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About Shinee

  • Birthday 08/02/1993

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  1. Well you need authentication / login credentials to view the file, the site's setup that way. The file does exist, and when I view "forum.php" it works fine, but when I view "forums.php?viewforum=6" I get the error.
  2. <?php session_start(); $forums=1; class bbcode { var $engine=""; function bbcode() { require "bbcode_engine.php"; $this->engine= new bbcode_engine; $this->engine->cust_tag("/</","<"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/>/",">"); //Since \n and <br> screw up preg, convert them out. $this->engine->cust_tag("/\n/","&nbrlb;"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("b"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("i"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("u"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("s"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("sub"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("sup"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("big"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("small"); $this->engine->adv_bbcode_tag("list","ul"); $this->engine->adv_bbcode_tag("olist","ol"); $this->engine->adv_bbcode_tag("item","li"); $this->engine->adv_option_tag("font","font","family"); $this->engine->adv_option_tag("size","font","size"); $this->engine->adv_option_tag("url","a","href"); $this->engine->adv_option_tag("color","font","color"); $this->engine->adv_option_tag("style","span","style"); $this->engine->simp_option_notext("img","src"); $this->engine->simp_bbcode_att("img","src"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\(c\)/","©"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\(tm\)/","&#153;"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\(r\)/","®"); $this->engine->adv_option_tag_em("email","a","href"); $this->engine->adv_bbcode_att_em("email","a","href"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[left\](.+?)\[\/left\]/","<div align='left'>\\1</div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[center\](.+?)\[\/center\]/","<div align='center'>\\1</div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[right\](.+?)\[\/right\]/","<div align='right'>\\1</div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[quote=(.+?)\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/","<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\\1)</div><div class='quotemain'>\\2</div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[quote\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/","<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>\\1</div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[code\](.+?)\[\/code\]/","<div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><code>\\1</code></div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[codebox\](.+?)\[\/codebox\]/","<div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>\\1</div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/&nbrlb;/","<br />\n"); } function bbcode_parse($html) { return $this->engine->parse_bbcode($html); } } function strip_html_tags($text) { return preg_replace("/<(.+?)>/is","", $text); } function forums_rank($tp) { if ( $tp < 3 ) { return "#1 Absolute Newbie"; } else if ( $tp < 7 ) { return "#2 Newbie"; } else if ( $tp < 12 ) { return "#3 Beginner"; } else if ( $tp < 18 ) { return "#4 Not Experienced"; } else if ( $tp < 25 ) { return "#5 Rookie"; } else if ( $tp < 50 ) { return "#6 Average"; } else if ( $tp < 100 ) { return "#7 Good"; } else if ( $tp< 200 ) { return "#8 Very Good"; } else if ( $tp < 350 ) { return "#9 Greater Than Average"; } else if ( $tp < 500 ) { return "#10 Experienced"; } else if ( $tp < 750 ) { return "#11 Highly Experienced"; } else if ( $tp < 1200 ) { return "#12 Honoured"; } else if ( $tp < 1800 ) { return "#13 Highly Hounoured"; } else if ( $tp < 2500 ) { return "#14 Respect King"; } else if ( $tp < 5000) { return "#15 True Champion"; } } require "globals.php"; $bbc = new bbcode; print "<h3>Forums</h3><hr />"; if($ir['forumban']) { die("<font color=red><h3>! ERROR</h3> You have been forum banned for {$ir['forumban']} days.