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  1. Ho ho I am an idiot The problem was trivial. For some reason, I began accessing the PHP file I was working on through the full path - i.e. c:\dir\test.php instead of localhost:8080\test.php No wonder Apache wasn't executing the script
  2. Anybody? If you need any extra details, or you want me to post my apache config file, just ask. It's halting my development!
  3. I forgot to mention that this is on XP SP2 32-bit. 1. When I installed PHP with the installer, I browsed to the Apache conf directory. I then checked, and the conf was modified as I presume it should have been, since initially _it was working_ and the config file was not modified. It then stopped working. 2. I don't use short tags.
  4. Hello I have Apache/PHP/MySQL installed. I am developing an application. Everything was going well, save my bugs. Then, for no apparent reason, PHP files stopped executing. When accessing the following script: <?php phpinfo(); ?> I just get the exact same output to the browser. When I access a longer script, it outputs _PART_ of the source code, starting around 5 lines into the file (yeah, really). I tried reinstalling Apache and PHP (deleting the config files for both) and it did absolutely nothing. I didn't have to modify the config files initially when everything worked fine. Any ideas?
  5. Hello I have Apache/PHP/MySQL installed. I am developing an application. Everything was going well, save my bugs. Then, for no apparent reason, PHP files stopped executing. When accessing the following script: <?php phpinfo(); ?> I just get the exact same output to the browser. When I access a longer script, it outputs _PART_ of the source code, starting 5 lines into the file. I tried reinstalling Apache and PHP (deleting the config files for both) and it did absolutely nothing. I didn't have to modify the config files initially when everything worked fine. Any ideas?
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