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Everything posted by shutat

  1. Thank you for the reply; I appreciate it a lot.
  2. I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I have a question relating to the scope of mysql. I haven't been coding very long in php, but in my intro C classes, I was often told to keep variable scope as narrow as possible. When I started with mysql, I created small function such as the one below. Where ever I had the need to query, I'd rely on a function - establish a connection, query a result, and then close from within that function. However, is this is right approach? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. function foo () { sql connect sql query sql close return results }
  3. Do you get an error using glob, or did it not yeild any results? Here's a basic example I tried on my local setup. <?php $arr = array(); foreach (glob("*.*") as $filename) { $arr[$filename] = filemtime($filename); echo $filename . " was last modified on " . date('M d Y, h:i:m', filemtime($filename)) . "<br>"; } asort($arr); echo "<br>"; foreach($arr as $key => $value) { echo "$key was last modified on " . date('M d Y, h:i:m', $value) . "<br>"; } arsort($arr); echo "<br>"; foreach($arr as $key => $value) { echo "$key was last modified on " . date('M d Y, h:i:m', $value) . "<br>"; } ?> HTH
  4. How about glob and asort or arsort? $arr = array(); foreach (glob("*.*") as $filename) { $arr[$filename] = filemtime($filename); } asort($arr); or arsort($arr); foreach($arr as $key => $value) { ... }
  5. I don't know if it would work or not, but how about something such as <?php global $count; $count = 0; ?> ... function openlink() { <?php $count++; ?> ... window.status = <?php echo $count; ?> } or maybe just function openlink() { <?php ... mysql_query("update tbl_name set ..."); ... ?> ... } HTH
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