<br /> <br /> <b>Reason: {$ir['fb_reason']}</font></b>"); } $_GET['viewforum']=(int) $_GET['viewforum']; if($_GET['viewtopic'] and $_GET['act'] != 'quote') { $_GET['act']='viewtopic'; } if($_GET['viewforum']) { $_GET['act']='viewforum'; } if($_GET['reply']) { $_GET['act']='reply'; } if($_GET['empty']==1 && $_GET['code']=='kill' && $_SESSION['owner']) { emptyallforums(); } switch($_GET['act']) { case 'viewforum': viewforum(); break; case 'viewtopic': viewtopic(); break; case 'reply': reply(); break; case 'newtopicform': newtopicform(); break; case 'newtopic': newtopic(); break; case 'quote': quote(); break; case 'edit': edit(); break; case 'move': move(); break; case 'editsub': editsub(); break; case 'lock': lock(); break; case 'delepost': delepost(); break; case 'deletopic': deletopic(); break; case 'pin': pin(); break; case 'recache': recache_forum($_GET['forum']); break; default: idx(); break; } function idx() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_forums WHERE ff_auth='public' ORDER BY ff_id ASC") or die(mysql_error()); print "<table class='table' width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1'> <tr><th>Forum</th> <th>Posts</th> <th>Topics</th> <th>Last Post</th> </tr>\n"; while($r=$db->fetch_row($q)) { $t=date('F j Y, g:i:s a',$r['ff_lp_time']); print "<tr> <td align='center'><a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewforum={$r['ff_id']}' style='font-weight: 800'>{$r['ff_name']}</a><br /><small>{$r['ff_desc']}</small></td> <td align='center'>{$r['ff_posts']}</td> <td align='center'>{$r['ff_topics']}</td> <td align='center'>$t<br /> In: <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewtopic={$r['ff_lp_t_id']}&lastpost=1' style='font-weight: 800'>{$r['ff_lp_t_name']}</a><br /> By: <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/viewuser.php?u={$r['ff_lp_poster_id']}'>{$r['ff_lp_poster_name']}</a> </td> </tr>\n"; } print "\n</table>"; if($ir['user_level'] <> 1) { print "<hr /><a name='staff'><h3>Staff-Only Forums</h3></a><hr />"; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_forums WHERE ff_auth='staff' ORDER BY ff_id ASC") or die(mysql_error()); print "<table cellspacing='1' class='table' width='100%' border='0'> <tr><th>Forum</th> <th>Posts</th> <th>Topics</th> <th>Last Post</th> </tr>\n"; while($r=$db->fetch_row($q)) { $t=date('F j Y, g:i:s a',$r['ff_lp_time']); print "<tr> <td align='center'><a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewforum={$r['ff_id']}' style='font-weight: 800'>{$r['ff_name']}</a><br /><small>{$r['ff_desc']}</small></td> <td align='center'>{$r['ff_posts']}</td> <td align='center'>{$r['ff_topics']}</td> <td align='center'>$t<br /> In: <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewtopic={$r['ff_lp_t_id']}&lastpost=1' style='font-weight: 800'>{$r['ff_lp_t_name']}</a><br /> By: <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/viewuser.php?u={$r['ff_lp_poster_id']}'>{$r['ff_lp_poster_name']}</a> </td> </tr>\n"; } print "\n</table>"; } } function viewforum() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_forums WHERE ff_id={$_GET['viewforum']}"); $r=$db->fetch_row($q); if(($r['ff_auth']=='gang' AND $ir['gang'] != $r['ff_owner'] AND $ir["user_level"] < 2) OR ($r['ff_auth'] == 'staff' AND $ir['user_level'] < 2)) { print "You have no permission to view this forum.<br /> > <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Back</a>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if($_GET['viewforum'] <> 1 OR $ir['user_level']==2) { $ntl=" [<a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?act=newtopicform&forum={$_GET['viewforum']}'>New Topic</a>]"; } else { $ntl=""; } print "<big><a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Forums Home</a> >> <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewforum={$_GET['viewforum']}'>{$r['ff_name']}</a>$ntl</big><br /><br /> <table cellspacing='1' class='table' width='100%' border='0'> <tr> <th>Topic</th> <th>Posts</th> <th>Started</th> <th>Last Post</th></tr>\n"; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_forum_id={$_GET['viewforum']} ORDER BY ft_pinned DESC, ft_last_time DESC") or die(mysql_error()); while($r2=$db->fetch_row($q)) { $t1=date('F