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Everything posted by liorm

  1. thanks. actually, i'm looking for something simple based on javascript (that's how its done in .net). no need to use Ajax to talk to the server - there are many types of validation that can be done just on the client. for example, a required field any ideas there? thanks again Lior
  2. Hi I wonder how one can do validation without postback, in PHP. In .NET, ill-validated fields are showing an error on the client browser, using javascript, without any post back (except if it's a custom validator) . Specifically, I'm using Zend. is there a way to do it here? (I mean, using some unified approach, and not by just having included javascript functions customized to every page). any other framework that does it? code samples? thanks so much for _any_ idea Lior http://www.lgorithms.com
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