  7. can you post the line before and after. unexpected t_string errors usually come from missing a closing " or ' character
  8. if your topic is solved, there is a topic solved button at the bottom of the page
  9. is your email set as a plain text email? If so I think that it probably has something to do with the email client itself. try opening the email in different email clients and see if you have the same problem
  10. try echo "<option value=\"men's health\">Test</option>";
  11. I'm not sure, but I think that depends on the email client, rather than the script itself. but is your email a plain text email or an html email? setting it as plain text might fix the problem
  12. $connection is a mysql connection resource. not a db name. try just doing DELETE FROM users WHERE ...
  13. phpnewb's example will only work if AND ONLY IF the format of the page is exactly the same of your example. What if there are strong tags before the points value? what if there are <b> tags? madtechies is better, but it also assumes that there is <strong>points</strong> are you sure that the format for the page(s) will have <strong>points</strong>. could it be different? if not i suggest using madtechies example, but if so, then more info is needed
  14. post the code that comes before and after that if statement. I can't tell you whats wrong with so little information
  15. session_start() has to be at the very top of the page, before any output
  16. $text = str_replace('<', '<', $text); $text = str_replace('>', '>', $text); doing this is pointless, as htmlentities does this, and more
  17. So I have to learn Python for my job as a tutor at my college. I know all the basic stuff, and the syntax that goes along with it, and the more advanced stuff I can figure out pretty easily (just have to learn the syntactical rules for it) Does anyone have any ideas for interesting, medium level projects I can do? Or a website with some cool projects? I've always been bad at coming up with ideas... I was thinking of making a chat program, but I want to do a simpler project before I get into a chat program. I will be using the Tkinter module for a gui, if that makes a difference
  18. that doesn't make any sense. isset returns a boolean value, so its only of use in a control statement (if, while, for, etc.) what are you trying to do with that snippet?
  19. it unsets whatever variable you haveit unset, and no more. have you tried it
  20. you would need to pass the variables from PHP to javascript, and you could use the HTML DOM that javascript has built in to dynamically do it. something like //javscript document.getElementById('t1').style.backgroundColor=#CCCCCC
  21. you can't do when a button is clicked with pure PHP. you will need javascript. but for when the page loads you can do echo' <input type="text" ID="t1" style='background-Color:$tbox1' name="tbox1" size="29" value=""><p> <input type="text" ID="t2" style='background-Color:$tbox2' name="tbox2" size="29" value=""><p> <input type="text" ID="t3" style='background-Color:$tbox3' name="tbox3" size="29" value=""><p>'; this assumes the hex codes also include the pound(#) sign, IE look like #CCCCCC
  22. um.. myFunction($_POST['personal']['name']); ?
  23. do a print_r on resources. you may be trying to access it with the incorrect key
  24. if (!isset($work) || empty($work)){ //whatever }
  25. can you give a sample of what $id is supposed to look like?
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