j Y, g:i:s a',$r2['ft_start_time']); $t2=date('F j Y, g:i:s a',$r2['ft_last_time']); if($r2['ft_pinned']) { $pt="<b>Pinned:</b> "; } else { $pt=""; } if($r2['ft_locked']) { $lt=" <b>(Locked)</b>"; } else { $lt=""; } print "<tr> <td align='center'>$pt<a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewtopic={$r2['ft_id']}&lastpost=1'>{$r2['ft_name']}</a>$lt<br /> <small>{$r2['ft_desc']}</small></td> <td align='center'>{$r2['ft_posts']}</td> <td align='center'>$t1<br /> By: <a href='viewuser.php?u={$r2['ft_owner_id']}'>{$r2['ft_owner_name']}</a></td> <td align='center'>$t2<br /> By: <a href='viewuser.php?u={$r2['ft_last_id']}'>{$r2['ft_last_name']}</a></td> </tr>\n"; } print "</table>"; } function viewtopic() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; $precache=array(); $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$_GET['viewtopic']}"); $topic=$db->fetch_row($q); $q2=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_forums WHERE ff_id={$topic['ft_forum_id']}"); $forum=$db->fetch_row($q2); if(($forum['ff_auth']=='gang' AND $ir['gang'] != $forum['ff_owner'] and $ir["user_level"] < 2) OR ($forum['ff_auth'] == 'staff' AND $ir['user_level'] < 2)) { print "You have no permission to view this forum.<br /> > <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Back</a>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } print "<big><a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Forums Home</a> >> <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewforum={$forum['ff_id']}'>{$forum['ff_name']}</a> >> <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewtopic={$_GET['viewtopic']}'>{$topic['ft_name']}</a></big><br /><br />"; $posts_per_page=20; $posts_topic=$topic['ft_posts']; $pages=ceil($posts_topic/$posts_per_page); $st= ($_GET['st']) ? $_GET['st'] : 0; if($_GET['lastpost']) { $st=($pages-1)*20; } $pst=-20; print "Pages: "; for($i=1;$i<=$pages;$i++) { $pst+=20; print "<a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewtopic={$topic['ft_id']}&st=$pst'>"; if($pst == $st) { print "<b>"; } print $i; if($pst == $st) { print "</b>"; } print "</a> "; if($i % 25 == 0) { print "<br />"; } } print "<br />"; if($ir['user_level'] > 1) { print " <form action='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?act=move&topic={$_GET['viewtopic']}' method='post'><b>Move topic to:</b> ".forum_dropdown($c, 'forum', -1)."<input type='submit' value='Move' /></form><br /> <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?act=pin&topic={$_GET['viewtopic']}''><img src='sticky.jpg' alt='Pin/Unpin Topic' title='Pin/Unpin Topic' /></a><a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?act=lock&topic={$_GET['viewtopic']}''><img src='lock.jpg' alt='Lock/Unlock Topic' title='Lock/Unlock Topic' /></a><a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?act=deletopic&topic={$_GET['viewtopic']}''><img src='delete.gif' alt='Delete Topic' title='Delete Topic' /></a><br />"; } print " <table cellspacing='1' class='table' width='100%' border='0'>\n"; $q3=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE fp_topic_id={$topic['ft_id']} ORDER BY fp_time ASC LIMIT $st, 20"); $no=$st; while($r=$db->fetch_row($q3)) { $qlink="[<a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?act=quote&viewtopic={$_GET['viewtopic']}&quotename=". strip_html_tags($r['fp_poster_name']). "&quotetext=".urlencode($r['fp_text']). "'>Quote Post</a>]"; if($ir['user_level'] > 1 || $ir['userid']==$r['fp_poster_id']) { $elink="[<a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?act=edit&post={$r['fp_id']}&topic={$_GET['viewtopic']}'>Edit Post</a>]"; } else { $elink=""; } $no++; if($no > 1 and $ir['user_level'] > 1) { $dlink="[<a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?act=delepost&post={$r['fp_id']}'>Delete Post</a>]"; } else { $dlink=""; } $t=date('F j Y, g:i:s a',$r['fp_time']); if($r['fp_edit_count'] > 0) { $edittext="\n<br /><i>Last edited by <a href='viewuser.php?u={$r['fp_editor_id']}'>{$r['fp_editor_name']}</a> at ".date('F j Y, g:i:s a',$r['fp_editor_time']).", edited <b>{$r['fp_edit_count']}</b> times in total.</i>"; } else { $edittext=""; } if(!