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  1. Anyone? I'd really appreciate any tips or advice. Thanks!
  2. Hi, I run a cluster of 6 apache servers that share a common httpd.conf (through nfs). The problem I'm facing is with the log files. I do not want each server to store the log file on their own hard drives because of space restrictions, and I instead require the log files to be on the NFS mount (located at /array/). All six servers are writing to the log files at the same time, causing spliced lines and nearly unreadable output. My question is regarding this line: CustomLog /array/log/httpd-access.log combined Is there any way to save the log file to a dynamic path, such as: CustomLog /array/log/__$LOCAL_HOST_NAME$__/httpd-access.log Or even better, does anyone have any ideas on how to keep a single log file for all servers, without splicing and mutilating the output, and without slowing down each server, waiting for locks on the file to release? I look forward to your help. Thanks in advance.
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