$precache[$r['fp_poster_id']]['userid']) { $membq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$r['fp_poster_id']}"); $memb=$db->fetch_row($membq); $precache[$memb['userid']]=$memb; } else { $memb=$precache[$r['fp_poster_id']]; } $rank=forums_rank($memb['posts']); if($memb['forums_avatar']) { $av="<img src='{$memb['forums_avatar']}' width='100' height='100' />"; } else { $av="<img src='noav.gif' />"; } if(!$memb['forums_signature']) { $memb['forums_signature']="No Signature"; } else {$memb['forums_signature']=$bbc->bbcode_parse($memb['forums_signature']); } $r['fp_text']=$bbc->bbcode_parse($r['fp_text']); print "<tr> <th align='center'>Post #{$no}</th> <th align='center'>Subject: {$r['fp_subject']}<br /> Posted at: $t $qlink$elink$dlink</th> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top><a href='viewuser.php?u={$r['fp_poster_id']}'>{$r['fp_poster_name']}</a> [{$r['fp_poster_id']}]<br /> $av<br /> Level: {$memb['level']}</td> <td valign=top>{$r['fp_text']} {$edittext}<br /> -------------------<br /> {$memb['forums_signature']}</td> </tr>"; } print "</table>"; $pst=-20; print "Pages: "; for($i=1;$i<=$pages;$i++) { $pst+=20; print "<a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewtopic={$topic['ft_id']}&st=$pst'>"; if($pst == $st) { print "<b>"; } print $i; if($pst == $st) { print "</b>"; } print "</a> "; if($i % 25 == 0) { print "<br />"; } } if(!$topic['ft_locked']) { print <<<EOF <br /><br /> <b>Post a reply to this topic:</b><br /> <form action='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?reply={$topic['ft_id']}' method='post'> <table cellspacing='1' class='table' width='80%' border='0'> <tr> <td align='right'>Subject:</td> <td align='left'><input type='text' name='fp_subject' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='right'>Post:</td> <td align='left'><textarea rows='7' cols='40' name='fp_text'></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='Post Reply'></th> </tr> </table> </form> EOF; } else { print "<br /><br /> <i>This topic has been locked, you cannot reply to it.</i>"; } } function reply() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$_GET['reply']}"); $topic=$db->fetch_row($q); $q2=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_forums WHERE ff_id={$topic['ft_forum_id']}"); $forum=$db->fetch_row($q2); if(($forum['ff_auth']=='gang' AND $ir['gang'] != $forum['ff_owner']) OR ($forum['ff_auth'] == 'staff' AND $ir['user_level'] < 2)) { print "You have no permission to reply to this topic.<br /> > <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Back</a>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if(!$topic['ft_locked']) { $u=$ir['username']; if($ir['ul_color']) { $uname="<font color='{$ir['ul_color']}'>"; if($ir['ul_isbold']) { $uname.="<b>"; } $uname.=$ir['username']; if($ir['ul_isbold']) { $uname.="</b>"; } $uname.="</font>"; $u=$uname; } else if($ir['donatordays']) { $u = "<font color=red>{$ir['username']}</font>"; } $u=mysql_escape($u); $db->query("INSERT INTO forum_posts VALUES('', {$_GET['reply']}, {$forum['ff_id']}, $userid, '$u', unix_timestamp(), '{$_POST['fp_subject']}', '{$_POST['fp_text']}', 0, '', 0, 0)") or die(mysql_error()); $db->query("UPDATE forum_topics SET ft_last_id=$userid, ft_last_name='$u', ft_last_time=unix_timestamp(), ft_posts=ft_posts+1 WHERE ft_id={$_GET['reply']}"); $db->query("UPDATE forum_forums SET ff_lp_time=unix_timestamp(), ff_posts=ff_posts+1, ff_lp_poster_id=$userid, ff_lp_poster_name='$u', ff_lp_t_id={$_GET['reply']}, ff_lp_t_name='{$topic['ft_name']}' WHERE ff_id={$forum['ff_id']}"); $db->query("UPDATE users SET posts=posts+1 WHERE userid=$userid"); print "<b>Reply Posted!</b><hr /><br />"; $_GET['lastpost']=1; $_GET['viewtopic']=$_GET['reply']; viewtopic(); } else { print " <i>This topic has been locked, you cannot reply to it.</i><br /> <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewtopic={$_GET['reply']}'>Back</a>"; } } function newtopicform() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_forums WHERE ff_id={$_GET['forum']}"); $r=$db->fetch_row($q); if(($r['ff_auth']=='gang' AND $ir['gang'] != $r['ff_owner']) OR ($r['ff_auth'] == 'staff' AND $ir['user_level'] < 2)) { print "You have no permission to view this forum.<br /> > <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Back</a>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } print <<<EOF <big><a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Forums Home</a> >> <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewforum={$_GET['forum']}'>{$r['ff_name']}</a> >> New Topic Form</big> <form action='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?act=newtopic&forum={$_GET['forum']}' method='post'> <table cellspacing='1' class='table' width='80%' border='0'> <tr> <td align=right>Topic Name:</td> <td align=left><input type='text' name='ft_name' value='' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right>Topic Description:</td> <td align=left><input type='text' name='ft_desc' value='' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right>Topic Text:</td> <td align=left><textarea rows='8' cols='45' name='fp_text'></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan=2><input type='submit' value='Post Topic' /></th> </tr> </table> EOF; } function newtopic() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_forums WHERE ff_id={$_GET['forum']}"); $r=$db->fetch_row($q); if(($r['ff_auth']=='gang' AND $ir['gang'] != $r['ff_owner']) OR ($r['ff_auth'] == 'staff' AND $ir['user_level'] < 2)) { print "You have no permission to view this forum.<br /> > <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Back</a>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } $u=$ir['username']; if($ir['ul_color']) { $uname="<font color='{$ir['ul_color']}'>"; if($ir['ul_isbold']) { $uname.="<b>"; } $uname.=$ir['username']; if($ir['ul_isbold']) { $uname.="</b>"; } $uname.="</font>"; $u=$uname; } else if($ir['donatordays']) { $u = "<font color=red>{$ir['username']}</font>"; } $u=mysql_escape($u); $db->query("INSERT INTO forum_topics VALUES('', {$_GET['forum']}, '{$_POST['ft_name']}', '{$_POST['ft_desc']}', 0, $userid, '$u', unix_timestamp(), 0, '', 0, 0, 0)"); $i=$db->insert_id(); $db->query("INSERT INTO forum_posts VALUES('', {$i}, {$r['ff_id']}, $userid, '$u', unix_timestamp(), '{$_POST['ft_desc']}', '{$_POST['fp_text']}', 0, '', 0, 0)") or die(mysql_error()); $db->query("UPDATE forum_topics SET ft_last_id=$userid, ft_last_name='$u', ft_last_time=unix_timestamp(), ft_posts=ft_posts+1 WHERE ft_id={$i}"); $db->query("UPDATE forum_forums SET ff_lp_time=unix_timestamp(), ff_posts=ff_posts+1, ff_topics=ff_topics+1, ff_lp_poster_id=$userid, ff_lp_poster_name='$u', ff_lp_t_id={$i}, ff_lp_t_name='{$_POST['ft_name']}' WHERE ff_id={$r['ff_id']}"); $db->query("UPDATE users SET posts=posts+1 WHERE userid=$userid"); print "<b>Topic Posted!</b><hr /><br />"; $_GET['viewtopic']=$i; viewtopic(); } function emptyallforums() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; $db->query("update forum_forums set ff_lp_time=0, ff_lp_poster_id=0, ff_lp_poster_name='N/A', ff_lp_t_id=0, ff_lp_t_name='N/A',ff_posts=0, ff_topics=0"); $db->query("truncate forum_topics"); $db->query("truncate forum_posts"); } function quote() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$_GET['viewtopic']}"); $topic=$db->fetch_row($q); $q2=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_forums WHERE ff_id={$topic['ft_forum_id']}"); $forum=$db->fetch_row($q2); if(($forum['ff_auth']=='gang' AND $ir['gang'] != $forum['ff_owner']) OR ($forum['ff_auth'] == 'staff' AND $ir['user_level'] < 2)) { print "You have no permission to reply to this topic.<br /> > <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Back</a>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } print "<big><a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Forums Home</a> >> <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewforum={$forum['ff_id']}'>{$forum['ff_name']}</a> >> <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewtopic={$_GET['viewtopic']}'>{$topic['ft_name']}</a> >> Quoting a Post</big><br /><br />"; if(!$topic['ft_locked']) { print <<<EOF <br /><br /> <b>Post a reply to this topic:</b><br /> <form action='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?reply={$topic['ft_id']}' method='post'> <table cellspacing='1' class='table' width='80%' border='0'> <tr> <td align='right'>Subject:</td> <td align='left'><input type='text' name='fp_subject' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='right'>Post:</td> <td align='left'><textarea rows='7' cols='40' name='fp_text'>[quote={$_GET['quotename']}]{$_GET['quotetext']}[/quote] </textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='Post Reply'></th> </tr> </table> </form> EOF; } else { print " <i>This topic has been locked, you cannot reply to it.</i><br /> <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewtopic={$_GET['viewtopic']}'>Back</a>"; } } function edit() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$_GET['topic']}"); $topic=$db->fetch_row($q); $q2=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_forums WHERE ff_id={$topic['ft_forum_id']}"); $forum=$db->fetch_row($q2); if(($forum['ff_auth']=='gang' AND $ir['gang'] != $forum['ff_owner']) OR ($forum['ff_auth'] == 'staff' AND $ir['user_level'] < 2)) { print "You have no permission to view this forum.<br /> > <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Back</a>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } $q3=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE fp_id={$_GET['post']}"); $post=$db->fetch_row($q3); if(!($ir['user_level'] > 1 || $ir['userid']==$post['fp_poster_id'])) { print "You have no permission to edit this post.<br /> > <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Back</a>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } print "<big><a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Forums Home</a> >> <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewforum={$forum['ff_id']}'>{$forum['ff_name']}</a> >> <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?viewtopic={$_GET['topic']}'>{$topic['ft_name']}</a> >> Editing a Post</big><br /><br />"; print <<<EOF <form action='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php?act=editsub&topic={$topic['ft_id']}&post={$_GET['post']}' method='post'> <table cellspacing='1' class='table' width='80%' border='0'> <tr> <td align='right'>Subject:</td> <td align='left'><input type='text' name='fp_subject' value='{$post['fp_subject']}' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='right'>Post:</td> <td align='left'><textarea rows='7' cols='40' name='fp_text'>{$post['fp_text']} </textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='Edit Post'></th> </tr> </table> </form> EOF; } function editsub() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$_GET['topic']}"); $topic=$db->fetch_row($q); $q2=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_forums WHERE ff_id={$topic['ft_forum_id']}"); $forum=$db->fetch_row($q2); if(($forum['ff_auth']=='gang' AND $ir['gang'] != $forum['ff_owner']) OR ($forum['ff_auth'] == 'staff' AND $ir['user_level'] < 2)) { print "You have no permission to view this forum.<br /> > <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Back</a>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } $q3=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE fp_id={$_GET['post']}"); $post=$db->fetch_row($q3); if(!($ir['user_level'] > 1 || $ir['userid']==$post['fp_poster_id'])) { print "You have no permission to edit this post.<br /> > <a href='http://syndicatelord.com/forums.php'>Back</a>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } $db->query("UPDATE forum_posts SET fp_subject='{$_POST['fp_subject']}', fp_text='{$_POST['fp_text']}', fp_editor_id=$userid, fp_editor_name='{$ir['username']}', fp_editor_time=unix_timestamp(), fp_edit_count=fp_edit_count+1 WHERE fp_id={$_GET['post']}"); print "<b>Post Edited!</b><hr /><br />"; $_GET['viewtopic']=$_GET['topic']; viewtopic(); } function recache_forum($forum) { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; print "Recaching forum ID $forum ... "; $q=$db->query("SELECT p.*,t.* FROM forum_posts p LEFT JOIN forum_topics t ON p.fp_topic_id=t.ft_id WHERE p.fp_forum_id=$forum ORDER BY p.fp_time DESC LIMIT 1"); if(!$db->num_rows($q)) { $db->query("update forum_forums set ff_lp_time=0, ff_lp_poster_id=0, ff_lp_poster_name='N/A', ff_lp_t_id=0, ff_lp_t_name='N/A',ff_posts=0, ff_topics=0 where ff_id={$forum}"); print " ... Done"; } else { $r=$db->fetch_row($q); $tn=mysql_escape($r['ft_name']); $pn=mysql_escape($r['fp_poster_name']); $posts=$db->num_rows($db->query("SELECT fp_id FROM forum_posts WHERE fp_forum_id=$forum")); $topics=$db->num_rows($db->query("SELECT ft_id FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_forum_id=$forum")); $db->query("update forum_forums set ff_lp_time={$r['fp_time']}, ff_lp_poster_id={$r['fp_poster_id']}, ff_lp_poster_name='$pn', ff_lp_t_id={$r['ft_id']}, ff_lp_t_name='$tn',ff_posts=$posts, ff_topics=$topics where ff_id={$forum}"); print " ... Done<br />"; } } function recache_topic($forum) { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc; print "Recaching topic ID $forum ... "; $q=$db->query("SELECT p.* FROM forum_posts p WHERE p.fp_topic_id=$forum ORDER BY p.fp_time DESC LIMIT 1"); if(!$db->num_rows($q)) { $db->query("update forum_topics set ft_last_id=0, ft_last_time=0, ft_last_name='N/A',ft_posts=0 where ft_id={$forum}"); print " ... Done"; } else { $r=$db->fetch_row($q); $pn=mysql_escape($r['fp_poster_name']); $posts=$db->num_rows($db->query("SELECT fp_id FROM forum_posts WHERE fp_topic_id=$forum")); $db->query("update forum_topics set ft_last_id={$r['fp_poster_id']}, ft_last_time={$r['fp_time']}, ft_last_name='$pn',ft_posts=$posts where ft_id={$forum}"); print " ... Done<br />"; } } function move() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc; if($ir['user_level'] < 2) { die(""); } $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$_GET['topic']}"); $topic=$db->fetch_row($q); $q2=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_forums WHERE ff_id={$_POST['forum']}"); $forum=$db->fetch_row($q2); $db->query("UPDATE forum_topics SET ft_forum_id={$_POST['forum']} WHERE ft_id={$_GET['topic']}"); $db->query("UPDATE forum_posts SET fp_forum_id={$_POST['forum']} WHERE fp_topic_id={$_GET['topic']}"); print "Topic moved...<br />"; stafflog_add("Moved Topic {$topic['ft_name']} to {$forum['ff_name']}"); recache_forum($topic['ft_forum_id']); recache_forum($_POST['forum']); } function lock() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; if($ir['user_level'] < 2) { die(""); } $db->query("UPDATE forum_topics SET ft_locked=-ft_locked+1 WHERE ft_id={$_GET['topic']}"); $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$_GET['topic']}"); $r=$db->fetch_row($q); print "<b>{$r['ft_name']}</b>'s lock status changed, if it was unlocked, it will now be locked, otherwise, it will be unlocked."; if($r['ft_locked']==0) { stafflog_add("Unlocked Topic {$r['ft_name']}"); } else { stafflog_add("Locked Topic {$r['ft_name']}"); } } function pin() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; if($ir['user_level'] < 2) { die(""); } $db->query("UPDATE forum_topics SET ft_pinned=-ft_pinned+1 WHERE ft_id={$_GET['topic']}"); $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$_GET['topic']}"); $r=$db->fetch_row($q); print "<b>{$r['ft_name']}</b>'s pin status changed, if it was unpinned, it will now be pinned, otherwise, it will be unpinned."; if($r['ft_pinned']==0) { stafflog_add("Unpinned Topic {$r['ft_name']}"); } else { stafflog_add("Pinned Topic {$r['ft_name']}"); } } function delepost() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; if($ir['user_level'] < 2) { die(""); } $q3=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE fp_id={$_GET['post']}"); $post=$db->fetch_row($q3); $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$post['fp_topic_id']}"); $topic=$db->fetch_row($q); $u=mysql_escape($post['fp_poster_name']); $db->query("DELETE FROM forum_posts WHERE fp_id={$post['fp_id']}"); print "Post deleted...<br />"; recache_topic($post['fp_topic_id']); recache_forum($post['fp_forum_id']); stafflog_add("Deleted post ({$post['fp_subject']}) in {$topic['ft_name']}"); } function deletopic() { $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$_GET['topic']}"); $topic=$db->fetch_row($q); $db->query("DELETE FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$_GET['topic']}"); $db->query("DELETE FROM forum_posts WHERE fp_topic_id={$_GET['topic']}"); print "Deleting topic... Done<br />"; recache_forum($topic['ft_forum_id']); stafflog_add("Deleted topic {$topic['ft_name']}"); } $h->endpage(); ?> Get the error: Only page that shows up is the original "forum.php", any other pages relating to this file give me the error above. Thanks in advance?
  3. @ xtopolis; I'll send you my executed SQL Query. It's basically all strings. The line(s) of LSL I use is also listed below. (See the llHTTPRequest().) LSL; default { link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if(num==10) { if(str=="save") { sound(); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,8,"Saving preferences.",NULL_KEY); pref=TRUE; list t=llParseString2List(llKey2Name(llGetOwner()),[" "],[]); text="&name="+t_name+"&sex="+t_sex+"&status="+t_status+"&species="+t_species+"&thoughts="+t_thoughts+"&orientation="+t_orientation+"&comments="+t_comments; string queryid=llHTTPRequest("http://shineelab.com/mg/mgprefdba.php?add=1&password=*removed*&firstname="+llList2String(t,0)+"&lastname="+llList2String(t,1)+"&color="+(string)c_color+(string)text,[HTTP_METHOD,"POST"],""); llSay(0,"http://shineelab.com/mg/mgprefdba.php?add=1&password=*removed*&firstname="+llList2String(t,0)+"&lastname="+llList2String(t,1)+"&color="+(string)c_color+(string)text); } if(str=="load") { sound(); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,8,"Loading preferences.",NULL_KEY); pref=TRUE; load=TRUE; string queryid=llHTTPRequest("http://shineelab.com/mg/mgprefdba.php?search="+llKey2Name(llGetOwner()),[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],""); } } } } SQL Query; -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 2.11.0 -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net -- -- Host: mysql.mesgahosters.com -- Password: **** -- Generation Time: Oct 07, 2008 at 09:43 PM -- Server version: 3.23.32 -- PHP Version: 4.4.8 SET SQL_MODE="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; -- -- Database: `shinee1_slkeys` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `multigadgetpref` -- CREATE TABLE `multigadgetpref` ( `firstname` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `lastname` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `color` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `sex` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `status` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `species` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `thoughts` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `orientation` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `comments` varchar(255) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; (edited by kenrbnsn to add tags)
  4. @ xtopolis; Haha that's awesome. It's always good to hear I'm not alone when it comes to Second Life. I'd also be glad to teach you a few things since you're helping me with this. And, I've done custom scripting since the time I began, I even have a gadget/tool type thing. In fact, the PHP script I'm needing help on is for in-game profiling, like advanced Second Life profiles, for my gadget/tool users. The in-game script does all the posting. My in-game name is Alba Ashby, or Organized Republic. Either one is checked several times a week. Second Life is addicting when you're good at it.
  5. @ xtopolis; Alright. $double checks if there is already a query for that first name, if so, it updates the other data posted. If nothing is set it does display rows of data. And $double is only for that row/user, yes. So if there is no data from the $double (If there is not a row/user to update.) it creates one. The update and add are password protected, if the password is wrong then the script doesn't respond. Thanks, I started scripting LSL (Linden Scripting Language) 3 years ago and got really good, that's where a lot of my formatting came from. :-X
  6. @ xtopolis; Yeah, I thought if you requested the data in the string it would take it as that being the string. :-X Could you help me get that code right? I'm rather new to PHP.
  7. The error is it doesn't add or update the SQL database. I placed the echo in each possible outcome but I get nothing.
  8. I've been working on this script for a while, I've searched for answers, and I finally gave up. Therefore I registered to this site to get me some answers. Here's my code. It's for a profiling system. (Note: 'removed' was the replacing message I used to cover up my real MySQL data.) <?php $connection = mysql_connect("removed","removed","removed"); mysql_select_db("removed", $connection); if(isset($_GET['search'])) { $search = explode(" ",$_GET['search']); $str = "SELECT * FROM `removed` WHERE firstname='{$search[0]}'"; if(count($search)>1) { $str .= " AND lastname='{$search[1]}'"; } } else if(isset($_GET['add'])) { $firstname = $_GET['firstname']; $lastname = $_GET['lastname']; $color = $_GET['color']; $name = $_GET['name']; $sex = $_GET['sex']; $status = $_GET['status']; $species = $_GET['species']; $thoughts = $_GET['thoughts']; $orientation = $_GET['orientation']; $comments = $_GET['comments']; $password = $_GET['password']; $double = "SELECT * FROM `removed` WHERE firstname='{$firstname}'"; if(double) { if($password=="toads") { echo "Preferences updated successfully."; mysql_query("UPDATE `removed` SET firstname='{$firstname}',lastname='{$lastname}',color='{$color}',name='{$name}',sex='{$sex}',status='{$status}',species='{$species}',thoughts='{$thoughts}',orientation='{$orientation}',comments='{$comments}'"); } } else { if($password=="toads") { echo "Preferences saved successfully."; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `removed` SET firstname='{$firstname}',lastname='{$lastname}',color='{$color}',name='{$name}',sex='{$sex}',status='{$status}',species='{$species}',thoughts='{$thoughts}',orientation='{$orientation}',comments='{$comments}'"); } } } else $str ="SELECT * FROM `removed` ORDER BY firstname"; if(!empty($str)) { $query = mysql_query($str); while($r=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { if($count) { echo "<br />"; } echo "{$r['firstname']} {$r['lastname']} {$r['color']} {$r['name']} {$r['sex']} {$r['status']} {$r['species']} {$r['thoughts']} {$r['orientation']} {$r['comments']}"; $count++; } } ?> (edited by kenrbnsn to change tags to tags)
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